East Grayside

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Revision as of 21:48, 28 September 2014 by LuE Colo (talk | contribs)
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Suburb of East Grayside
Kempsterbank Wray Heights Gulsonside
West Grayside East Grayside Scarletwood
Wyke Hills Hollomstown Danversbank
Update East Grayside's Danger Level
View Danger Center

East Grayside's location in Malton

Resource buildings in East Grayside

Latest EMR:
z: 0~i: ***
p: CAug 06

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (66,82)

Cousins Towers


Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
  • Only scattered survivors...
— Zombie Groups —
  • Only feral zombies...
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...

Key buildings in East Grayside:

Malls: none
NecroTech Buildings: 1


Police Departments: 4
Hospitals: 4
Fire Stations: 1
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: Schools 2, Auto Repair 4, Railway Stations 3
Suburb Number: 87
Scales.png Please remember to keep this article neutral.

East Grayside is a suburb of Malton, located in the south of the city. At the time, it was one of, if not the most populated suburb in Malton. This is one reason why there are so many hospitals and police stations in the area. But this suburb had always been filled with people of the middle-class, and it was very friendly. Crime was extremely low, but because it was so populated, almost everyone in the suburb was killed during the outbreak. Now this suburb is nothing compared to what it was before. Survivors usually just pass by and never stay. It just shows how much damage the outbreak has caused throughout Malton.

mast image Short-wave Radio Info
The East Grayside suburb has the following active radio stations.

Freq: 26.19: Radio East Grayside

Resource Buildings

NecroTech Facilities

The Angerstein Building (63,89)


Adalbert General Hospital (69,81)

Sixtus General Hospital (61,89)

St. Hilda's Hospital (65,80)

St. Odile's Hospital (60,83)

Police Departments

Binning Way Police Department (65,85)

Rodman Boulevard Police Department (63,86)

Tutchen Walk Police Department (67,87)

Witchell Street Police Department (69,82)


A factory (62,80)

A factory (62,82)

Auto Repair Shops

Ha Auto Repair (67,88)

Holmyard Auto Repair (60,80)

Liminton Auto Repair (66,85)

Scarman Auto Repair (60,88)

Shakelton Auto Repair (64,82)


  • None

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Building Status Key

Safe Rebuilding Under Attack Under Siege

Ruined In Zombie Hands Pinata Unknown

East Grayside Information Resources


The East Grayside Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.

View zombie activity and locations in East Grayside from External Military Reports, Scentoral scan data charts and NecroWatch.

Grayside Board of Groups

East and West Grayside now has a Board of Groups. You can join it here.

Local Player-Killer Information Center

East Grayside currently now has a Local Player Killer Information Center resourced by Task Force 141 on their Forums. The Centre is Local-Centric, thus giving way for easier understanding of local problems and providing a means of information on these people. Any Player-Killing Murder that is witnessed can be Screenshot, and reported, where it will be added for all to see. Link can be found here

Revive Points

  • Mathews Park [69, 83] - Maintained by TIF
  • The Wicklen Monument [60, 89] - ex-Nightwatch Run and various unallied parties
  • Baynton Street [66, 83] - Task Force 141 Operated - For Operative and Public Use
  • Prigg Alley [64, 86]
  • Bligh Monument [63, 87] - Maintained by the 57th Overlanders.

See the listing above; most local groups also support the Sacred Ground Policy.

Update for 20/02/2010 (European notation): Bligh Monument RP added, as it is now being maintained by the 57th Overlanders.

Update for 11/11/2009: Bligh Monument RP removed as it is not tagged and not operated.

Update as of 22/01/2009:

Rather Grove has been removed from the list of revive points. STARS abandonded it in favour of taking over SMW's old revive point of Baynton Street after the new STARS HQ Area came into effect. Mallet Street, Pearl Street and Gutch Park have also been removed because they were inactive RPs.

Update as of 1/16/2008:

Wicklen Monument is being patrolled regularly and PKers have not been a recent issue. She's back up and running again!

Update as of 9/18/2007:

Zeds looking for a revive at the Wicklen Monument are advised to be aware of PKers that are trolling that particular area. It is unknown whether or not they are malicious or simply unaware of the Sacred Ground Policy.

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.


September 28th=

25.96 MHz: "... looking quiet in East Grayside ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... power's on at the Angerstein Building ..." --LuE Colo 21:48, 28 September 2014 (UTC)


August 22nd

25.96 MHz: "... looking quiet in East Grayside ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... power's on at the Angerstein Building ..." -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 03:09, 23 August 2014 (UTC)

Barricade Plan

The barricade plan for East Grayside can be found at East Grayside Barricade Plan.

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of East Grayside
Holmyard Auto Repair Gutch Park a factory a warehouse Beable Street St. Hilda's Hospital Mayne Alley Rudkin Crescent a junkyard the Tardew Building
wasteland Linthorne Alley Yule Boulevard Wicks Bank Mallett Avenue Grice Crescent Railway Station Willison Lane the Wykes Motel a junkyard Adalbert General Hospital
Budge Walk wasteland a factory Stock Grove Shakelton Auto Repair the Thyer Arms Cousins Towers Prole Street a warehouse Witchell Street Police Department
St. Odile's Hospital Coomb Row Railway Station Poncione Grove Leonard Street Wellington Plaza a warehouse Baynton Street
Templman Way the Cresley Arms Mathews Park
Sparrow Row Lilly Walk a carpark Boden Row Gooding Way Heeks Row Newbould Way Webbey Boulevard Chetle Park Shaughnessy Row
Babb Boulevard the Bingham Monument Frederick Bank a carpark the Wensleydale Building Binning Way Police Department Liminton Auto Repair Comes Drive Easthill Row a carpark
Club Lippett the Zwanenburg Museum Rather Grove Rodman Boulevard Police Department Prigg Alley
Tobit Grove Railway Station Duffill Alley a junkyard Pook Walk Ambrose Street
a carpark Lambourn Library
Laver Way the Bligh Monument Pell Walk Cooksley Cinema wasteland Tutchen Walk Police Department Dart Park the Dury Museum
Scarman Auto Repair Tharratt Library the Spear Arms Ellard Walk School Wilbraham Cinema Pinchen Plaza Meeker Plaza School Ha Auto Repair Hallaran Bank Chilcot Cinema
the Wicklen Monument
Sixtus General Hospital Boode Place Fire Station the Angerstein Building Pearl Street Brogan Drive the Stribling Building Purser Way the Summers Museum Sparks Library