User:Boomer Australia

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You can never see boomers face not even on his drivers lisince!!!!

[My Talk Page ][My contriubtions]

Stats/Personal info

Class: Military

RAF Private.jpg Private
This user is a private in the military and is probably off pumping lead into a zombie.

Aperance: aviator glasses and a millitary style cap is 6.3 foot has short dark brown hair and is under 23 years old the eyes are blue but when you look in too those eyes you see courage of the foolhardy Wearing: a gas mask, a dark blue T-shirt, a firefighter's jacket, a high-visibility jacket and a pair of black trousers

Level: 1

Deaths: 1 (sitkawolf02 cheers for the revive)

Kills: 0 (some guy stole my kill the zombie was nearly dead 4 more blows and boomer would of killed him!)

XP: 19

Group:Band of brothers(a group which is currently developing),pending to join talon company

Joined: 2010-01-11 08:12:25


Male.jpeg Male
This user is male.


Basic Firearms Training (Player gets +25% to hit with all firearms attacks.)

Nationality: Australian

Aussieflag.JPG Australian
This user is Australian.

Religious belifes: Catholic (i belive in it but i wouldn't start any wars over it)


Labor Party
This user is a member of the Labor Party.

Unit(s)(not survival groups but Boomers millitary history before deploying):

Boomers current unit‎

Old Unit:

Royal Australian infantry corps (wasn't asinged to any division)

Hamster gun.jpg Hamster
Hamsters will defeat the zombie menace. All hail our furry Hamster overlord

Current unit:

101st Airborne Screaming Eagles division

Boomers old unit

Information/Back Story

Boomer was a single child he was a fairly tall child and a general comidean he became a Australian soldier him and some of he's mates was transferred to the american army during operation united croc his job was pelling potatoes. 50,000 potatoes later he recived Basic firearms training he was about to be asinged to the 101st airborne (the division he always wanted to join).He paratrooped in buttonville before he was he said to his tempoairy commander "to wear the 101st patch is a privlage not a right" his commander nocked him out because he knew that Boomer meant the 101st is better the the 82nd Airborne(tempoairy because he doesn't stay in the U.S millitary all of his carrier only for 10 years he's still serving).

Mariopimp.jpg Mario the Pimp
This user believes chicks dig plumbers who do Shrooms.
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group plays as Mr. Rogers would. They are non-violent as long as there is peace. Start something, however, and expect the wrath of Mr. Rogers and his whole neighborhood.

He got the nickname Boomer because he told his mates to call him Boomer he nagged them and nagged them to call him boomer when they finnaly gave in other people called him Boomer no one knows his real names besides his mates.

Part 1

Then the qurrantine at molton started he pepared for over 3 year then was asinged to the 101st airborne and paradroped into molton in a surburb called buttonville he made his way up to find his mate who was depolyed less then a year ago. He holded up in a firestation armed with a pistol,fire axe and a flare gun on january 12th he reported a event which may have taken the lives of some survivors near he heard screaming and people shouting help save him. The people at the Clarkson fire deparment are currently holding up incase the zombies decide the push. Heres his offical report of the event

January 12th A group of zombies have attacked survivors near the Clarkson fire station people at the fire station tried to help wounded survivors but weren't able to help.There is no information on the survivors who where attacked. Survivors at the fire station are currently in distress one survivor said "Im ****ing scared". It seems that lone zombies have joined forces to attack shackleville. The damgage is currently unkown --Boomer Australia 16:47, 12 January 2010 (EST)

Boomer is currently waiting to perform some recon and attack the zombies at all costs his only friend at molton is currently away Boomer is waiting to join talon company. Boomer is going to perform a skirmish on nearby zombies hopefully with the help of other survivors.

Boomer did some skirmishing he attacked a zombie with a pistol wasted 2 rounds only taking 2 damage(the zombie was wearing a flak jacket) so Boomer decided to use a fire axe which was more successful take 3 or 4 damage. Boomer retreated back to the Clarkson lane fire station where 2 zombies where laying seige to clarkson fire station (21 survivors on the inside) boomer attacked but didn't take any damage there where 4 dead bodies most likely zombie bodies. Due to low ap Boomer is sleeping.

Boomer made his way back to the junkyard where him and his mate meet up the there was 1 zombie on the outside he attacked him with a fireaxe only got one hit wasted most of his ap he went inside and is currently resting.

Boomer went out side to take a breather and to see if the zombie was still there it was so he got his fire axe and slashed at it he took 3 hp of it was down to 21 he tried another blow but missed he went back to the talon company junkyard.

Boomer was about to kill a zombie but someone stole his kill boomer became very depressed he is going to attack the zombies when he has full ap

Boomers Advice

Never sleep outside even in a abondaned surburb there will always be a zombie in a abondaned surburb

Get your friends to join and use them as bait (or vice versa which is kind of happening to me)

Stay in a suburb which is safe or a yellow neighberhood and make sure its barricaded and there is no bodies or blood

Noob.gif STFU N00B
This user recognizes the difference between a Newbie and a Noob.

On the map Yellow and green basicly mean survior territory Orange and red basicly mean zombie territory and abondaned in boomers oppion is basicly big yellow lights flashing WARNING

Join a survior group or make one

I belive in saving people no matter what (unless they are the enemy of my group only execption) but that doesn't mean you do

Don't go wasting all of your ammo on one zombie your going to need that ammo later on

Boomers Belifes & Ambitions

Just so everyone knows i belive in every single belife which is on this page! so im not getting random ones i agree with them

Mpd.png PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Gargoyle.jpg Profane Existence Policy
This user supports the PEP.
Extravaganza.jpg Extravaganza!
This group or person is dedicated to making the 3rd of July the most kick-ass night Malton has ever seen.
Syringe crosshairs sml.jpg Fertilize the Land Policy
This user or group believes in regaining NT buildings at any cost!
UwarS.GIF Supporter of Urban Warfare Doctrine
I fight block by block

Boomer currently wants to make a outpost with him and his mate

Boomer currently wants to go to a telephone mast secure it and set up a raido transponder(somthing like that) to give advice, information etc

Boomer Currently wants to make the 101st Airborne Division (A survival group)

Boomer wants to tag every statue he can find and the tag will be "Anzac monument" he admits its werid (im not talking in third person since im a player not a actully charchter in the game so im like the narrator of my charchter oh you should get it)