UDWiki:Featured Articles/Good Articles
Good Article Voting Here, we determine which articles are deemed to be "Good" Articles. These are seen as some of the best the wiki has to offer and can include virtually any page on the wiki. Articles which have been given good article status, become eligible to become Featured Articles with a new Good Article being voted to receive that honour every week. Criteria
Any main namespace article (also including user pages and journal pages if they are thought to fulfil the above criteria) can be nominated for good article status. The nomination will be discussed and if there are no major issues raised at the end of 7 days, the article is promoted to Good status and will be added to the Featured Article Pool for the coming week. |
Good Article candidate
Good Article candidate has recently undergone a lot of improvement from various editors. It's NPOV, it's concise and informative. I also believe it to be generally awesome, just take a look at the talk page discussion, people love it! --GA Suggester 20:29, 3 April 2009 (BST)
- Yes - I see only a few minor issues, but those seem to be fixed readily. Otherwise it's good. --OptimistBob 20:29, 3 April 2009 (BST)
- Love it! --Few Words Joe 20:29, 3 April 2009 (BST)
- Yes - Maintains good article balance, strong intro, accurate information, good grammar and spelling. Well wikified. --Overly Technical Jim 20:29, 3 April 2009 (BST)
- Yes - Much better than all the other candidates. --BetterMuch Ralph 20:29, 3 April 2009 (BST)
- Yes - I like this part here. --Specific Jen 20:29, 3 April 2009 (BST)
New Nominations
Placed new Nominations under this header.
Recent Nominations
Nomination discussion that have concluded in the past 7 days should be placed here. For older nominations, see the Archive.