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|'''Drunk Link2500'''
|'''Drunk Link2500'''
|'''Executive Officer  
|'''Executive Officer  
|'''Active Duty
|'''Danny Ryman'''
|'''Field Operative
|'''Active Duty
|'''Active Duty

Revision as of 23:34, 18 November 2009

Victor Platoon
DSC 0284.jpg

Umbrella's Victor Platoon
Abbreviation: VP
Group Numbers: 11
Leadership: Kylac Leonard (Platoon Commander), Chairman LSU (CEO of Umbrella)
Goals: Executing combat-missions for the Umbrella Corporation
Recruitment Policy: Whiskey Graduates or being above level 10
Contact: Forum


General info

1. We are a part of Umbrella and take our orders directly from them.

2. We are Umbrella's second fully Operational Platoon.

3. For the current Operations, we will break away from Umbrella's main forces to challenge our own tactical prowess without the need for backup. However we have Reinforcements standing by.

4. Victor platoon was closed down and its members were merged with Omega's to form Sigma platoon in late 2008. However, on the 8th of June 2009, Victor has been restored to a full operational platoon. The historical Victor page can be found here


Platoon Members Position Status
Kylac Leonard Commanding Officer Active Duty
Drunk Link2500 Executive Officer Active Duty
Baw Medic Field Operative Active Duty
Hiro Dark Field Operative Active Duty
Officer Perim Field Operative Active Duty
SPC White Field Operative Active Duty
Hoshnasi Field Operative Active Duty
Romansrule3 Field Operatie Active Duty
Saint Renegade Field Operative Active Duty

Recruitment Policy

These are our general rules for application.

  • The player must intend on playing as a survivor.
  • The player must not be part of another group.
  • A player that was part of a GK'er or PK'er group must declare his/her hostilities to them and stop participating in the group's activities.
  • A player that was a zombie spy must cease such activities.
    • A player caught relaying information from this group to another without consent can find himself/herself put on a hit list. Accidents may happen but we will judge according to the circumstances.

If these rules are to your liking and you have a general interest in the operations of the Umbrella Corporation, then send your application here at our forums.

Umbrella Corp.gif Umbrella Employee
Our Business Is Life Itself!

To use this template, use the code: {{UCEmployee}}

Umbrella Corp.gif Victor Platoon Member VPflag.jpg
This User is in the Umbrella Corporation’s Victor Platoon.

To use this template, use the code: {{VictorPlatoon}}

Recent Operations in Malton

Operation: War Drum:

The link to the Report

Operation: Northeastern Crusade:

With all of Malton starting to take a turn for the worse, The Imperium of Man contacted Umbrella Corp (along with the UBCS) seeking help in retaking the northeastern suburbs. Accepting the call to arms, Whiskey Platoon was headed off to Huntely Heights. The Plowright Building was our first objective to secure. On December 6th, the Plowright Building was in survivor hands. Unfortunately, the zeds were drawn to the lights like moths to a fly zapper. December 7th saw the destrcution of both the Plowright Building and Solomon Lane Police Station. Knowing that it was going to be a long struggle, a new goal was set to fall back to the Gabe Building in Shearbank and set up a line of defense there. Fighting the zeds, a forward surge was made and the Plowright Building came back online on December 11th with the help of Victor Platoon members. The surge continued forward until most of Huntely Heights was back online. The Vicari Building being a new base of operations, Santlerville, home to the UBCS, was our next suburb to clear out. Dowdney Mall was our target of choice to take back. Omega Platoon being in Santlerville from the start, had a good foothold and a few secure locations for us to rest our weary heads. The mall was going to be a big struggle, with many lives being taken. Finally, on December 17th, the mall was going to be lit up and stay lit as a becon of hope for other survivors coming into the area. With the UBCS being back in its home suburb, they slowly pulled their remaining members out of the Northeastern Crusade and gathered at the mall. With the Imperium of Man, Umbrella Corp, Foxhound, and Death's Minions left, a decision was made to start the push north. Around this time, UBCS saw fit to break the Alliance of the Dagger by killing Skouth of the Umbrella Corp. A new war was on the horizon, one that was forshadowed by the corpse of our fallen comrade. This new war was going to be bloody. This new war was going to the be fought with the beat of the War Drums.

Operation: Homegrown Part Deux:

Beginning May 23rd, Umbrella again worked with the Roach Klips to clear out the suburb of Roachtown. Operations were considered a success June 1st. Not until the beginning fall of Nichols Mall on June 13th when the skeleton crew in Roachtown was not able to handle the now dangerous number of zeds encrouching on the suburb. Operations officially ended on June 2nd or 3rd when Victor Platoon was ordered to retake Ackland Mall.

Operation: Back Stab and Slash:

Ridleybank Resistance Front, one of the most feared names in all of the mess that is the Malton population of undead hordes. We have dealt with fractions of the group in the past and they are a very worthy foe, yet due to recent survivor coordinated events they had their back turned to their home suburb, and after Bale with moral high, Umbrella reached at the chance of grabbing a part of the suburb. Operation orders were sent out on the 14th of May and our two platoons and much of our employees swung into action to meet up with UBCS who were already in the area. Much to our surprise the suburb was largely unihabbited by zeds and the clean up was a quick one with Blackmore being the only small challenge. Several survivors had kept the suburb intact and once our sweeping operations were completed the whole operation was put to a stop on May 22nd so concentration could be moved elsewhere.

Operation: 1AZB:

Started as Orders 1AZB or, 1 Attack Zeds at Bale, on May 9th for Victor Platoon of Umbrella's 1st Battalion, was given the go ahead to be moved up to a whole corporation operation on May 12th. The operation was already in full swing and highly succesful with few casualties that were later revived. After the operation was declared the mall was retaken in just one and a half days. This operation has ceased as of May, 14th.

Operation: Reclaimer:

Lead by the temporary Director of Warfare, Leon Cane. Huge success! Thanks to Umbrella and allies in the suburbs all targeted areas were secured! Operation has ceased as of May 5th.