This is the brand new Wulves news page. Latest stuff will be at the top. THANKS FOR STOPPING BY LEAVE A HELLO!!!
Wulves Forum
Wish to join?
--varath 12:45 1 December 2009 I recently came to be aware of your group, and it appeals to me. Since you do not have a specific recruit "channel" here i'll just make it here.
- Welcome details on your page. Belisarius17|Belisarius17]] 22:39, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
--thoruddz 06:07, 3 December 2009 (UTC) New player would like to join.
- Welcome-details on your page or will follow up with instructions here. Belisarius17|Belisarius17]] 22:39, 3 December 2009 (UTC)
Hi I'm Deaths View, I already slaughtered highlanderjack[1] and I will be hunting your members down and killing them =] --Deaths View 01:12, 15 May 2010 (BST)
- Sigh...OK "Deaths View"-first of all-we already have 2 talented rivals in Annus Horribilis and TripleU. They set the standards and unfortunately you fell short. See-real PKers announce their hunting intentions first and don't make panicked spelling errors during their dialogue. And it is also bad form to start a hunt with a "murder by bushwacking" and then thump your chest about "slaughtering" someone. Of course the REALLY damning point is your mistaken quote of our page. See-we have had this before: Someone reads this Law: DO NOT PK. PKing is strictly forbidden because it WASTES AP. The exception would be Black Ops Strike Teams. If any Wulves member violate this law they will immediately be suspended from the group. Do not waste AP on pointless vendettas. The way to respond to PKers is to hunt them as a team to encourage them to hunt elsewhere. -and suddenly they become a Hero singly handedly calling us out secure in the knowledge that they will probably be ignored. Brilliant. Look-we are busy at the moment-if its a duel you want you will have to wait-2nd Co is at Perryn, 3rd is tracking MOB and first is all over the south. Best I can do is to try to squeeze you in for a Black Op at the end of next week, fair enough?--Belisarius17 04:35, 15 May 2010 (BST)
- Hmmm-there might be more to you than first glance would indicate based on your tag: Deaths View-"War is a Passion" thats not bad, not bad at all...but then "your chances of running are lost Death has already came" is a bit off-should be: " Your chances of running are lost, Death has already come." And if I might be so bold to lend a hand if it were: Your chances of running have fled for Death has already arrived! Then you would really have a nice ironic tag line. Tell you what: You've got my interest-I will develop a Dossier on you and clear you for a suburb wide Kill on Sight. Lets see how you fair with that for starters-thanks for making the game interesting...--Belisarius17 05:16, 15 May 2010 (BST)
- mmmmm. It was hard to pick between Agent Anderson and Johnny Bumper. However I think you will approve, and you might need to get a new gen at your motel. --Deaths View 01:41, 18 May 2010 (BST)
- Please. You hit a recent revive. Low HP kills are opportunistic scavenger behavior. So instead of a lion, we have a jackel. Weak, very weak. So far you ambushed someone THEN declared you were hunting a group that does not return PK, You shot a recent revive, who was at half HP I would guess and you destroyed a genny in a nonresource build. Not exactly Malton Murder awards stuff is it, spacebuck? But hey, you keep going-let's see if the good citizens of Wyke Hills have time to hunt you on that KOS offer...and if you stick around I might get back soon to Wyke myself. OH yes,one more thing-could you try to post correctly on the page?--Belisarius17 03:07, 18 May 2010 (BST)
- I plan to be in Wyke Hills for awhile. I'll be waiting for your return. Even if you do kill me, I will still cause havoc for Wulves and the citizens of Wyke Hills.--Deaths View 21:45, 18 May 2010 (BST)
- That's the spirit! OF COURSE YOU WILL CAUSE HAVOC-We WANT YOU to cause Havoc-We LIKE Havoc! (Besides we need a training exercise for the new recruits...) Well this is excellent, that is why I suggested you connect with ol' TripleU, I was hoping you might stick around. But I wouldn't pick on the good citizens of Wyke Hills if I were you-they have been warned and tend to be an armed and angry group. But don't worry about "even if you do kill me"-you saw how quick the revives go for us in Wyke-we are usually back up and running in less than 3 hours so I am sure with the help you will get from AH, a little sting of death will be no big deal! You keep it up and we will all have fun with this- Havoc is such an excellent phrase-that is why we made the template:
Havoc!!! | | know, of course, this means WAR! |
"And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ate by his side come hot from hell, Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial."
Or, in this case: "Do not cry havoc, where you should but hunt with modest warrant." That is much more appropriate here don't you agree?--Belisarius17 05:02, 19 May 2010 (BST)
This is will be a good ol' time. I'm already one step ahead of you. --Deaths View 08:14, 19 May 2010 (BST)
Group Confirmed. | |
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply. |
Wulves very much active in and around Wyke Hills--Belisarius17 03:43, 28 January 2010 (UTC)
East Grayside
Heyall lads an' lassies! Jus' wanted t' stop by an' say thankyew fer the help clearing out Easy Grayside. I admit, Ima bit worried that we may have t' start all ove' with th' new safe zpne bein' the middle of the city, but any safe zone is a good one I guess.--Sean Connolly 23:33, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
Fortification Project Phases Phase One: Club Golding 5399-cades down/lit Club Morris 5499-hb/dk-time to move--Belisarius17 15:21, 17 December 2009 (UTC) Nurcombe Bank 5699-EHB/dk Cheesman Bank 5498-vsb/DK
Phase Two: Club Dorvell 6099-EHB/DK Batt Bank 6198-EHB/DK Bendall Cinema 6094 ruined-ZedOCCUPIED
SURVIVOR REPUBLIC Support OP Ambrose Bank 5289-EHB+Lit Blackmore Cinema 5786??? Telfer Cinema 5287-EHB/Lit ClubGarwood 5388-HB/Lit
Vault Fort Operation: Targets on the list, tactical objective linked below:
Join a Fight!
