Is a new formed team that researches for some curiosities about Urban Dead universe, like: attack rates, ruins, strategies and some more things.If you want to support our cause please either:
- 1) Allow us to do our studies in your suburb.We always ask for permissons.
- 2) Join us directly to support our studies.
- 3) If we are zombies or survivors avoid pking us, and killing us, unless we state in the game we are hostile or we are doing a quest that needs such actions done.
- 4) If one of our members attacks a building or kills a survivor that isn´t participating in our current study, u can freely add him to Rogues Gallery or kill him.
- 5) Be sure to check our page first before doing any of the actions described above.
- 6) Our Group members have the Ronari tag in the Group slot.
We currently are going to found out this question:
1) How much time you need to level up if you efficiently use the strategy called "Attack & Fak"? More coming soon, feel free to leave a messege in our Discussion page We will contact the resident groups in the suburb of Dartside for their help and support so we can use the St. Ferreol's Hospital (Dartside) [34,87] for this operation, and make pinata The Rudd Building [34, 88] to avoid pkers that dont support our cause and minimalize external facts, like ferals coming to try and get us.
Current logs
29 May 2009.- Started Wiki page of Group, assigned name and started with 3 members to get the items required for the first study.
Items: Knife,Fuel can X 6,portable generator,Useful_Items#First Aid Kit First Aid Kit X unknown (aproximately 350 to max out), and maybe a Toolbox,Useful_Items#NecroTech_Revivification_Syringe.
Members needed (at last 3): 2 humans and 1 zed for ruinning entrance to the hospital The Rudd Building [34, 88] and make it pinata so Pkers wont interrupt our studies.
Studies completed
None so far.
Current Staff
- Ronar:Founder and member.
- Firefox Fan: Founder and member.
- Colonel Krauser: Member and first recruit.
Recruitment Section
If u are interested on helping our cause please post here.