User talk:Bullish

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Revision as of 21:07, 30 August 2010 by Rosslessness (talk | contribs)
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What exactly is your point on Barhah? Simply comparing it to something that you find vaguely "terrorist like", and trying to claim it's somehow disturbing to Americans, isn't a valid contribution to the page -- boxy talkteh rulz 21:13 30 August 2010 (BST)

Well the thought struck me, and I did an random survivor ingame review for a month, because it does sound vaguely Midlle Eastern in name origin. Plus, the idea of Barhah is very similar to the terrorist thought of getting 72 virgins as a reward in the afterlife. Now here's the comparason. Zoms are fanactics in what they do. And given the large amount of reading about Zom groups here it also seems that the players who use them are similar in mindset (for example the complete destruction of burbs). Also, we all know those large groups employ SPies, PKers, and GKers (even if they claim not too), which fits perfectly intot he terrorist theme.

Point is it fits into the RPG scheme of the game, and I added the "American" part to given fuller concern/sentiment for that demographic since they are still very Terrorist sensitive about alot of things. Of course they might see the Zombies as a terrorist plot, and related, ect.

My adding to this page is valid because it's credible, creative, and an accurate assesment/perspective of possiblity. And, in truth, Zombies are really generic toerorists. It's certyain people's perspectives that make them only see the Middle East as the stndard. Terrorist in itself is exactly suited to Zombie behavior.

Please return the edit, and if needed I'll be happy to expound, because it adds dimension to the game. Deleting freedom of speech, thought, and creativity to benefit the Zombies ideas over Survivors (especially given that certain Admins are already biased for Zoms) really isnt in the spirit of this site, and shouldn't be allowed.

Now please return my edit back to where it belongs. Thx.

Frankly, everything you just said is my favourite Brownite politician.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature2 21:28, 30 August 2010 (BST)

I don't know what that means. I was only trying to add an interesting plot twist/perspective to add more RPG dimension to the game. I'm not interested in politics (whether related to the game, or in real life), but my idea IS good for sure. It's definitely an interesting plot point, and I've accurately shown how Zombie behavior can be linked to the ideal.

I'm honestly hoping that this site isn't as "Pro-Zombie" as is mentioned in the game. That would be disconcerting given that there should be equal representation. But if that's the case then I can see why Kevan neever responds to anyone. LOL

Anyway, I just wrote something cool for fun, and even spent my own time polling people s opinions on the idea/possibility.

I've made a new edit, so maybe that works. I'm hoping that the product as allowed to be seen, so that I do not become one of the jaded who seem to think that this site is managed by favoritism. Given what I've written I can't see how it shouldn't be allowed to be viewed if fairness is the standard.

The site isn't managed by favouritism, and Kevan plays his zombie alt more than his survivor one, so that's a stupid point. Also, you've proved nothing, you basically said any exclamation by anyone is automatically a declaration of terrorism, and that because in a game geared towards conflict, oen side partakes in conflict, they are immediately terrorists. You briefly said that zombies do things such as PKing, something which, in this game's context, can only be done by survivors. Essentially, you pushed a biased opinion that survivors are the accepted governmental force and that any attacks on them by a side encouraged to attack them within the game's design are terrorist attacks. Your edit was not based on anythign concrete and was absolute rubbish.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature2 21:42, 30 August 2010 (BST)
Its not really favouritism, its more the fact its a zombie term, in a zombie language to define their own approach. To connect it with any specific religion or nation actually narrows the RP dimension, because it attempts to define something, that is by definition, beyond living comprehension. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:40, 30 August 2010 (BST)

You've OBVIOUSLY been playing TOO long. Your objectivity is lost. The game is about SURVIVING. Whether as human or Zom. And since we are all humans in real life we will automatically identify with humans, whether we what to or not. That's what makes this genre so popular. Even given we can play Zoms, the purposes are to survive and destroy. The problem here is that too many Zombie behaviors, for RP purposes, have been made canon. Can Zombies read the books, newpapers in game? Can they use the radios? The point is that people made the Zombie side in this game MORE HUMAN (which is what we humans do with everything so that's natural), however it's long been inappropriate for canon purposes. Do you see ANY zombies acting like these do (on the sites via coordination, attacks, ideas such as "Barhah" ect. IN GAME at all?

