User talk:Duck J
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If you must whine, please keep it short! If your comments were deleted it's either because you were wasting my time or the douche bag treatment I sprayed on the page worked. You do the math...if you can. Duck J 02:02, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
- PS I don't play this game for you. I play with the people I respect I respect lots of pkers and zed but those people earned respect by showing respect. In fact there are many PKer pals I have and there is a whole damn group of them in FOD cause people like HIB are class acts and are people to be respect you should go learn what that means and stop your child like tantrum cause old mr duck doesn't like or respect you. Really if you have such no respect for me then ask yourself why do you seek such approval from me??? Why can;t you just act as if I am not there? Whats a matter don't like the answer? Duck J 04:17, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
- Ah, but do they respect you? Ask yourself that, yea? And you got inept for that lack of respect. Respect comes in all different forms. Like you're out shooting hoops, you know, not even a game or nothing. Someone else makes the shot you pass 'em the ball. It's called respect. The same can be applied here. A PKer knocks you down, report 'em. It's still called respect. Also, calm down, bro. Even now I'm calm and trying to be civil, but with your attitude, I might as well throw that civility out the window. --Axe Hack Talk 04:27, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
- Do they respect me lol who was booted u or me who had the respect? Is that why you are so hurt by this. Respect does come in different forms but reporting pks doesn't exactly have anything to do with respect. If that is what you are butt hurt about is me not reporting then damn man there is a whole bunch of people that play this game for you to be mad at about not reporting. But really you and i know its not that. you are but hurt and have joined the bandwagon. We decidied it was jeaoulsy in one of its many forms. If you want to debate this more you can find me on ircDuck J 04:35, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
- Ah, but do they respect you? Ask yourself that, yea? And you got inept for that lack of respect. Respect comes in all different forms. Like you're out shooting hoops, you know, not even a game or nothing. Someone else makes the shot you pass 'em the ball. It's called respect. The same can be applied here. A PKer knocks you down, report 'em. It's still called respect. Also, calm down, bro. Even now I'm calm and trying to be civil, but with your attitude, I might as well throw that civility out the window. --Axe Hack Talk 04:27, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
- PS I don't play this game for you. I play with the people I respect I respect lots of pkers and zed but those people earned respect by showing respect. In fact there are many PKer pals I have and there is a whole damn group of them in FOD cause people like HIB are class acts and are people to be respect you should go learn what that means and stop your child like tantrum cause old mr duck doesn't like or respect you. Really if you have such no respect for me then ask yourself why do you seek such approval from me??? Why can;t you just act as if I am not there? Whats a matter don't like the answer? Duck J 04:17, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
*facepalm* 04:40, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
- Loving it. Keeping it short, just the way he likes i... oh NOES... it's getting deleted nao... ~ Kempy “YaketyYak” | ◆◆◆ | CAPD | 04:51, 7 January 2012 (UTC)