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Revision as of 23:53, 19 November 2009 by Rogue Medic (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the M.E.R.C.Y. talk page. Please take a moment to check the table of contents and place your message under the appropriate category. Alternately, you may communicate with as at the M.E.R.C.Y. forums.

If you're not a member and are seeking a revive, please make sure you are located at the Bhore Monument in Vinetown at coordinates [83,66] and use the revive tool or the CDF's CIT(view queue). Please do not place requests here. Thank you.

Tactics: October/November 2008

See below for daily updates on tactics & objectives during the rampage of the MOB & Feral Undead through the Four Corners Region of Malton.

We here at M.E.R.C.Y. admire the efforts and fair play of these undead fellows. We hope all survivors in the region will do their best to make their stay entertaining for all. Unaligned survivors looking for fun and profit over the next few days are encouraged to consult this page daily to see where the action's at, or get in contact with a member of M.E.R.C.Y. or other survivor groups in the Four Corners region.

Wanna FAK? M.E.R.C.Y calls on all survivors to join us in retaking Malton from the MOB! Join us at:

Date:Monday & Tuesday, 3 & 4 November
Time: All day
Objective: St. Gregory's Hospital (72,62) in Crowbank. Retake the hospital and grab supplies.
Secondary Objective: The Blocksidge Building (72,60) in Crowbank. Defend the building and grab supplies.

Make a stand! M.E.R.C.Y calls on all survivors to join us in retaking Malton from the MOB! Join us at:

Date: Monday & Tuesday, 3 & 4 November
Time: All day
Objective:Gelasius General Hospital (Vinetown) (83,60). Help defend the building and grab for supplies. Hold it if you can!
Secondary Objective: The MOB's moved on from Vinetown. Start reconstruction of theneighborhood's infrastructure--factories, auto shops & NTs.

Left out in the Cold? M.E.R.C.Y calls on all survivors to join us in retaking Malton from the MOB! Join us at:

Date: The week of 2 November
Objective: The MOB's moved on from Vinetown. Start reconstruction of the neighborhood's infrastructure!

Hey, wait a minute... won't the zombies read this page too?

--Of course they will. And that's fine. If they want to waste energy foiling our plots, that's less trouble they're up to elsewhere.
River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.


Interested in joining M.E.R.C.Y.? Register your request directly at the M.E.R.C.Y. forums.

Included below is communication made prior to the start up of the forums.

Sister Rita, Thank you for reviving me from the horrors of the undead "life"! I was just recently posted at the NecroTech Facility in the Browne Building, in northwest Edgecombe, but I now see that I was under-trained, under-informed, and wholly unprepared for the current situation here on in Malton. As my present circumstances have brought me to Vinetown, and your expedient revivification ensured that my time as a zombie was short, indeed, I am now quite inclined towards providing what aid I may to the survivors in Vinetown. If I am accepted into your organization, I will look forward to your counsel and guidance. Cordially,--Morgan Blair 18:14, 9 August 2007 (BST)
Yes, I remember you from the queue,'re still in my contacts. You're a fine candidate for M.E.R.C.Y. - thank you for your interest! Please add M.E.R.C.Y. to your Group Affiliation in your character profile. I'm close to your current location and should meet up with you later today. --Sister Rita 13:54, 10 August 2007 (BST)


Questions or comments about M.E.R.C.Y.? Place them here - please sign/date your post.

Alternately, contact us more directly via the M.E.R.C.Y. forums.


This is Nequa, know as Mindlessidiots on UD. I just wanted to say I noticed that the coordinates you listed on this page were wrong. You have the Bhore Monument coordinates as [82,66], but the coordinates are really [83,66]. Just something I thought you would want to know.