No you do not, and the reason for that is because that's what VAMPIRES do not Zombies. If the game allowed for more HUMAN-like abilites then the Zom groupshere would be more appropriate.

PLUS, everyone knows that the game is made to be a challenge. It REVOLVES around Survivors (as they have multiple things that can/need to be done to survive), and the basics of that are continuous. Zoms are difficult (if solo) for the first few levels, and they are on EZ mode late in the game. When people get terrortorial about that it's because they don't want to admit they are playing on easy level. Hell I have Zoms and they're fun, but let's kkeep it in perspective. The game is about Humans trying to survive. The site itself shouldn't even HAVE Zombie opinions, comments, ect. BECAUSE they aren't human. And the very OPINION that they can have their own thoughts, ect. given they can't use books, ect. (as stated above) proves that it's all ROLE PLAYING. Plus, ZOMBIES are ALL fiction and thus subjective.

Therefore, my ideas about their similarities to terrorism are valid because they fall under the same dictates of opinion and subjectivity. Does Ann Rice's Vampires have all the same qualities as Bram Stokers? See what I mean? The Survivors are based on fact given we are all human and what we think/do is proven. And, at the very least, it adds dimension to the game itself. The fact that ALL the Zombie stuff here is from RP should denote that this alternative is also possible.

Putting too much "humanity" into you're Zombie ideals is just dumb, close-minded, and sad really. Good job being dumb. You've effectively contributed to why the Human race really needs to have a Zombie infestation. Or at least Armageddon for the weak and selfish-minded sheep. Where's a minefield when you need one? Good luck with the propoganda edits Zom Nazis. LOL! The world's funny when it balances out like that. For all those offended at this point. Grow Up. You're not a Zombie, even if you are pale and live in your mommy's basement, and you idea of what a Zombie is in this game is WRONG

Considering I'm eligible to join Mensa, and you can't get your "yours" the right way round, you're in no position to call anybody "dumb". Your petulant assumption that zombies aren't people too is completely ridiculous, because they're played by humans. If you want to decide that zombies are all terrorists, go make your own game. Until Kevan says his are terrorists, they aren't. This isn't an issue of subjectivity, it's an issue of pathetic attempts by one individual to push their own opinion in to an article with a solid consensus on the meaning.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature2 22:04, 30 August 2010 (BST)
Starts argument by saying it adds to role playing, then tells me exactly how I should consider the competing sides. Brilliant. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 22:07, 30 August 2010 (BST)

Welcome to the wiki

Welcome to the Urban Dead wiki site. If you have any hiccups getting going, our help section should be of some use; or if you need anything in particular, feel free to ask me on my talk page. You might also be interested in the Suggestions section if you're keen on sharing your ideas; and it's a good idea to keep an eye on the admin pages in case you find yourself needing any of the admin services such as deletions or page moves. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 01:52, 28 August 2010 (BST)

Admin favouritism bull

Of the 8 active admins, from what I've seen:

  1. Aichon has accounts of all three playstyles. He seems balanced between the three.
  2. Boxy is generally a zombie player from what I've seen.
  3. DDR is more geared towards PKer or Survivor play.
  4. Cheese has both survivor and zombie alts, and seems balanced between them.
  5. Misanthropy is decidedly a PKer.
  6. Red Hawk One is primarily a survivor.
  7. Ross has all kinds of playstyles, but is most notable for his extensive survivor theoretical work.
  8. I have all three types of character, but I'm a decidely survivor player.

So, four who seem geared towards survivors, one who's a PKer, one who's a zombie and two largely spread ones. Now, I may be mistaken, but that's what i've seen of their characters. More importantly, none of the sysops are in any way biased towards any form of play. There's no possible justification for callign this a zombie-driven website.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature2 21:49, 30 August 2010 (BST)

You forgot to mention there's currently 5 of us defending blackmore from the zombie scum! --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:51, 30 August 2010 (BST)
You, me, DDR, Red and Aichon? couldn't get the fifth, but I've only been there for a day. Either way, he's a stupid bloke.--User:Yonnua Koponen/signature2 21:54, 30 August 2010 (BST)
I'm not an admin, but I'm there since a day or two. --Umbrella-White.pngThadeous OakleyUmbrella-White.png 22:03, 30 August 2010 (BST)