The Wensleydale Building
the Wensleydale Building
East Grayside [64, 85]
Basic Info:
The Wensleydale Building is a derelict grey-stone building, its doorway flanked by statues.
Barricade Policy
In accordance with the East Grayside Barricade Plan, this site is to be kept at Very Strongly Barricaded (VSB+2), in order to permit entry by rookies and those needing Free Running access. This location serves as an free-running entry to Binning Way Police Department.
Current Status
Currently over-barricaded at EHB. Two zombies are S at Prigg Alley, an official revivification point. --Lariat2301 05:43, 15 May 2009 (BST)
The Wensleydale Building is Very Strongly Barricaded. A portable generator is inside, but is low on fuel. Few survivors inside. ----Dov Ecluts 18:56, 6 March 2008 (UTC)
According to the East Grayside Barricade policy, The Wensleydale is to be at EHB.--Dov Ecluts 05:17, 26 February 2008 (UTC)