Keep on fighting those undead! --Nequa 22:32, 22 October 2008 (BST)

Thank you for noting the typo...apologies if this caused inconvenience. I have checked mention of it on our main page and elsewhere, including the Vinetown page, and apparently this was the only instance of the mistake. Fixed. --Sister Rita 10:31, 27 October 2008 (UTC)


Hey, Sergeant Wayman here, I am regrouping my forces in Vinetown after we stopped playing UD around Christmas time and didn't come back! Four of us are back now and we are keeping in touch with one other ex member. We will re-recruit active and elite people and I will produce a new wiki page and design a new website along with some forums. Are you guys still fully active? --Josh508 15:47, 13 July 2008 (BST)

I'm sorry I missed this note, Sergeant. As the notice above indicates, more direct contact can be made with us at the forums...I must admit I do not check here as often. Apologies for the delay in response. Yes, M.E.R.C.Y. is still quite active in the Vinetown vicinity. --Sister Rita 19:35, 16 August 2008 (BST)

Salutations from the VZW

Thank you for taking the time to visit our group site and to post an invitation to form an alliance. The VZW would be proud to count your group as an ally. We have worked together with MDK since our inception and have been closely associated with other local pro-survivor groups such as the Edgecombe Families, the Junkyard Dogs and Alliance of Fort Creedy. As you noticed, many of our group members are currently out of the sub-urb on our Zedapalooza Tour, M.E.R.C.Y. members are certainly welcome to catch up to the tour at any point (just check the wiki for dates and locations). Hope to see you around! Feel free to add the VZW to your list of allies and with your permission we shall do the same with your group. --Shazzelim 12:47, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

RP listing

Hey, I'm tinkering with a new method of dealing with the RP listings from the List of Revivification Points, and I'm using M.E.R.C.Y.'s page as an example. If you don't like it, or think it needs to be changed, please just discuss it, for the time being, as I need to keep it up for the folks who maintain the RP list page to take a look and see how the system works (or doesn't work). But I think it makes a nice addition! --Morgan Blair 18:07, 28 August 2007 (BST)

Looks OK to me, Morgan - in fact, I rather like it! Good work! --Sister Rita 20:18, 28 August 2007 (BST)

Greetings from The Scarlet Lantern

Hi Sister Rita! It's great to hear from you! I'll look you up next time i'm in Vinetown, it'd be great to catch up! In the meantime, good luck, and stay safe! Your friend, Scarlett! Scarlett swift 18:10, 30 September 2007 (BST)

Good to hear from you as well, Scarlett. I look forward to seeing you again! --Sister Rita 00:26, 1 October 2007 (BST)

Thanks and Greetings

Sergeant Wayman here, I would like to thank you for a such a prompt revive in such a dangerous zone. I understand Sister Rita carried out the revive and I hope to see more of M.E.R.C.Y. while I fight with my people to get the police stations in working condition. I have died a lot more than I usually do whilst in vinetown, but it is worth it in the end. Thanks for the revive again!

I moved your message to the appropriate category. You're quite welcome, Sergeant..thank you for utilizing the tool to make your revive request. We look forward to working with you and yours in reclaiming Vinetown. Feel free to stop by our forums if you have need to contact us more directly. --Sister Rita 00:17, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the revive, DoktorOcto got me. We'll have a few more filtering down to your revive point at the monument from the giddings aftermath - there's already 13 there where there were 0 when i arrived yesterday! I'm sure the ACC will help you work through the queue once we're up to strength again. And again, thank you. --McWaffle 11:58, 1 February 2008 (UTC)

Edgecombe BP

As the MPDs new Chief Inspector for SE-2 (Stanbury Village, Roftwood, Edgecombe, Shackleville and Tollyton), I would like you to review my suggested new Edgecombe BP.--Paul Power 16:47, 8 July 2008 (BST)


I'd like to welcome you to partake in the Survivor Lexicon discussion, as you were recommended by another user for your RP and writing experience. --RahrahCome join the #party!21:43, 8 October 2009 (BST)

Current Operations

Members of M.E.R.C.Y. are now directed to go to the M.E.R.C.Y. forums to communicate with each other under more secure conditions.

