Talk:Reds Roughnecks

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Revision as of 23:40, 16 August 2008 by Secruss (talk | contribs)
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Hi, just wanted to let you know about the Revive-Points in Dulston as you are based in Pashenton and probably not familiar with those locations. They are Hamerton Road and Duport Avenue and while we appreciate all help we can get up here, please refrain from killing me, while I'm waiting for a revive (AND also while I'm not waiting for a revive of course). thank you, let's kick some real zed's a** instead! (edit: iwitness says, you even took a DNA-sample ... what kind of group are you?)-- [ ρsych°Lychεε ]  T 07:59, 5 December 2007 (UTC)

I apologize Sincerely, I have reprimanded the group members involved and will do all I can to stop this from happening again. I feel absolutely ashamed at the behaviour of our resident combat medic and myself. If it is any consolation I will have my good friend attend the revival point whilst I personally assist in the defence of the local area. We don't need this kind of press, and will do anything to reclaim our good name. -- Peter Red 07:33, 6. Dez. 2007
No hard feelings here, I got revived a few minutes later. So you don't have to do 400 hours of community service or anything now. Help Dulston by doing whatever you do best, which is obviously "killing zombies". Harr harr. See you in town.-- [ ρsych°Lychεε ]  T 09:38, 7 December 2007 (UTC)


Hello Peter Red. In response to your claim that we are 'outlaws', I invite you to read our Wiki. You will see that the FOD are not outlaws. We are one of the few 'True' survivor groups left. Many do not agree with ouR methods. But desparate times call for desparate measures. As our friend Nuabreed, of the Legion of the Octopope once said,

"We like to lead by example and hope the locals pick up some good habits as a result, you guys like to lead by making examples and hope the locals pick up some good habits as a result" --Nuabreed, Legion of the Octopope

It was with a heavy heart that an example had to be made yesterday inside the Pegram Pd. But what's done is done. Pass on what you have learned. I tell you this as a courtesy. I am sure YOU do not want to be responsible for more casualites, from both your own group and these foxhound characters. Go about your business. Do not go down the road that so many trenchies, ninnies, cults and others have before you. --Hibernaculum 15:38, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

You know, I'm totally happy to let this go. I actually feel bad about what will happen to your group, but you need to employ more peaceful methods, or at least become full zombies so as to make yourselves clearly a target to survivors, rather than a more insidious threat. The Roughnecks will not hunt you, and if we never meet again, we shall simply forget about you. But please do not try to hunt us anymore. We are isolated from the world and do not need another problem. Have a great time doing whatever you want, and might I add you are very well spoken for a visionary/maniac, quite off putting. --Peter Red 10:59, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

Hmmmmm, so why have I come back and chosen to speak to you again when there is so much work left for the FoD to do and we are long gone from your neck of the woods? Unlike many I have come across, you seem like a thoughfull individual Mr. Red. So I am going to give you some food for thought. Peacefull methods do not work. Peacefull methods have alowed over 600 trenchies to cower away in Fort Creedy while the Big Bash goes uncontested from suburb to suburb. As a result, Creedy was made to endure | THIS. Yes, sadly, the presence of random thugs sullied the education but the lesson is still there for those quick enough to grasp it. And it is this: They need to get out of that fort and start fighting. If a few groups can go in and kill 125, what do they think will happen when the Bash gets there? And it will get there. But alas, they will not learn this lesson. And the fort will fall. What's that? You don't think so? You wait and see.
Also, I am curious what it is you feel sorry about in relation to what will happen to our group? Surely it isn't the impending doom from that feeble Dulston Alliance and Foxhound? Am I to believe they are lurking around a corner, even now preparing to spring a trap on us? We know where they are. Their safehouses, their suburbs and who there members are. I assure you we are quite safe. Why isolate yourself from the world, as you say above, when you could aspire to a grander purpose? You may think of us as a Pker group but you would be wrong. Yes, we kill people. There is no denying that. But there is always a reason. Always something to learn. We have taken the step that most so called surivor groups cannot or will not take. They grow complacent off the fat of the land, useless and doing nothing. We remind them of their humanity. We keep them sharp and on their toes. We remind them, through death, that they were alive and should treasure that gift. It's only one step from yous to us. --Hibernaculum 20:00, 28 December 2007 (UTC)

Whilst we do not advertise it, we deplore survivors who hole away in their malls and forts, seeking cover from the menace of the hordes through numbers, rather than skill. The Roughnecks believe that survivors should live in small groups, relying on their own teamwork and co-ordination in order to survive, instead of hoping that the other 100 guys ahead of you on the list are killed and you survive. We instead choose to exist on the borders of safe territories, soon planning to strike out into the wide, unknown abyss of the infected badlands. I grow tired of the hundreds of survivors standing idly by whilst our territories are slowly taken from us, and whilst not condoning their deaths, I must admit it was entirely neccessary, if we are ever to stand as a purified state, made of true survivors and not of cowering invalids, hidden behind their walls. --Peter Red 06:28, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

See, you guys aren't so far from us afterall. But alas, those deaths were in vain. Remember what I said about Creedy and how it would fall if they didn't get out there and fight? We warned them at the Silent Night Event. Told them the bash was coming. What we were doing was just a wakeup call. The groups that participated in the silent night event killed 124 of them in one night. How could they not see that, huddled in like sheep, they are vulnerable? But they did not grasp the lesson. They went back to business as usual. Now matters are worse. Behold: | Creedy's Fall Imminent. And it's not just the fort. The surrounding buildings are in ruins. --Hibernaculum 18:33, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

Did you guys survive the March of the Dead? I heard they made their way up to your neck of the woods. --Hibernaculum 14:40, 2 April 2008 (BST)

Pashenton BP

Howdy Roughnecks,

I left a note on The Shogun's page, but I just wanted to make sure you guys were aware of the discussion on the Pashenton talk page regarding the BP.

By any chance, do you guys derive your name from the book Starship Troopers (Rasczak's Roughnecks)? Great read. If not, never mind. --Soloman Frisbee 22:49, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

I'm very sorry about the violation of the barricade plan, but we are now running an entry point in the factory to the south now, as we do not wish to leave ourselves open to attack from the street. Really any survivor without free running should try to get somewhere out of Pashenton, but if they can't they can safely sleep in the factory to the south that we consider our responsibility to maintain as well as our headquarters. By the way our name is a direct derivation of Starship Troopers, one of my favourite books and movies. Feel free to swing by our headquarters for some old fashioned, Red Dawn style, anti zombie guerilla warfare.--Peter Red 11:02, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

Don't worry about any violations. If it were up to me, I'd make most buildings (including some TRPS) EHB. We just want an updated BP that works for local survivors to be available to survivors on the Wiki. I'll probably take your offer up on the guerilla warefare next time I'm in town.
Thanks for the feedback --Soloman Frisbee 22:59, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

A Request: The Woolven Building (Pashenton)

I have noticed that your group is working in the area and has been mentioned in the news for this location. If possible, would one of your members consider posting a NecroNet from the the Woolven Building? I ask because to date no such scan has been posted for NecroWatch. I would like to see an end that with your help. Updated scan images can be updated directly via the interface on the location wikipage, or by contacting NecroWatch (here), whereby I will upload any screenshots/images that are posted via a public image hosting website or iWitness, so long as a link to the image is provided. Thanks. --Mobius187 23:58, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre

Stop hand.png Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days.

Currently the suburb in question is Pashenton but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a may seem a stupid request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --Adavastor 02:39, 31 July 2008 (BST)

Malton Uprising

Reds Roughnecks are cordially invited to the Malton Uprising against the DEM. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|00:40, 17 August 2008 (BST)