The Fortress/Anaconda/Past Operations2

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Anaconda: Operations Archive
Fortress Team Anaconda Team Battlehawk Team Cold Cell Team Dark Watch Past Teams Fortress News
File:Anaconda archives1.jpg

2010 Operations


  • Mini Operation: Dribbling Beavers Sep 22 - Sep 25, 2010

Anaconda answers a call for help from their ally, the Dribbling Beavers, at the suburb of Santtlerville. With a local NT being breached almost daily it was hard for the locals to put up a good fight. The enemy hearing the news turned and left, leaving very little for the Combat Team to do.


  • Operation: Warlord Games Aug 22 - Sep 16, 2010

Anaconda once again puts on their competition masks as they face each other in a race to recover central Malton in the heart of RRF territory, including Barrville, Galbraith Hills and Stanbury Village.


  • Operation: Ghost in a Shell Aug 8 - Aug 18, 2010

The first Operation by Puppiemaster as Commander of Anaconda is set in Pegton with the aim to recover the suburb from its ghostly state. Less than a week later the suburb is green again and the Team moves to the neighbouring region of Dentonside with the help of their allies the ACC (Army Control Corps).


  • Operation: Conda Summer '10 Chain Kill Jul 31 - Aug 2, 2010

Lucy Daniels final blow before stepping down as Commander of Anaconda. The Condas meet at Mitchen Mall to slaughter the horde at the Conda Summer '10 Chain Kill.


  • Operation: Grand Prix, Final Lap! Jul 13 - Jul 28, 2010

Once again, Lucy lends her team a series of race cars which they happily use to race around Malton! Race won by Igor Dolvitch.


  • Secret Operation: The Judges Crusades Jul 1 - Jul 11, 2010

The Judges have been seen loose. All the Fortress Teams are sent to a different suburb in order to investigate the Judges' appearances. The 'A' Team is sent to West Grayside to investigate Judge Clandestine and to fight him using guerilla tactics. The mission was a resounding success with Anaconda obtaining the best results among all the four Combat Teams.


  • Operation: Red Corner Jun 8 - Jun 20, 2010

The team was pitched against each other in a competitive Operation with the battleground at New Arkham. The two teams formed were the Shanghai Stereotypes and the Communists Crusaders with the following results:
Communist Crusaders = 815
Shanghai Stereotypes = 740
The best individual scores were obtained by Hawke2019 (250 points, Shanghai) and SpectralHeart (210 points, Communist)


  • Operation: Web of Intrigue May 19 - Apr 6, 2010

In a display of sport, Anaconda demonstrated their might by performing in Floyde Stadium in Barrville. Points were given by reviving, healing, cading, repairing and killing zombies. The scores:
Beatlepuss: 355
SpectralHeart: 203
Hawke: 201
Davian: 184
D3c0y: 99
Tiago: 72
Den Brotheridge: 48
Igor: 30
Squirrels: 20
MorranHaelkor: 12


  • Operation: Kick Ass May 6 - May 17, 2010

Team Anaconda is taken to the suburb of Havercroft in the first mission led by Puppiemaster. The mission's objectives were to recover Havercroft's infrastucture and paint it green.


  • Operation: Enemy at the Gates Apr 23 - May 5, 2010

Joint Operation with Fortress 1 personnel, Team Cold Cell and our allies, the FPDF (Fort Perryn Defense Force) with the aim of sieging and retaking Fort Perryn and rebuild the suburb infrastructure. The Fortress wide Chimera Chain Kill also occurred during this time (Apr 27 - May 5, 2010) where a astonishing amount of 209 zombies fell to the Fortress soldiers in a record-breaking Chain Kill. The suburb infrastructure got fully repaired and free running paths were cleared. 90 survivors were left to hold the Fort at the end of this Operation. The mission was a complete success.


  • Operation: Joint Strike Apr 13 - Apr 21, 2010

Lt Hawke lead this OP as part of Anaconda's 'Write your own OP' system where team members get a taste of Command if they write a viable operation. Joint Strike saw Anaconda working in Stanbury Village with Boot Camp, the operation gave Boot Camp recruits the oporunity to engage in Real Time Strikes and get a little taste of the Combat Team life they will enoy after completing their stint in Boot Camp. This short but productive OP saw the combined efforts of BC and Anaconda repair and reclaim the area with comraderie and finesse.


  • Operation: GreenZone Mar 23 - Apr 10, 2010

Anaconda moved to East Grayside in a successful operation that saw the red burb turn green. Anaconda achieved their objectives of clearing RPs, recovering resource buildings, providing safe houses for the local population and lighting up freshly repaired ruined dark buildings in their usual efficient manner. The team worked with allies Knights Templar to rebuild East Grayside and left the burb in great shape.


  • Operation: Hide and Seek Mar 10 - Mar 20, 2010

The entire city was looking pretty good, so Team Anaconda grabbed some newspapers and played a little Hide and Seek in Central Malton! With many giggles, the rest of the Condas ran away from the Seekers and dug into their best hiding spots. Soon after the cry, "Ready or not, here I come!", the newspaper slapping began! Many real-time slaps were issued, and somehow, triple-slaps and toolboxes got introduced into the fray.

Suddenly, the Condas found the best target of them all: Miss Elainious was hiding in Ridleybank! Hiders and Seekers alike descended upon Miss E, newspapers a-slappin' like crazy. She exacted her revenge by taking a bite out of Lucy. In the end, everyone was laughing, covered in newsprint.


  • Operation: Malton Chainsaw Massacre Feb 20 - Mar 6, 2010

Verdict: Success! Team Anaconda originally had intended only to operate in the suburb of East Becktown but one suburb proved to be too little for Anaconda, the operation was gradually increased to include West Becktown and Darvall Heights.

The participants competed against each other to see who could get the most points in specific categories, which resulted in amazing feats of zombie killing, ruin excavation, blood stopping and necromancy.

The Final Scores:

KILLS: Beats, Spec - 11

REVIVES: Tiago -13

CADES: Spec - 64

REPAIRS: Wes - 77

HEALS: Poet - 45

DEATHS: Morran, Telentis - 1

RANDOM: Flare Kill (Puppie - 1), Generators Saved (Igor - 1), Newspaper Slaps (Lucy - 2), Beer Consumed (Tiago, Squrriels, Den, Beats - ???), Wine Consumed (Poet - 1)


  • Operation: Road to Perdition Feb 3 - Feb 17, 2010

Verdict: Stalemate.

On February 3rd Team Anaconda moved into South Blythville in hopes of slowing down the MOB so that Civilians could be evacuated from Locketside, for those who don't know, the MOB (also know as The Militant order of Barhah) is one of the largest Zombie groups in Malton at the moment.

Well they would have to out number us 3 to 1 for it to be even a fair fight.

However Anaconda pulled through reviving many lost souls and saving the lives of dozens of civilians. Eventually the Team decided to pull out after the civilians were safely away and nothing more could be done for the buildings. When the Mob moved on all they found were empty buildings.


  • Operation: Sherlock Holmes Jan 23 - Feb 3, 2010

Team Anaconda received a distress call from the citizens of Lockettside and Ruddlebank, but a page of their request was unreadable! By completing certain tasks around the suburb, the Condas were able to collect clues and piece together the final task. The four Condas who solved the mystery were:

1. Tiago Ferreira
2. Officer Duncan
3. Den Brotheridge
4. Hawke2019

Tiago only beat out Duncan by 4 minutes!! Congrats to everyone on a mystery solved and a mission well-done!