Included below is communication made prior to the start up of the forums.

At the moment, I am taking shelter in the Commins Bank [77,65], in Crowbank, until I regain my strength (not only am I quite weary [6 AP], I'm also seriously—if not gravely—wounded [25 HP]). However, as soon as I am able, I plan to make my way back to the St. Louis's Hospital in Edgecombe [73,55], as it is the closest hospital I am aware of that is both powered AND staffed (as I am both out of First Aid Kits AND need medical attention). After doing what research I am presently capable of, my initial opinion is that, due to the lack of any NecroTech Facilities in the suburb of Vinetown itself, securing the Maver Building in Edgecombe [79,58], and subsequently the Peter General Hospital [79,60], as, despite their positions outside of Vinetown in neighboring suburbs, they would be very effective locations with which to support the the Bhore Monument Revive Point [83,66]. --Morgan Blair 18:46, 9 August 2007 (BST)
Excellent research and observations - I concur! I've been taking advantage of the resources at Maver and Peter General since Mitchem was hit by LUE. Low on supplies myself, but I believe I can still spare a bit of First Aid. --Sister Rita 14:01, 10 August 2007 (BST)
Ah, well, I hope you're not on your way to Crowbank, as I've already made my way back to northwest Edgecombe, and have received sufficient medical attention by the staffers at St. Louis's Hospital. I need to rest, now, as I am still weary from my journey (I happened to intercept a near-hord of zombies, and so I took the opportunity to make some extractions along the way), but when I have recovered, I intend to spend about a day or so, stocking up on what supplies I may be able to find here. I am still in need of a few basic supplies (flak jacket, handheld radio, mobile phone, etc.), but I will wait on further communication from you prior to leaving my current location.--Morgan Blair 14:45, 10 August 2007 (BST)
No worries. I've got one request waiting for a revive on my list and then I can meet you in Edgecombe. I've never been to St. Louis's, but I know where it is. Meanwhile, rest and stock up - I'll get to you as soon as I can. I notice you're up to 81 xp. I'd recommend either acquiring Diagnosis (healing others is an excellent way to get XP...5 per FAK) or keep saving up toward the 150 for Free Running (a vital skill for continued survival). --Sister Rita 15:45, 10 August 2007 (BST)
Sister Rita, be cautious if you're on your way to St Louis's Hospital. I took the calculated risk of sheltering there (reckless, I know), and we were attack earlier today. After a brief skirmish, things look uncertain. Currently, there are two zombies inside the building, where the barricades are in the process of being rebuild, with three survivors present. One of the survivors is extremely skilled (Level 41), but the other two are ever less trained then I (and, by the way, I have now added the skill of Diagnosis to my arsenal of skills). The zombies inside were already scanned, and I was only able to determine the status of one, as being rather dangerous (Level 17). I finished scanning the five zombies outside, and then took shelter in the nearby Gynn Bank [72,44], where I shall soon be asleep. I am almost at full health, having taken only a single, minor wound in the conflict, but have once again exhausted my medical supplies. I will reassess the situation once I have fully rested, and if the hospital fate is still unresolved, I will attempt to render aid to the combatants. --Morgan Blair 19:53, 11 August 2007 (BST)
Cleared the last person on my revive list and headed to meet you. I saw you in the hospital - thanks for the warning. Doors were wide open. I raised your cades back to VSB+2. Be cautious - don't overdo it and leave yourself without the ability to get to shelter. Gynn is still a safe fallback location for now (VSB). I'm currently nearby in Rathbone Cinema [71,54]. I've informed some survivors in surrounding locations of the problem and have asked for assistance. I'll check back when I've had the chance to rest. Excellent news about Diagnosis...I think that's a good choice. Between making targeted heals and DNA scanning you'll build XP quickly (I note you're already back up to 54 XP - nice job!). I highly recommend you now save up for Free Running. Meanwhile, I can help with scouting safe locations that you can enter. --Sister Rita 04:59, 12 August 2007 (BST)
