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If you want to kill humans, jump out a window and at least play the game the way it's supposed to be.. Because frankly, the game's not fun anymore when you go for MONTHS without having to worry about a zombie mob killing you, because all the typically zed players are breathing and shooting guns.
If you want to kill humans, jump out a window and at least play the game the way it's supposed to be.. Because frankly, the game's not fun anymore when you go for MONTHS without having to worry about a zombie mob killing you, because all the typically zed players are breathing and shooting guns.

====3. Farewell====
====3. Jeshua====
<i>Taken from the 4-H Forums</i><br><br>
d00d. Srssly. No matter how many times you shoot me, I will not make out with you! </3<br>
I hate to leave you guys like this, what with a group of pathetic harassers constantly griefing everyone, but I simply don't have the time for Urban Dead anymore. On top of that, Alex and I are on the same connection now, which makes it impossible for us to both play effectively, unless we donate.
''I like girls'' *Points at Alexis*

I refuse to donate to Kevan. He runs a game he does not care about. If he did care, the page EN keeps alone would be enough evidence needed for him to intervene and do something about in-game harassment, let alone the wiki defacements and newfound zerging. (Sjet Persona and lemonade? who are you kidding, Jeshua and Reveka?)
On top of this, all Kevan has done for almost a year now is find ways to fuck survivor players and make the game more advantageous for zombies. This isn't fair. We haven't had but maybe two good game updates in this timespan, while zeds have had so many that it's hard, damn near impossible, to keep a suburb running anymore, even with effective metagaming in place. It's too much work required for someone like myself, who unfortunately has a full-time job that does not allow him to get online during the day to check suburb conditions and barricade levels constantly. Even if I had this time, we don't have enough members anymore because of the constant harrassment that has driven over half of what was once our active roster completely out of the game.
Personally, I don't get it. What kind of pride can you possibly have knowing you completey ruined someone's game experience, and driven them from the game? How big of an asshole do you have to be, to get your jollies like that?
It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, had we not been obliterated by the combination of the Barhah Brigade and the Mall Tour, but as things currently sit, Huntley will most likely never be a safe suburb again, due to a combination of two children with a senseless personal vendetta, and a small handful of players who realized they made shitty zombies and are now harassing us just the same.
Hey, Sane Malk, do the Zerg Hunters Unlimited know you're zerging to harass us under their name as The Malton Thriller? Everyone in Huntley knows you're the same player. Btw, we've only had a situation with one of our players zerging, and I have repeatedly asked him to remove his alts from Huntley, because I don't approve of that playstyle. The rest of us play fairly, but you're still revive point griefing us, under both accounts. Doesn't seem like "zerg hunting" to me..
Foopid, Scootz.. It's not our fault you chose to join a less-than-successful zombie group that happened to form in the suburb we operate out of. We were never intentionally griefing either of you, simply playing the game as it's meant to be played.. Humans killing zombies, zombies killing humans. Had we known EON was defunct we'd have stopped specifically targetting the people that were it's members. We've stopped hunting Xethe since we was sensible enough to let us know the group had become defunct. We'd stopped targetting you two as well until you recently became PKers.
I signed up to play Urban Dead to play in a zombie apocalypse, not to play in a human vs. human turf war. I left Galbraith Hills and the GHDU because it had turned into a turf war between them and MxFxSx. We set up the 4-H to resume the old game. But the game has changed now. Everywhere there are problems with PK groups, because there haven't been any useful updates to game play in awhile and everyone's getting bored. It's also much easier to run a PK group than a zombie horde or a Protector-style Survivor group, because you don't have to be anywhere near as organized and you can hide wherever you want without ever having to lift a finger to barricade or tear down 'cades. You just hide, pick someone off, and then run away and hide again. Personally, that's not the game I signed up for. Zeds are supposed to be the enemy, not an obstacle.
Until I see a sign that Kevan is willing to do something to this game other than milk it for donations and cater only to zed players, you won't be seeing me around. I'll be on WoW, where I can choose whether or not I run the risk of being ganked by a random douchebag.


