The Fortress/News/Page 3

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The Fortress News Page 3
Fortress Team Anaconda Team Battlehawk Team Cold Cell Team Dark Watch Past Teams Fortress News


TFN- Your eyes and ears in the city!

Front Page:
Top News - Team Anaconda - Team Battlehawk
Page Two:
Team Cold Cell - Team Dark Watch - Around the Tavern - In the Line of Duty
Page Three:

Boot Camp News


-Jay Gorman


TFN Engineer

-Private Mendoza


-Miss Elainious
-Tiago Ferreira
-Jay Gorman
-Victor Vandregas
-Anne Tardew
-Private Mendoza
-Perrin the Wolf



Boot Camp

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Redfields: January 30th, 2009

Well, what can I say... Boot Camp, I've just graduated so the memories are fresh!

When I started, the guidance from Miss E. and Mj was tremendous; correcting my reports, helping me and of course vastly increasing my experience. I started with a level 41 character but I was looking for a purpose, for a place to add more meaning to the game besides mindless zombie killing. The Fortress was the perfect place for me. Upon Entrance into Boot Camp, I learned about reporting, killing with a purpose, and I picked up many other useful tips along the way.

This experience was certainly awesome and I loved it. Graduating from Boot Camp 2 weeks and 3 days later, I think it was most definitely helpful and necessary. RTS-ing with Peaches3 and Durnath2 was good, through linking up on msn and unleashing co-ordinated strikes. That being said, the support of others such as Zeff and T.Crowbar was also helpful, they made life sooo much easier.

I am glad to have graduated and gone through the process. Now, beginning CT life as a recruit of Cold Cell, I hope to give the same, if not a superior, quality of work in Cold Cell as I did in Boot Camp.

Thank you!

Kevin Turvey: January 22nd, 2009

Boot Camp, lets see.... it was last year so its difficult to remember.....

On Arrival at BC I was given a very warm welcome by many Fortress members. The tasks were simple and straight forward; report your findings and help keep Shackleville as per the Barricade Plan. After a short while I realised that MSN was going to be an asset, and shortly afterwards I was involved in my first RTS. It proved to be excellent fun and we achieved our goal with time (and AP) leftover to sing a song (badly)! Whilst it was always hard work, I made sure I allowed time to keep my hair tidy and my toenails free of those little black bits. rolleyes.gif After a few weeks (I was already at Level 41 on arrival at BC) I was sent a PM by Mj with the Exam paper attached. Several nailbiting minutes later..(no, not my toe nails dry.gif ) the paper was complete and returned. The rest, as they say, is history!! cool.gif

Roy Orbson: January 21st, 2009

I had been playing UD for a year, maybe a year and a half, on and off, every so often losing interest. One day I looked into the group stats page and saw "The Fortress" like fourth from the top of the list. So I clicked on the link, and sent an email that very day. I haven't really looked back since, it's been fun helping everyone in Malton and Fortress life is always interesting. Everyone's really nice and I hope we keep on keepin' on.

Glasses McLoud: January 11th, 2009

I already had the basic skills when entering BC (with the exception of Diagnosis), and was in a hurry to leave. What could they possibly teach me that I didn't know? To use the Wiki for starters. I can't say I read a lot on those pages before joining The Fortress. I learned basic tactics to keep myself alive, what I had been taking for granted when roaming the streets alone. Working in teams greatly enhanced my gaming experience. One of the biggest lessons must be not to play when drunk (which also cabbaged my chance at The Vigilance Challenge. tongue.gif Or to take the Final Exam. All in all, BC served it's purpose. Thanks and well deserved to the BC Staff.

Radmaster 5000: December 18th, 2008

I'm a noob to Urban Dead and spent the first few weeks wandering around, never sure which direction to head in, and not really knowing what to do. I sent an application to the Fortress after reading on their wiki that they could teach me the basics. I wish I had signed up straight away. I earned XP really quickly and learned what to use it on which earned me XP even quicker. I also learned how working as a team can really give each of those precious AP's a purpose. The advice and help I got in Boot Camp made the game a lot more interesting and a lot more fun!

Ieatflesh01: December 17th, 2008

Having been in the game long enough to be pretty maxed out as far as leveling up is concerned, I was kind of put off by having to go to boot camp. I mean come on, I'm a level 41. What can they possibly teach me?? But I'll tell you, it was a real eye opener. I learned a lot of new methods to do things that honestly, I hadn't thought of. Taking back suburbs with a team, working right alongside the legends, learning from everyone, it was truly an outstanding experience. The idea of going from being all by yourself, to having an entire team to back you, and learning how to interact with that team in the forums and MSN, was waaay cool. I guess the long and the short, BC was excellent. A great experience.