Sorry I've been out of touch, but I've been somewhat harried and on the run. St. Louis's Hospital continued to be under contention, and after the generator was destroyed, I no longer had the same incentive to remain. Unfortunately, the next hospital I went to was under much the same situation (Denis General), but the local barricades have been too heavy for me to pass. I've been extracting DNA from the local undead population, and rendering critical care to the survivors where I can, but until I complete my current course of training in "Free Running", my effectivity is somewhat hampered. I must admit, my aptitude has always been heavily weighted towards the academic pursuits, and I am finding this to be a particularly difficult skill to master, indeed. On the morrow, I intend to check in at Margaret General Hospital, immediately southwest of my present location, but please advise me if you are aware of any hospitals in the near vicinity that are currently powered, as I must say that I am quite weary of picking through these various facilities detritus in near-total darkness. And so, as soon as I find a well-lit (and well-defended) hospital with a locally accessible safe-house, I plan to spend near to a full week scavenging for unused medical supplies, before setting out again. As always, however, your advice and guidance is extremely welcome.--Morgan Blair 03:34, 14 August 2007 (BST)
I have completed my training course in "Free Running". Also, the local survivors have reestablished power at Denis General Hospital, so I plan on remaining in the area for the time being, stocking up on available supplies and continuing to extract DNA from the local undead populace, until I receive further direction. --Morgan Blair 22:19, 14 August 2007 (BST)
I am continuing to focus on training, loosely using the Denis General Hospital [71,56] as a base of operations, as the local survivors have managed to adequately defend both this and the immediately surrounding safe-houses. However, I soon became aware of a near-horde of zombies congregating at the nearby Hildebrand Mall [66,55-67,56], and so I have been focusing on the opportunity to collect a great number of data samples for the NecroNet, rather then exercising my currently limited skills in emergency medical care, particularly as there are at least few survivors with advanced medical training frequenting Denis General. It's dangerous, certainly, and I've been attacked on more then one occasion, but with the support of dependable medical care so close at hand, it's just too rich an opportunity to pass up. Sister, I must admit, I feel badly about my long absence from the focus of M.E.R.C.Y.'s cause, Vinetown, despite the mitigating circumstance that my lack of adequate training presents. But know that I remain steadfast, committed to our goal of meeting the needs of Vinetown's surviving denizens. Faithfully, --Morgan Blair 15:38, 16 August 2007 (BST)
My goodness - you've been busy! Congratulations on your continued success, and I look forward to working with you! I'm currently restocking at Peter General just over the Vinetown border in Crowbank. ((RL - I'm currently on vacation, away from my computer...probably through next Monday/Tuesday. Upon returning, perhaps we should look into a more convenient way of communicating with each other.))--Sister Rita 15:56, 16 August 2007 (BST)
Peter General Hospital, important work to be sure, what with Vinetown residents having to seek outside the suburb for urgent medical care, due to Galasius General Hospital being so dangerous these days. ((Enjoy your vacation.)) --Morgan Blair 16:10, 16 August 2007 (BST)

Regarding operations, have you any troops or medics to spare to fight the big bash head on? We got fed up with the fear of the big bash and we are dragging ourselves into Whittenside to fight them and the occupiers of Fort Perryn. Care to join us? --Josh508 18:01, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre, 2009

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

This may seem like a stupid question, but it's for all groups, regardless of size. Cheers! --Janus talk 17:55, 13 February 2009 (UTC)


I'm a representative of the DEM. We are on our way to Vinetown at the moment to assist with cleaning the suburb. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask! I'll pass the info on to my superiors -Chekken, Malton Forensics Unit Chekken 03:29, 25 August 2009 (BST)


Hello people of M.E.R.C.Y., this is Rogue Medic asking if you want to join in on the mission to defend fort perryn.-- [User:Rogue Medic|Rogue Medic]] 18:52, 19 November 2009