User:Drunk Link2500

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Drunk Link2500 | Talk | Signature | Templates
Welcome to my wiki page. Please enjoy your stay.

Drunk Link's ID.jpg

Bounty!.jpg Bounty Hunter
This user is a Bounty Hunter.

Pkdaythumb.jpg Body Count
Drunk_Link2500 has identified and killed 16 Pkers.


I joined Urban Dead in April 28, 2009. I immeadietly searched for a group to join. I picked the Umbrella Corporation because I love the Resident Evil series of games and movies. I joined and was a recruit for about a month. I graduated from Whiskey Platoon on June 10, 2009. The once dead Victor Platoon was reactivated and I was assinged to it. On Sep. 4, 2009 when Thadeous Oakley G. left the Umbrella Corporation and his position as Victor Platoon XO, I took his place. Today I am still Victor's XO along the side of Kylac, the platoon's CO. I soon became a member of the senior staff in November 2009. On Feb. 25, I started by bounty hunting career for the Umbrella Corporation.


Join the Umbrella Corporation! If you wish to join please go to this link: Umbrella Corporation Forum or go to this link in the wiki Umbrella Corporation

If you have any questions for me or about Umbrella, please use my talk page. Thank you.