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Fist avatar.png
RDDInsignia copy.png

Defining Bitterness

RDDInsignia copy.png RDD: Evil is made of awesome!
Misanthropy is currently bottling his excess hate for mass consumption.
RRkillers.png RDD vs. Rotter's Relief
Misanthropy took part in RDD's war against Rotter's Relief in Millen Hills and is glad the situation ended amicably for everyone involved.
Clownboats.png RDD vs. Browncoats
Misanthropy took part in RDD's war against Browncoats and caused their disintegration as a group and the retirement of their leader.
Cybertronian.png Benzuli Expansion
Expansion is coming.

Cybertronian.png Do not resist change

Metalgear.jpg God damn Solid Snake
This user has gone for so long without having a PK reported, they're obviously using the ol' cardboard box trick.

Misanthropy.jpg Misanthropy and Goribus

We probably hate you. In fact, there's no probably about it.
Nightmare Demon.jpg
MMA.JPG Malton Murder Award Nominee, 2009
This user or group has been nominated in a category at the Malton Murder Awards 2009.
MMA.JPG Malton Murder Award Winner, 2009
The contributions of this user or group to the PKing industry were honoured with an award at the Malton Murder Awards 2009.
Roverprsoner.jpg I AM NOT A NUMBER
Malton-coat-of-arms.gif HIStory Past Present and Future Volume III
This user took part in Misanthropy's description contest and was a runner-up. The winner, of course, was Malton.
Yeah it was cheap and gay like that.
Participate.PNG Winner!
This user entered an amazing story in Rosslessness' Story Competition, and is probably off improving the wiki as we speak!
Wool.PNG Best In Show!
This user entered an amazing story in Rosslessness' Story Competition, which was one of the shortlisted best entries
RDD leaderMMA winnerI just wanted an excuse to kill as many people as I could