These are all the members from the past and present of the South Paynterton Aces.
Members are encouraged to add any titles they wish and their own names to this list.
- Aaralyn Leane; mistress of Medicine.
- ace0
- aisuru
- AlexanderStone
- Andrew Cohen
- Aust Ladon
- Axe Beckham
- Bear Norris
- bobert2
- BobSkitzo
- Busem
- Caman92
- Catherine Sage
- Cedric Vallen
- Chimp369
- Corrosive30
- cryptrocket2; just trying to keep the gears of revival greased and moving.
- Daisie Greenhowe
- Dan Alberti
- Dave Chapelle; The messenger
- Diano (Dr. Diano Cervantes); board certified necrochemist, fashion magnate, and slight coward.
- Diaz Flac
- Didier Vadeboncoeur; self-appointed Specialist in Axe Handling and All Things Regarding Mooses.
- DJ EzriSun; Ezri's Paynterton DJ account
- Dr Nerves
- Dreggo
- Duke Nuke Zeds
- Duncan Thaw; the guy that always has a problem with blue paint.
- Energizer163
- Eri Perman
- Ernest Leonard
- Ersken Wildmellow
- Excessum
- Gabor Kiss; Chief Revivalist, PhD in stabbing things with syringes.
- Ghost276
- haik3; trainee brain scanner and drug injecter.
- hero of the jukebox
- Icepick78
- Icygrave
- Jenkem
- jerra
- Joe Box
- Judgecn
- Juno Evergreen
- k1j3l
- Kailo Franklin
- kaputt
- Kara Bentley; the Aces' first professional shopper!
- Katelynne
- Kryon
- Kurse911
- liamreil3
- Lisa Stanislovsky; the delicate doctor with a fetish for big, bad syringes and pulse-free men.
- Lord Jugular
- lord poker; Poker Lord's second account, from when he lost his password.
- Lord Sykes
- LordPanawa
- M'baso; hairdresser-in-chief!
- macdok
- Maenning
- manky lank; coordinator and Supermodel.
- Michael Baxton
- Mike Thriller
- Missouri Bill
- Ms Frizzle
- Navro
- Nicodemus Artemis; walking Armoury.
- Nosmo King
- officer halcroft
- Patrick Faraker
- perfectionist
- Phantoria
- Pkassad
- Poker Lord; just... read the profile...
- Pvt D Resco; also see Resco's Wiki page.
- Pvt Draich
- Recona
- Reggie Johnson
- rem ax
- Rex Pearson; former Aces' Big Kahuna of External Affairs, now retired.
- Shira Calpurnia
- Sovelis Arue
- Spark1Blunt
- Spartan kajillion2
- Steven Bozell
- Stoneman
- superfly56
- SurvivorofApocalypse
- Tarik Loken
- Tequila Dave
- Terra A
- Test Tube Tom
- thebigbaby
- themaccles
- torridus
- Trueincarnate; A total FAK-head, goes into battle screaming, 'You can't hurt me, I just took massive doses of painkillers!'
- Tyne Morru; PhD in Zombie Head Removal, Professor of Doorway Obstructions. South Paynterton Aces DJ (Freq. 26.10!)
- We r all doomed
- Weilmann
- Will Smogg; our self-proclaimed Fearless Leader, now retired.
- Winston Churcheal
- x SouL x
- zombiehawke
Former Members
Honorary Members and Moral Support