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800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
Medic.jpg Medic
This user is a medic and is probably off healing the troops.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 28.01 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: [Coming Soon]


Hi my name is Soldier, it ain't easy in Malton but I'm getting used to it. I have a few characters scattered in Malton (Most are near or in Dartside). You will see alot of stuff in my profile, enjoy!

Homeland: United States

Characters: Classified

Origonal Character: Soldier UDW

E-Mail: Classified

G-Mail: None

Group: Special Zombie Extermination Squad - Joined April 19, 2008

Now if you want to know much about me, thats also classified. So forget it.

My User page has editing problems so updating it will be tricky

Life in Malton

Log 1: Now I've work for truemaggot, however I' am new to this and I' am figuring it out now. But however I've killed zombies ever since and that wasen't easy also. But if you really want to know me, forget it. I' am a member of the Anti-zombie squad and I've seen survivors getting killed, I've healed survivors and cured their infections, and I have seen lots of stuff ever sinces the days go on. The Wigdahl Bank needs a Portable Generator and a Radio Transmitter and I've been thinking of when will HQ get these stuff. Someday they would get these things.

Log 2: Those day gone by fast, I've watched the dead wander the streets for months and heard them moaning almost everynight. I' am starting to go all crazy by myself but I didn't, I even wonder if Malton can be secured. Everyday a New Player enters the city and they be Human or Zombie. Suburbs are starting to fall in zombie hands. I was in a suburb and everywhere I turn, ramsacked building are always in the corner. I wonder when those Necro Tech scientist will turn those zeds back to being human again. I wonder if the undead ranks will shorten. I wonder if any AZS members could help bring those zeds down. Those thoughts will maybe some day put to bed. If Anti-zombie Squad will get more members It will be a better chance to bring down the living dead. Monroeville is already locked down and the citizens there have a better chance to restablish civilization there. If what if, we can get Necro Tech scientist to join the Anti-zombie Squad and they can turn the dead back to the living. We will stand a chance against the Living Dead.

Log 3: My origonal character has spent the night in a ruined building. Zombies haven't enter the ramsack building. I was lucky. In the day, I've went West to find a barricaded safehouse. Zombies were everywhere, I don't know if I' am going to survive until I found the Swithun General Hospital. The building is lightly barricaded. And 2 zombies are outside. I didn't went in. Instead I took shelter in a nearby building. That building is classified, you have to figure it out yourself.

Log 4: The NecroTech buildings in Dartside are overunned by the Living Dead. We have to get those buildings back some how but that is on debate. But what I've heard is those zombies have attacked their own. If that keeps up there would be less ramsacked buildings. Speaking of ramsacked buildings, we need to get them repaired for survivors in the city. Anti-zombie Squad will help but the problem is that we don't have anyone to help us with the reconstruction. And Psycopath (Player Killers) groups are in various suburbs. They will totally rip us off by killing the Construction Workers. So I' am going to be on the lookout for them. However none of my characters have the Construction Skill and I' am going to work for it if I' am going to restore ruined buildings. So if you are reading this right now, please help with the Ruined building problem. We are going to need all the help we can get.

Log 5: It is about 11:00PM, the zeds are roaming the streets. Whats inside the walls of Malton is death and its trying to get out. However I have a job to do. The Living Dead have taken most blocks in surrounding suburbs near Dartside. I have went to the Eley Way Police Deptpartment because the Anti-zombie Squad Headquarters are heavily barricaded. Someone tried to take down some of the barricades but didn't even removed a little. As I watched, the moon was bright and the air is cold. I can't belive I've almost turn into one of the Living Dead but I've been cured before I've got zombified. Even if I'm a zombie I would not hurt other survivors. But if I'm gonna survive, I'am going to need firepower. I've only have a pistol and I haven't used it yet. This flare gun looks promising and by using it are classified. So what I need to do is to gather supplies and wait till the Wigdahl Bank's barricades are at VSB. I've watched flares go up, but I've haven't investigated them. The undead ranks are growing and I've gotta find a way to weakened them. The zombies can be killed by destruction of the brain and shooting them in the head will give them an extra 5 AP to stand up. NecroTech is finding a solution and I'am going to check on what they have find tomorrow but I've heard that suburbs North of the city are mostly in zombie hands. Have a look for yourself at, it will be shown in red. Their's gotta be a way to get NecroTech employees to revive more zombies and its difficult to do so. I haven't talk into a radio for about a month and I haven't seen a radio transmitter either. I hope Anti-zombie Squad gets more members. We are going to need more members. And somebody take those zombies out.