Revision as of 17:51, 20 October 2008

Character History

A scout originating from Shuttlebank, that eventually led a rag-tag group of scouts and firemen to Aires Crescent Fire Station and coordinated the efforts to battle a mob of zombies that subsequently sieged the building. The Fire Department did briefly fall, but was reclaimed after. His actions caught the interest of the Galbraith Hills Defence Union, where he once served as one of their two chiefs of the Northeast Sector.

Aiden left the GHDU, for Huntley Heights. There he foundedthe survivor group known as The 4-H.

Aiden participated in the Battle of Blackmore, helped organize The SHEARBASH operation, and was one of the founding forces behind the revival clinic at Veryard Crescent.

On 3/31/07, Aiden finally managed to evacuate his loved ones.

On 1/21/08, He returned to Malton with nothing more than a fresh change of clothes, and a vendetta.

Group History

My characters are in, or have participated in activities with the following groups.
The 4-H (founder)
The Abandoned (member)
Galbraith Hills Defence Union (former member and Section Chief)
The Merry Kings of Spangleham Forest (member)
The Stanbury Renegades (ally)
The Randallbank Coalition (ally)
The Yagoton Revivication Clinic (member)
The Caiger Mall Survivors
ROACH Klips (ally)
Rotten Tomatoes (ally)
Black Berets (ally/unofficial member)
The Gentleman Adventurers (ally)
Blackmore Bastard Brigade
Newgrounds (friend)
Zombie Squad (ally)

Personal Statement(s)

1. History Unpreserved

As you may notice, I have links in my page here that lead to nowhere. They used to lead to somewhere, and I think it's bullshit that they no longer do. Just because a group never annihlated mutiple malls, or brought a spotlight to themselves that made them known through all of Malton, does not mean they should be forgotten.

Please do a little more research on the pages you nominate for deletion. Just because you may have never heard much about a group doesn't mean they weren't important.

2. PKing

PKing is a big controversy in this game. Many players do it, many other players don't understand why. The players mentioned in the former attempt to justify it with all of these silly-farfetched ideals.. But what it comes down to is simple.

PKers are either people who a) can't hack it as zombies or b) have an incessant need to get their fun by ruining the play experiences of others. There is no justification for it. You either lost the patience to kill human players the way primarily intended, or you're assholes that need to ruin someone else's day in order to enjoy your own. It's as simple as that. The internet is full of you people, you're a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, in the UD environment, you're able to troll without the use of expletives, shock links, or excessive flaming, because all you need is a few guns worth of ammo and some decent RNG rolls.

Yes, I'm well aware that Kevan left the ability to kill your own side in as a way to promote realism, but that's still clearly not the way the game is meant to be played. People sign up in this game to play a war against zombies, not against other humans. Many of them leave after being shot in the face by another human at random.

If you want to kill humans, jump out a window and at least play the game the way it's supposed to be.. Because frankly, the game's not fun anymore when you go for MONTHS without having to worry about a zombie mob killing you, because all the typically zed players are breathing and shooting guns.

3. Jeshua

d00d. Srssly. No matter how many times you shoot me, I will not make out with you! </3
I like girls *Points at Alexis*


My journal for Aiden can be found here. Unfortunately I ran out of time to keep writing long before I ran out of time to keep playing.

I'd also like to quote another user here, who also left because of UD pettiness.

"If ANY of your in game strategies, in or out of character, involve seeking revenge, you need to take a break. If you have ANY out of game strategies - and it doesn't matter if you're in character or not - you probably need to quit. This is more concerning things like forum spying. Recruiting is okay as long as you don't over do it.

NEVER let your pride get in the way of things. If someone does something that bothers you, confront them calmly and courteously FIRST, and it's even best if you do it in private. If you do this, you're likey to avoid most of your problems. Of course, there will always be those people that are just plain jerks regardless of everything. Pity them. Their real lives probably suck, and they're looking for an outlet." -Mia Kristos

Moral: It's a fucking game. Vendettas are stupid and pointless. Download a life.