Communist Party of Malton

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Communist Party of Malton
Communist Party of Malton
Abbreviation: CPM
Group Numbers: 4
Leadership: Communal
Goals: The destruction of all forms of oppression
Recruitment Policy: open to all levels of reds
Contact: [1]

The Communist Party of Malton is a survivor group made up of members with a broadly socialist viewpoint. Currently we reside in Dakerstown.

Being a CPM Member

There are two things you need to do to join the CPM:

1) Be a communist. Or at least supportive of tyhe workers' movement and anti-fascist.

2) Write 'Communist Party of Malton' into your group box on your profile.

It would be good if you visited our blog, came to live in Dakers, took part in Party campaigns, but all this is optional, comrade.

Come to the Party Office at Hardwick Row Railway Station in Dakerstown.

CPM Members

Mr Trent Garby


Chiang Ching



1. PKing: The CPM does not attack Survivors except in retaliation to attacks on our members, or unless they or fascists, trenchies or the man. The exception to this is The Randoms, who we might still be at war with. Can't quite remember why anymore.

2. Zerging: The CPM is against Zerging. Members of CPM may have 1 character in CPM. Members of the CPM cannot have an alt in an allied group, as this clearly violates the principle.

3. Sacred Ground Policy: We will not target zombies at cemeteries (unless we know them to be Brain Rotters or Blacklisted) although the best place to get revived is inside the junkyard near Pask NT, in Dakerstown.

4. Combat Revives: We do not support Combat Revives. Revives should only be carried out on recognized Survivor members of your Contacts Lists, or at a recognized Revive Point following a DNA scan. Obviously, if you see a dedicated zombie, don't revive them. It gets on their nerves, and they'll only come in and break the generators or PK you.

5. Graffiti: Respect the messages of other groups, and do not replace important messages inside of resource buildings.

6. We support this FUACK initiative - Universal Safehouse: All junkyards (excluding the indoor RP next to Pask) will be permanently maintained at VSB+2 enabling low-level survivors to have a guaranteed safety in the hostile wastes of Dakerstown. Appropriate graffiti will be applied.

7. Workers Unity - we support closer cooperation between the left groups of Dakerstown. In time we hope this will lead to a single revolutionary force with diverse currents and trends.

8. Establishment of a Workers' Republic of Dakers, run by a Dakers Soviet democratically elected by survivors in the suburb.

Recent News

March 2011 - In honour of the heroic struggle of the Libyan masses, the provisional committee of the CPM is relanuching the party. All comrades are requested to visit our new blog:

We Are Back!


We view the following as comrades in the struggle against zombie capitalism:

- FUACK - WSIS - Urban Guerillas - USSR

We will shed our blood with them. Unity in Struggle!


It is recommended that citizens of Williamsville tune their radios to:

  • 26.45 - The official radio frequency of Williamsville. Survivors recommend transmitters in Williamsville be tuned to this frequency, with the exception of transmitters in group HQs.
  • 26.98 - This is Radio Lenin the official radio frequency of The Communist Party of Malton.


Current Allies:


Urban Guerillas

SOS Brigade

Deck of 52

Workers Who Struggle In Solidarity

Allies Which Have Become Inactive:

Malton Anarchist Federation


Socialist Template.png Socialism
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Socialism, and their induction into Malton society, through the maelstrom of the Zombie epidemic.
Red Army Choir.jpg Red Army Choir
This User or Group believes the Red Army totally knew how to rock the world, and all modern bands are wannabe sissies. Kalinka, my love, come back to me!
Fascism.gif Fascists
This user or group hates fascists and will do everything in their power to feed them to the zombies.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Contact us/Recruitment

If you wish to join or contact the CPM, have any questions, requests, job requests, or just wish to get in contact or leave a message, please visit our blog. Everybody is free to register and post.
