
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 22:08, 29 January 2010 by Tassajaramonk (talk | contribs)
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Enemies, brah? Are you serious? Can't we just have some McZeds and get along? :D We don't smell THAT bad, do we? --Chekken 23:40, 27 August 2009 (BST)

Adee the zerger

I understand this fellow adee asked to join your group and the concept of zerging was explained to him by a group member. Seriously, you guys don't need this kind of drama. I don't have any suggestions for how to deal with him. Just wanted to point it out before he sullies your group name. --Scoopnog 07:28, 31 August 2009 (BST)


CORAM would like to request an alliance with 1111. We're in Lukinswood, not far from you. x --    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18:37, 15 November 2009 (UTC)


Zombie Insurance Department would also like to request an alliance with 1111. We're in N Blythville as well and the Backer Building is our HQ So we are very close by! We have currently only 7 members though we are new. We hope you accept! :) --Shiznoe 20:26, 21 December 2009 (UTC)

Sock Puppets

I love sock puppets. Don't you? They're so soft and furry. Kind of like you Chekken. You must be a pathetically lonely tyke to have to resort to building a group of 50 zerg puppets so you can get respect. Instead though everyone thinks you're sad and idiotic. It worked for awhile but now everyone knows Squadron1111 is one lonely wanna-be losers' wet dream. You've been busted 6 ways from Sunday. Once I took a microscope to your little creation here it all fell apart. You're not very good at it and made several mistakes. You're lazy though aren't you? After all, you PKed your own alt to get into LoD and got busted. Get the hell out of Urban Dead! If you want to zerg and feel important go join Somethingawful. Leave the honest players alone 'ya n00bey little worm. You fail at life. --Headless gunner W! 04:18, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

So I guess the 1111 stood for how many zergs you have. --Rolfe Steiner 16:02, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

Adee, Zerging, Etc.

You still have a zerger, adee 1988, amongst you, who is currently listed as being one of your members.

Also, you have a "strategic partnership" with Team Zombie Hardcore, of which at least 4 are zerg listed (Horny Polar Bear, Horny Horny Hippo, Alexander Karelin, duke cage), and 2 of which are on the Ignore Liste for text rape (duke cage, Horny Horny Hippo). Additionally, most of them have Rogue's Gallery bounties for griefing. I'm sure that you won't keep these people as allies. --Shank Case 18:46, 29 January 2010 (UTC)

Could there be more Phail?

Additionally to the above statement;Your association with Envy, and your apparent lax attitude when I told you in the CGR threads that the leader "Naughty Treebob" is a permanent listed zerg, proof AND Naughty Treebob being Perma Zerg listed here is another reason your group is under scrutiny. Furthermore, other members have recently been on and off the zerg list as well. Loser Magnets! Chekken, TZH, Envy? Text rapists, cheaters and zergers! Oh ya, BTW: fuck you Chekken. --AU10Pantomime Mistress of Pain┌∩┐()┌∩┐ 20:38, 29 January 2010 (UTC)

Holy Smokes!

Wow, OK, this is very interesting. I hate to say it but I never even realized there was such a thing as a talk page!!

OK, I will respond to everyone here ASAP. Hang on a minute and I'll be back.

Now that I know this page exists I will be happy to respond to any concerns and accusations!



Enemies: Chekken we do not know you and do not wish to. Thanks.

Adee the Zerger: Adee seemed confused about the rules when we first met up with him. We explained it repeatedly, but I don't think English is his first language. Finally he figured it out! Now he keeps his alts far apart and plays by the rules. I'm glad of this because we were very close to having to drive him away. He just seemed confused about it, rather than actively trying to cheat. However, he has it straight now. Anyone who DOES see him Zerging, please post here and we'll terminate him with extreme force. As for the zerg list, he said he's trying to get off of it, so I hope that works, and I'll try to help him do that.

CORAM: hi you guys, we are traveling a lot so we can't hang around and help out. However, call us on 27.77 if you have trouble and we'll come help!