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Make Knife Combat Equal to Axe Combat

Timestamp: 02:39, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Skill improvement
Scope: The skill Knife Combat
Description: The skill Knife Combat currently lets you deal 2 damage with a 40% accuracy, resulting in 8 average damage per 10AP spent. Axe proficiency as we know is currently better as it allows you to deal 3 damage with 40% accuracy, resulting in 12 average damage per 10AP spent. I suggest raising the attack accuracy with Knife Combat to 60% so that knives deal the same average damage per 10 AP as axes do. It would allow players to choose between (relatively) high damage low accuracy and low damage high accuracy. It doesn't really make the survivors more powerful as they'd do the same damage on average over time but it allows a few more strategic options and would also be good for roleplayers that prefer knives to axes. I believe there are other suggestions to make knives have a higher accuracy but I do not think any suggest making them exactly equal to axes.


  1. Keep Author vote. Doesn't make survivors more powerful but adds a few options to the game and makes a skill worthwhile. --Jon Pyre 02:39, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep <3 knives. --Cerebrus13 02:44, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Keep Hey, hey! Helps newbie survivors that aren't playing a fireman get XP (some XP is better than none!) --MrAushvitz3 20:44, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Keep - Knives are fucking cool. --Undeadinator 02:51, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. Keep - This is more than welcome, and something I'd not suggested for fear it would be Dupe voted. --Dr. Fletch 02:53, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. Keep (change) - I like the basic idea, but I would like it better as an "Advanced Knife Fighting" skill. --Norcross 04:51, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Keep - Coooollll!!! -- Nam 06:29, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Keep - I'm pretty sure there have been other versions of this (at least one where it was an extra skill), but in case I'm wrong, keep --McArrowni 14:17, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  9. Keep - This is nice. it gives use to buying the knife skill, without making it exactly the same as the axe.--Kirk Howell 14:54, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  10. Keep - I always wanted a use for the knife. :) --Abi79 15:05, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  11. Keep - Never used knives before cuz they are useless --EnForcer32 15:52, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  12. Kill - There should be a higher to hit upto 50%(equal to zombies) with knives, but not damage, that's what a fire axe is for Talos 16:11, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Knives would still do 2 damage, less than the axe. --Jon Pyre 16:38, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  13. Keep/Change Another vote for adding an additional skill to make up for the difference, or tweaking the starting hit rate for Knives to be an additional 20& higher instead of adding +20% onto the Knife Combat skill, or adding 10% to the initial and 10% to Knife Combat - just something to keep Knife Combat from adding all of the bonus. -Nubis 19:36, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  14. Keep/Change I think raising the probability really wouldn't do much. It would make axes and knives basically the same thing. Although I'd like it if this got passed, maybe knives could be sharpened? Like it would have higher damage when sharp that would decrease over time after repeated use. There could also be a knife sharpener. Just a thought. --Lesser Mook 20:45, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Tally - 13 Keep, 1 Kill, 0 Spam 18:31, 7 April 2006 (BST)

Free Run tweak

Timestamp: 03:41, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: improvement
Scope: survivors with free run
Description: Just a minor tweak. Currently, with free run, if you are in a building and want to go into a square with a building in it you HAVE to go in that squares building. You get no option to go strait to the ground. I simply suggest you get this option (saves at least 1 AP but could be more if allot of buildings are above VS and you can’t get out by the door)

Note: I have only been playing for a few weeks and I may just be completely retarded and this is already around, but it does not seem to work for me.