Log 6: Its close to midnight. A few survivors took sheltor in the Wigdahl Bank. I've finally got there and a zombie have attacked it. There is only one and I've killed the zed to safe another survivor's life. I've made it to the Anti-zombie Squad Headquarters and not much people were there. Someone had decorated the lobby when I've got in. It was pretty. And not boyish or girly. And there is no portable generator here.

Log 7: Once again, I've tried to kill a zombie but I ran out of ammunition. And the nearest police station is extremely barricaded. I've got to try to get some more but I don't know where to get some more. I have wondered if any more survivors are coming.

Log 8: The dead have roam the streets, I' am all out of ammo and now what am I'm gonna do? With that porcipine killed a few hours ago, it sure did brought some zombies to it but if I'm gonna survive I need to get some more ammunation and that's not easy because I don't know where to start. So I better start.

Log 9: A local source had told me about a zombie. Which I don't know what he's talking about but what he told me will be a total shock. This zombie is new to Malton and already killed a survivor in one day. I was shocked and I don't know what to do so he told me to be on the lookout because he is a few blocks away from Fort Creedy. I've already put his name on the Anti-zombie Squad Wanted List. And now what will this new zombie do to survivors? And what is he wearing? I don't know but somebody already tagged him and now he is in Crowbank. But all I know he is a member of the Living Dead and he is a Player Killer. His name is Pandemic Thriller.

Log 10: As I've seen it. Welcome to Malton Population: 34,000. And there are more zombies in the city than Survivors. We are going to need more Zombie Hunters. Also, I've wonder if there's a way to bring down the numbers of the Living Dead. That won't be easy. So I would might start making a theory of the about Malton. Welcome to Malton Population: Zero. I wonder how am I gonna make it but I've gotta get more theories of how Malton will be wiped off the map.

Log 11: It has been a few days since I've left the overruned AZS HQ. I have started my own group called the Special Zombie Extermination Squad and I've already have 4 members (including me) and a Headquarters. I've don't know how long I've could hold up but I hope the other members are coming.

Log 12: Its already been 4 months and I'm already dead, I have been in Santlerville for weeks and have lost contact with my group members. Time to get revived, but where should I go? Their should be a Necro Tech building somewhere or maybe a revive point. Well now is the time to go searching for them. I have no reason to stay.

Origonal Character

Name: Soldier UDW

Class: Military

Level: 4

Group: Special Zombie Extermination Squad

Infected: Unknown

Character Type: Zombie

Survivor Appearrance: This is Soldier, member of the SZES. He would help you know matter what.

Zombie Appearrance: A zombie who wants to live again. Please revive this zed.

Wearing: a pair of safety goggles, a green beret, a white T-shirt, a blood-flecked camouflage jacket, a pair of camouflage trousers and a pair of steel toe-capped boots.


Survivor Skills: 1. Basic Firearms Training (Player gets +25% to hit with all firearms attacks.) , 1A. Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.) 2. Construction (Player is able to build barricades, repair machinery and restore ruined buildings.) 3. Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)

Zombie Skills: None

Joined: April 03, 2008

Supported Policys or Groups

Uniform Barricading Policy

Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.

Malton Police Departments Group

Police Helmet1.jpg Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.

Alliance of Fort Creedy

Fortress.jpg AoFC
This user, group, building, or area is part of the Alliance of Fort Creedy.

Malton Defence Group

Player Killer Reporting

Killer.jpg PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.

Anti-zombie Squad

Anti-zombie Squad
This user or group supports the Anti-zombie squad

The NecroTech Corperation Necrotech logo.png