If any Wulves want to join in on a good fight, hole up in the Merryweather Way Fire Station! The Survivor's Republic will be launching a campaign from there to retake the southeast!--Sean Connolly 09:55, 7 December 2009 (UTC)
- Wulves are advised to suspend response at this time. We are looking at a 2 front issue currently. We will be sending support once we can determine the nature of Sean's Op. contact is being initiated. Again-stand by for the moment and continue standard operations until we determine best way to support The Republic's Op.--Belisarius17 21:21, 7 December 2009 (UTC)
- You got it. I'll see if I can't get someone there. The Op is not officially active yet, but it's awlays good to prepare.--Sean Connolly 23:09, 7
- Also, I noticed XXXX at XXXXX is your headquarters. I would like it to be known that The Survivor's Republic will give you our full assistance in controlling the square it makes the corner of, XXXX to XXXXX, that you may turn it into a fort-like series of barricaded buildings that you can use as a haven, much like we use xxxxxxxxxx. If you ever need any help asserting your dominance in XXXXXXXXXXXXX, just drop us a line. And a hint, join the SWA. It'll give you good allies and most southwestern communities respect any SWA member group.--Sean Connolly 23:41, 7 December 2009 (UTC)
December 2009 (UTC)
- Roger that and thanks for the tip-will contact tomorrow*we need to confer with some...allies of an unusual nature-as well as the triumvirate leadership. We are a loose group so it takes some timeto pull it together...--Belisarius17 02:52, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
I would just like to note that The Survivor's Republic formally accepts your invitation for an alliance and that we will help you in whatever ways we can, although being a new group consisting of only 48 official (knows all the others IRL) members, that may not be enough. Just drop us a line. --Sean Connolly, Leader of The Survivor's Republic
--supflidowg 19:20, 27 November 2009 (UTC) Attention Wulves the 453rd BoA the Wheals Arms in Peppardville is back up and running with a corps member there at all times, if you need to relay important information or need combat medicine applied the BoA is open to any of your causes
--supflidowg 18:34, 24 November 2009 (UTC) URGENT ALERT TO WULVES the hospital has fallen the numbers were overwhelming, we are falling back to the rendezvous point alert all wulves to abandon the hospital rescue until the numbers subside 453rd has chosen another less infected zone to run supplies into the quarantine area zone for the resistance forces to muster. Also recent intel shows that the infected are trying to box in Fort Creedy and are going to succeed unless no less than 300+ survivors hold up in the fort and keep an 24hr watch...prospects are grim since our head intel officer was lost along with our BoA in Peppardville, and a final bit of intel is that there are some undercover pkers posing as 453rd members be aware that most 453rd members have been to Fort Creedy and wear some king of military attire.
- Confirmed. Effective Immediate, New route and secondary objectives will be announced "ingame" at advanced base of current Op. Stand By and conserve AP+Supplies. Elements of 1st and 3rd should continue as planned to staging areas.--Belisarius17 18:56, 24 November 2009 (UTC)
2nd Company: Details forthcoming. Consider this your Warning Order. Gear up Faks, Needles + tool boxs. Be ready to move in 24hrs. --Belisarius17 04:07, 24 November 2009 (UTC)
--supflidowg 16:39, 21 November 2009 (UTC) alright Belisarius17 lets make an alliance, the 453rd would never turn down the ability to keep Malton safe from the infected just send the details to the 453rd's discussion page and thanks.[[2]]
ok here is some 453rd intel the RRF(Ridleybank Resistance Front) and the MotA (Minions of the Apocalypse) are besieging Spracklingbank along with a high concentration of NA(non associated) infected and we are right now trying to hold the Cornelius General Hospital where we are keeping the regulars treated, if any of your forces are in the area we could keep the siege at bay we are currently XXX in number minus several dragged into the streets and are holding
Details of Op can now be released:
Operation Perryn Run 2 Details
Basic Recon of the mighty Feral Undead!! An awesome zed group with alot of history. We will conduct a building survey and recon suburbs surrounding Fort Peryyn.
--Belisarius17 18:39, 13 November 2009 (UTC)
Intell on Perryn Run 2: Freerun route by building name:
Applebie, Cowie, Martha General Hospital, Coy, Poulet, Voss Lane PD, Here is where it starts to get tricky-Hibberert museum, Panter Building, Milverton RR, Jyard, Denney Arms.
First rally point-Milverton RR. Alternate:Hibberet Museum
Attention Wulves and Allies: Rally points ruined. Withdraw to Voss Lane PD.--Belisarius17 19:13, 14 November 2009 (UTC)
Attention Wulves + Allies: Request dust off. 3 operatives down. 2nd Company holding--Belisarius17 00:10, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
Attention Wulves + Allies: Withdraw west. 2nd Company holding @ Voss Lane PD to gather intell.--Belisarius17 02:06, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
Merry Christmas!
Present Get! | |
This user or group gets a special present from Sean Connolly. |
Warning to Wulves
Alt user | |
Wulves has alts but DOESN'T Zerg. |
Many Wulves run Alts, and with the way we move around it can be tough BUT the integrity of the group requires that they follow the rules and stay in a different burbs with separate lives-no info sharing! We have a good info web without using such tactics that would ruin the game.--Belisarius17 05:16, 19 May 2010 (BST)