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ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
DarkFeral.jpg Feral
This user could be anywhere, doing anything, and only one thing is certain: It involves blood.
Eatbrains.gif Brain Rot
TripleU has Brain Rot and wishes to stay dead.
Just Shoot Me.gif Insulted
According to Nazo Shiroshi, this user is an "asshole" and a "motherfucker".
Just Shoot Me.gif Insulted
According to ZombieTard, this user is a "pussy".
Main Propaganda Database Wiki To Do List Winnemucca Flatulence Characters: Rotten: TripleU Mold Man
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The Egotistic Assassin
A Maggot

Joined: 2008-08-24 (First Character)
Character class: Fireman
Favorite equipment: Claws
Current status: Rotten
Group: None
Location: The Wicksted Building, Wyke Hillz

A long, long time ago, I played O-Game, the pure strategy, no mercy space empire game. Almost immediately I was recruited by stormj35. I was the third by nine seconds to be accepted into the Wolf Pack. I loved the aspects of infinite teamwork, endless cooperation; Soon I was recruiting myself. I mostly talked to the newer, more persuadable players, rather than the older, more valuable ones. Being there before the ranks were formed, I quickly rose through them. Before I knew it, our ~40 member alliance was splitting into three wings. The first, Branch of the Wolf Pack (BWP) was lead by me. It housed all members with under 5000 points (which marked the end of being a newb). The second, Wolf Pack Academy, was lead by siddharth999, who I had earlier recruited. It housed those between 5,000 and 20,000 points which marked the stage between newb and pro). The last was the first, Wolf Pack. This was the best time of my game life; People looked up to me, respected me. It was perfect. Then there was the IHM.

The Intergalactic Hate Machine was our greatest foe. Recognizing the joke that is peace and the vitality of conflict to unity, we agreed we should fight a war. I handpicked IHM, as I dislike the entire interwebs collection, and it was accepted. Due to geographic distances, however there was little to no contact in the war, only our good buddy hate. However, this was strong. In this war of diplomacy, and ultimately popularity, our foes had us trumped. Both sides had masses ducking out, not willing to face such scorn, but we were hit worse. stromj35 went inactive, and sidharth999, unfaithful to the cause he had aligned himself to, broke Wolf Pack Academy off, and changed it to Iron Jaw, which soon failed. With just about a dozen inexperienced members left in BWP, I barely kept us together.

Then stormj35 came back. Not wanting to relive our IHM incident, he changed his name to FREEDOM, and we became Death Row (Both bad names in my opinion). Like before, He ran the main group, while I housed the weaker players in Death Row Academy. However, we never attained our former glory. We eventually branched out into two other games, one called Shartak and the other Urban Dead. The latter was boring, but the first was... acceptable. Nothing could replace O-Game in my heart. However, FREEDOM went inactive again. This was fine, as unlike the first time, he must be hitch hiking, as he had started to do. So I went on.

I kept the alliance running and the members going, but could only do so much. As time went on and member count dropped, it became more and more evident: He was not coming back. By the time I was sure of this, I had quit O-Game and UD and was focusing on Shartak. The good old days had become just that.

But what was that zombie game again? Such a fragile game as Shartak can only entertain so long. I needed somewhere else to go. So I tried that one thing. My firefighter, previously 'trapped' in an extremely heavily barricaded hospital, had been freed- via zombies. Having never heard of a 'revive point' I did all I could think to do. I attacked barricades, and on rare occasions, people. Their flesh proved both delicious and nutritious. I grew in power as well as wisdom. I learned how to find a good target building, and was able to eat my share of it's contents. By the time Pole Mall was toured, I was a fully-grown zombie.

South Malton was were I started, and It's where I stayed. First I sieged the Topleaf Building, then the Pack Building, which reminded me of my past. Now I've moved to the best place for a zombie in a suburb with no reinforcements. The Wicksted Building, successful Rotter's Relief clinic. I've fought endlessly; The locals know me, and I eat the locals. I've ruined the place and rubbed it in their face. And I will never leave...

Mall-rot revive-small.jpg

The Wicksted Building
"Still an active rot revive clinic." —Jenkem (talk) 01:37, 3 March 2024 (UTC)

A Conversation with a Typical Survivor

TripleU said

"If I am not killed soon, I will begin to destroy the generator in this building. However, upon my death I will immediately resume terrorizing the Wicksted Building. The choice is yours."

Carrie Cutter destroyed the generator.

Carrie Cutter said

"Saved you the trouble, TripleU. Kill Jack and I'll report you and kill you... Sorry Jack"

TripleU said

"I admire your creativity, but you seem to underestimate the importance of the numbers. By destroying the generator, you have cost yourself 10AP, and about 25 for someone to replace it. If I were to kill Jack by pistol, it would cost me 28AP, including ammo, whereas it would only cost 20AP for him to be revivificated. However, if I collect a single spray can, I can produce around three messages saying to keep the Wicksted EHB. The lowest effect this may have would be forcing an RR worker to spray over it. However, it is not unlikely that someone will spend half their day's AP to put up 'cades, and another spend all of it to take them back down. Furthermore, every time I am shot down rather than CRed for fear of further disinformation, they lose 8 more AP. Either kill me or don't, but don't expect me to give you the legal right. Don't fear the RG, this is not a Mall and everyone here understands why you'd be doing it. You would not be bounty hunted. The question truly lies in what I can do more efficiently; GK across Wyke Hills or keep the Wicksted Building half operational."

Carrie Cutter said

"I am a hunter, I do not carry hardly anything but guns and a few AP don't matter to me, Plus it is pointless to light up this place. I would shoot you down. RG or not. But I would have laughed if you shot him. I am twisted that way. Plus little zombie boy. I don't revive unless I know you. So you don't have to worry your little head. And it only costs me 10ap to revive."

TripleU said

"Again, your strategics are lacking. Auto Repair Shops are the single best location to find fuel cans, a valuable commodity. In any suburb as consistently safe as Wyke Hills, darkness is your greatest foe. And while the use of a syringe may only cost 10AP, it costs 8 to replace it and still more to find a reciprocate. You fit right into the human stereotype: You think only of your own success and fame, but give no heed to advancing your cause. Just because you won't be reviving Jack, doesn't mean it shouldn't matter to you if he lives or dies."

Carrie Cutter said

"I may be human but the things you think matter to me don't, and frankly I do not care about other humans. I would hide in a dark building or in a building your people have destroyed. I'll look for things in buildings people have built up. If there is not one. I have my axe and I like turning humans into your kind. You should join a horde. You can do much better in a horde. I hear RRF is hiring"

TripleU said

"I'm not sure I understand. Are you a sort of Mall Rat without the preference for Malls, or a cautious PKer? You need something to fight for. I'm only outside of a horde because Rot Revives are barricade free and I don't need help to get in, but that doesn't mean I'm not rooting for Barhah."