Shearbank Patrol/News
General Reports
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Danger Alerts
No outstanding reports.
Status Reports
Patrol is securing the southwest corner of Shearbank. We've just taken back Josaphat and now we're working on the Turner building. --Azureskyx 10:42, 21 July 2009 (BST)
- Confirmed. Someone was also kind enough to restore two corners of Stickling into relatively operating order. --Alan Jersie 11:47, 21 July 2009 (BST)
Group Announcements
Added the Axes concept. Feel free to comment or edit anything yourself. --Alan Jersie 15:22, 21 July 2009 (BST)
- Good thing! We perhaps could have a third axe around Lazarus_General_Hospital, The_Nisbet_Building, Warehouse_57,29 and Male_Way, but I have not looked for entry points right now and perhaps its to wide spread. --Cliff Runner 22:12, 21 July 2009 (BST)
Updated Strategic Point template again. Not sure if for better or worse, but at least it's more compact and organised. --Alan Jersie 13:00, 18 July 2009 (BST)
- What do the red and green triangles represent? I also see two shades of red, is it for ruined and in zombie hands? I'd assume green would mean that the building is safe? I kinda like the older template better, but this one is fine, since it looks neater. --Azureskyx 18:03, 18 July 2009 (BST)
- They're color codes, same as what images on previous one did. Ideally this one would use images too, not sure if I can come up with anything. Feel free to suggest or edit anything. --Alan Jersie 18:50, 18 July 2009 (BST)
- Making it more compact is a very good idea. But as for me, the symbols representing the building status are a bit too small. Additionally they only signify by their color, which is dominated heavily by the surrounding building-type-colors (hospital/pd/etc.). I cannot really suggest a better solution, but at the moment I find it hard to get a quick overview of the total suburb status by one glance. --Cliff Runner 22:12, 21 July 2009 (BST)
Location-specific Reports
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First Axis Reports
Edmund General - Whippey Building - Stickling Mall - Warehouse - Allder Row
Three corners of Stickling Mall have been repaired. Most everything else is still in ruins, 30 zeds at Allder. --Alan Jersie 14:15, 21 July 2009 (BST)
Second Axis Reports
Josaphat General - Turner Building - Borrer PD - Factory - Sartin Monument
Josaphat Hospital has been retaken and is currently powered. We may just have a chance at retaking the suburb. --Alan Jersie 14:15, 21 July 2009 (BST)
L.L.P.D. Patrol Reports
Not oustanding reports.