The Fortress/Decommissioned Teams
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Welcome to the Decommissioned Teams Exhibit in the Hazeldene Museum.
These squads may be gone, but their contributions will not be forgotten
The Assault Squadron
On March 28, 2006 at 6:22 in the evening, a force was officially assembled within The Fortress, this group was formed as an independent arm of The Fortress, much like the Shadow Wolves team.
The Purpose of The Assault Squadron? ' ' Was to annihilate zombies like a plague of locusts. The team ran under the novel idea to be commanderless, answering only to The Head and was deployed by The Fortress to hand out punishment to anything undead in any particular zone with relentless and unnecessarily excessive force.
The Requirements? To be an Assault Officer of The Fortress and have been appointed to the position by The Head, NO LESS!
Assault Squadron Members
- Assault Officer Liquidbob
- Assault Officer Trong Tran
- Assault Officer Skull Kid
- Assault Officer Guardsman
- Assault Officer Seabee
- Assault Officer NuAgetechno
- Assault Officer Fishel
- Assault Officer Jason Valer
Team Mottos
Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction such as at a zombie or communist.
No matter how responsible he seems, never give your gun to a zombie.
If guns make you nervous, drink a bottle of whiskey before heading to hunt zombies
When unholsterign your gun, its customary to say "Excuse me while i whip this out."
Don't load your gun unless you are ready to shoot a zombie or are just feeling generally angry.
If your gun misfires, never look down the barrel to inspect it. Have a zombie or someone you
hate do that for you.
Never use your gun to pistol whip a zombie, it could mar the finish.
Kill. Find your own strategy. I'm not here to tell you what to do...yet.
"Shoot when there not looking, then run"
Assault Squadron Gallery
Team Edgecrusher
Team Edgecrusher was not a normal Fortress combat team; there were are no ranks or commanders, although Adam11 was the de-facto leader. However, they worked for The Fortress and for the good of Malton.
Their members were special in the fact that they ran independently of the other teams, not being required to post on the Fortress forums
Team Edgecrusher Members
- Adam11
- george2248
- Psyclos
- Sniper Buddy
- DonnyOHA
- FatJack4391
- Jeff Martin
- ddrfreak
Interesting Fact
Team 'E' was created before Team 'D'. It was time again where The Fortress was getting large enough to consider a new team; Team D, and so this was done soon after.
Whatever Happened To Them?
Team Edgecrusher were extremely excited about working with, and for The Fortress. They were working in the chaos of Ridleybank when two of their members attacked and PKed who they knew to be a known PKer. However this was against Fortress rules and they were swiftly informed.
Although the group were fairly new, a number of opinions were openly expressed.
Although The Head appealed for leniency, members of The Fortress continued to express their disapproval and eventually Team Edgecrusher began to feel grievous. The eight members of the team seemingly had no say in the matter and despite the situation eventually seeming to blow over, they ultimately left.
Adam11 later said that a big part of the team's demise was the grief affiliated with breaking a Fortress rule not once, but twice.
Team Excalibur
The second Fortress team to bear the letter E, Excalibur was the brainchild of Commander Avatorous. It was created in December 2007, and became operational in January 2008. Designated as the roleplaying combat team, the team wrote its reports in a story format, the missions formed chapters in a book, entitled Pocket Full of Poses. Originally under the command of Avatorous, his sudden departure led to Zuton taking command, she relinquished this on Avatorous' return. After another spell in command, Avatorous departed once more, this time being replaced by former Cold-Cellian Ruinator. The Commander had the dual role of editor, ensuring that the story was written and published. On Ruinator's ascension to the Excalibur throne, he relinquished the editor's role to Zuton, as she became the Bard of Excalibur.
With reducing squad numbers, Team Excalibur ceased as a combat team in August 2008, following a sing-song and battle with the RRF at Blackmore NT. The dream that created Excalibur lives on in The Fortress Writing Guild. More information can be found here.
Team Excalibur Members
- The Head: Jensonson
- Havoc Knight: Avatorous Commander, January - March 08, & April - June 08
- Havoc Knight: Stark Senap
- Campaign Master: Zuton LT, March 08, Commander, March - April 08, Bard, June - August 08
- Campaign Warrior: Doran Breen
- Chief Assault Officer: Couponballer LT, Jan - March 08
- Chief Assault Officer: Ruinator Commander, June - August 08
- Assault Officer: RemipunX
- Battallion Ranger: Silas Reg LT, March - August 08
- Engagement Squaddie: Michael Markus
- Engagement Squaddie: Tristana
Excalibur Gallery
Team Federation
This mysterious team was created by Travis Mk1. This heroic commander led Team Federation from January 2006 to June 2006, breaking a record for time spent leading a squad with a whopping 150 days. He remained at the helm until it was disbanded when he was constantly assassinated by rivals in the group Ferals United.
- Commander: Travis Mk1
- Lepaige
- Fallout10mm
- Joey Donuts
- Rendr
- Frankbro87