Talk:The Dead 2.0

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Happy Fun Times

The Dead walk the streets of Malton.

We know it as we hide and run.

We know that zombies with have their fun.

The Dead walk the streets of Malton.

Their time has come.

But see his cloak is tattered and torn.

His scythe is blunt, in light of dawn.

Amid The Dead, amid the groans

No longer do they walk alone.

A new age is born.

The Dead hides itself amid the crowd

That presses hard on barricade.

Every man in Malton needs a shroud

The Dead are here. The call is loud.

The Dead walk the streets of Malton tonight

They are coming.


The DHPD pulled out of the Hills weeks ago. I’m in the wasteland.

Between the idea

and the realitiy

I stumble across Brains Monroe.

Between the motion

And the act

He’s put down his shotgun, but I’m holding mine.

Between the emotion

And the response

He’s killed many, many of us.

Between the desire

and the spasm

I’ve only killed zombies.

Falls the Shadow.

The question is, can I pull the trigger?

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper


"Gabby, I'm glad I got hold of you. Have you heard about Marty?" "No, what about him?" Cat had come up behind Gabby and caught hold of his hand. "What about Marty?" "Dead. I'm sorry Cat. I thought the news would have already reached you"

"Oh no!" Cat cried. "Marty is dead in a town where people can come back from the dead by STANDING UP. Whatever shall we do?

"Gabby smiled broadly and slipped off his chair and onto the floor in front of her. He laid his chin on her knee and stared up at her. This was a trick he had perfected during their fling - of course, he had generally used it to get sex out of her. Now, he was out for information."


"You're worried about what happens next, aren't you."

I closed my eyes. How to find my way out of this one? or whether even to bother. It might be easier at this point just to submit, at least it wouldn't involve any more pain.

"A little," I said.

He stepped forwards, so now his whole body was pressed against mine. I was sandwiched between him and the wall. There was a dull ache everywhere from the beating but at the same time I felt my body reacting to his presence because, heaven help me, it had been a long time. I think I whimpered though I'm not sure if it was from fear or desire or a mixture of both.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to rape you. If we fuck, it'll be because you asked for it."

He kissed me gently on the lips and I felt his breath ghosting across my skin. He lingered like that for a moment, maybe waiting for me to give some sign of reciprocation and believe me I was close to it. Confused thoughts about how sleeping with him might be a situation I could turn to my advantage, or at least be used as a let out from any beatings or further violence, but I hadn't quite reached breaking point.

What is the conclusion? I am a Toreador and I am pre-disposed to forming strong emotional attachments with people, especially the Tremere. As Crickhollow, our shady and menacing Nosferatu has said, I have "a pathetic need to protect and be protected." Perhaps he should have termed it "a pathetic need to love and be loved."

At the same time I am also pre-disposed to seek pleasure and I will take it as I can, either through blood if I trust someone enough or through sex if I do not.

Perhaps I am this way because I am Toreador, perhaps I am Toreador because I am this way. Perhaps my emotions and my clan are not connected. You asked me about the Toreador and love. This was my testimony.

Truly literature for the ages. However, you may want to sign your post with links to at least four different user pages or the WIKI LAW will come get you. --Laughing Man 22:03, 18 April 2011 (BST)
What Urbandead Wiki Poster Laughing Man posted is true. I myself fought the WIKI LAW, and the WIKI LAW won!--ебут этом гомосексуальные земля́, ebut ėtom gomoseksual'nye zemlя́ You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Retarded things go here --> Rosstika.gif 2 3 4 User:MisterGame 02:24, 19 April 2011 (BST)
I rate it a D minus. As a doctor of WIKI LAW I have more important things to do than point out what went wrong, so just pretend it's all awful. – Nubis NWO 20:27, 20 April 2011 (BST)

Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Hi there, if you can list the specific suburbs in which your group is active that would be very helpful. Thanks!--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 13:41, 23 January 2011 (UTC)

Pretty much Peddlesden Village, Chudleyton, Dunell Hills, West Becktown, Owsleybank and Molebank. You can tell by all the DHPD chumps we leave rotting in the streets, typically after their latest attempt to "reclaim" Dunell Hills from our tenacious and permanent grasp. Also if this wiki has any semblance of truthfulness to it, you won't put Dunell Hills down as a suburb that the DHPD is active in - because they're not. They come in for five minutes, repair a building or two, and then we kill them all and they run off to try again a week or two later. --カシュー, ザ ゾンビ クィーン (ビープ ビープ) ;x You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild! @ 23:21, 1 February 2011 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply. I've updated your status in Dunell Hills as confirmed. Of the suburbs that you mentioned, you were only listed on the wiki under Dunell Hills. If you want to add yourself to the suburb group listings for the other suburbs feel free to do so. The job we are doing is to confirm which groups are still active and remove the ones that aren't. So we aren't currently adding listings ourselves, but as I mentioned you are perfectly within your rights to do so yourself.
As far as the listing for DHPD, they have been confirmed for Dunell Hills for reasons which I will explain. They way we seek confirmation is to contact any groups that are listed in a suburb (just as I've done with you), and take them on their word that they are active if they respond within the given time-frame. While this method may not result in complete truthfulness, it is the least controversial method that can be applied within a reasonable measure of manpower and impartiality.
In theory we could garner more accurate data by creating accounts in all the suburbs in question and then monitoring the suburbs for a month or so to see if the groups are truly active, however this would be extremely time-consuming. Rather than get into disputes over who is active where, we've decided to just stick with this method for now, at least until something better can be devised. I hope you find my explanation to be adequate, and thank you again for your response.--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 18:57, 4 February 2011 (UTC)
Oh if it's just the trust system then we are active in every suburb in the city, why not. --カシュー, ザ ゾンビ クィーン (ビープ ビープ) ;x You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild! @ 10:53, 11 February 2011 (UTC)