Millington Towers

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Millington Towers

Mornington [15, 63]

a carpark Megamax Cinema Maunder Walk
Hudleston Walk Millington Towers Feltham Place Railway Station
St. Basil's Hospital Bulford Auto Repair the Noakes Arms

Basic Info:

  • Multi-story housing blocks. Windows can be jumped from to turn a character into a zombie.
  • Towers have no internal descriptions. Some towers, like Lerwill Towers in Greentown, have mobile phone masts mounted on them.



Millington Towers
Refueled the genny and upped the 'cades to EHB.
MR2Di4 (talk) 17:01, 7 October 2022 (UTC)



Now considered this suburb's Scout Point for NecroWatch. As this suburb has no NTs, a composite scout report can be made from this location and posted on the page for this suburb to the benefit of all. If you are interested in continuing the scout report, especially during times of zombie seige, please contact NecroWatch--Dr Mycroft Chris 22:32, 3 May 2009 (BST)

Current Status

If you know the status of this phone mast please update Thanks


The Millington Towers are located at 15,63 in the suburb of Mornington. This tall building has a mobile phone mast rising out from the roof. When the building is powered, it enables mobile phone service to the suburb of Mornington.

The views from the uppermost floors are spectacular. If one is not careful, one can plummet to one's death falling out of the long-ago shattered windows of the building.


Barricade Policy

EHB at all times

Generator.JPG Needs Generator
This building requires a generator for maximum usefulness.