  1. Keep Author vote. Just a minor tweak. Nothing to big --Jm21146 03:41, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep could get a bit repetitive clicking your option but a very good idea. also you dont need to explain your self whats the worst that can happen your suggestion gets killed?--Deathnut RAF|W! 04:23, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Keep - Excellent! I was just hoping for this sort of thing the last couple days. I'm in a mall, and I find it a pain in the ass to get outside and kill some zombies, because everything around me is EH. Sometimes I almost wish I didn't have Free Running because of this... Destin Farloda 04:35, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Kill - This is the price of free running, and this would simply discourage leaving enough buildings at VS, lessening the chance of newbies finding a place to live. --Grim s 05:49, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. Kill - It would be convenient, but it would double server load and IP hit usage every time someone free runs. That's a lot of hits. vvvRE: Okay, assuming it's handled with a script - unlike jumping out windows, which could be done with a script but aren't - I have little sympathy for survivors whose main problem is too many barricades. If you want easier paths outside, move into a suburb that actually has zombies. --Sindai 05:55, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. Keep - No server affect, Sindai. The question be handled by a client-script. --mikm W! 12:56, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Kill - Free running has few drawbacks, and is IMO a very poweful ability already. I feel no need to make it better. -McArrowni 14:23, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Kill - No, you can't have sprinkles on your ice cream. -Nubis 15:14, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  9. Kill - What is the interface for this? Two separate buttons for every square? A checkbox? I can't imagine how you could make this work elegantly. Besides, I agree that this is part of the disadvantage of keeping buildings above Very Strong. --John Ember 15:22, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  10. Keep I wasn't aware this could happen (as much) to survivors until it happened to us! All of the buildings surrounding our police prescinct were suddenly "inescapable" because they were all to heavily barricaded to leave. Kinda sucks walking around looking for a way out.. you sir, make sense, running from building to building unable to get out of any of them, until you've gone several blocks, doesn't make as much sense. Some dick (a zombie spy in survivor form) can overbarricade the whole area trapping survivors in, and ticking off other zombies cuz noone is ever outside. Survivors want to go outside for XP, zombies want them to come outside, for XP.. let's have a picnic in the park! Very, very, very good idea. Hope people see this and start voting for keeps. I haven't seen the sun in days.. I changed my "Re's", shouldn't make any, not my game suggestion (so, yes vote Keep guys, it's not one of mine, not "tainted" go ahead.. vote on it. But, um, I agree with Vista's voting philosophy (which is similar to mine): please vote on game mechanics, and resulting effects on the game.. not on your "side" and saving your "side". Save your "side" by dropping zombies or biting a survior's ass (in game), not with your votes. --MrAushvitz 13:41, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  11. Kill - If people insist on over-barricading buildings, then they should be inconvenienced by it. If this suggestion was implemented, then survivors would be able to simply leave HB and above buildings. --WibbleBRAINS 16:48, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  12. Kill - No sprinkles for your ice cream--xbehave 17:01, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  13. Kill - No sprinkles for your ice cream Such smart and unbiased opinion. This amounts too: We want to keep every thing annoying about it in play because we don't like like free-running!!! Boohoo hoo. This would get survivors out on the street more without hurting anybody, A lot would log out there due to lack off entry points. It's a small change that helps everybody a little. A little more logical and enjoyable mechanics for survivors, more targets on the streets for zombies. But no, actually improving the game isn't what the people who vote with such smart and witty remarks want. It's free running AND ITS EVIL!!! grow up. It would have little no effect in game in general or to the EH or VS barricades ratio specifically, because of two things, it only really changes the effect for building completely surrounded by other buildings and there are only few of those and stepping outside isn't important for a survivor, but stepping in all the more. I kill this because it adds a almost redundand question to every freerunning move. And one final thought lets start voting on merit for the game regardless of sides. The wiki came from survivor bias, Lets not make the zombie bias last as long. in the end the wiki is best without any bias.--Vista W! 19:56, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  14. Kill - I'm not sure I understand the point of the suggestion. Free Running is already a powerful skill, why make it more so?--Pesatyel 20:59, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  15. kill learn the game before suggesting things, you can always leave through the door even if 'caded, i play zed and even i know that (f***g combat rezzers) --Lehk 21:03, 1 April 2006 (BST)
  16. Kill - Not a wholly bad idea, but mostly useless. There are usually enough non-building squares about to mitigate any inconvenience FR might cause. Otherwise, same advice as above: Free Running is good enough and 'cade sensibly. If you must make a tweak, just allow survivors the option to jump from window (if they can't already do that...I forget).--Xavier06 02:59, 5 April 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 5 Keep, 11 Kill, 0 Spam 18:31, 7 April 2006 (BST)


This suggestion was Spaminated and its author beaten with a depressed walrus. 13 Spam of 17, two keeps and two kills.--'STER-Talk-Mod 19:41, 23 March 2006 (GMT)

Door "Smash"

Timestamp: 10:39, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Makes it easier for zombie newbies to get at survivors inside! (Get those XP)
Scope: Zombie newbie "Skill" until they have memories of life...
Description: I have been taking a very careful look at what a "brand spanking new" zombie has to do to get some XP, to get started. Do you realize that a zombie can destroy an entire barricade.. only to be unable to enter building at ALL because of the door?

This is a bit off, but it's not impossible to get around, really. If your zombie has "Memories of Life", you can open the door, and other zombies can now get in, if the door is still open when they log on.. but really it's very very limiting.

Also, a "newbie" zombie can be trapped indoors, if they've entered a building with a door that WAS open, and the last survivor leaving closes it. So.. I can't go chase those survivors, again, because of a door. I'm all alone, and new, nowhere to get XP and I can't even search! (This and the 1st situation has probably lost a lot of new players, definately something to address, when you think about it, just hit the damn door!)

Door "Smash"

(Not a zombie skill! Just what zombies can "do" until they get "memories Of Life")

  • Zombies without "Memories Of Life" just see the door as another barricade, they beat on it until it's open (or ajar) or there's a big enough hole that they can now get through it. This is all they need, new zombies without memories of life don't have to get "nerfed" because they just took down their very first big barricade, only to be stopped by a stupid door, (it ain't a forcefield man!) which they can easily destroy or bust up enough to get past. (Maybe beating on it "opened" it, just takes longer.
  • How To Open Doors: A zombie WITHOUT "memories of life" can't enter a building: "There is "A Door" in your way! You can attack it!", under the attack menu you have the option to attack "A Door", which is no different than the lowest level of barricades. Once you have succeeded in defeating "A Door" it is now opened as if done so by any other less violent method, you and every other newbie zombie here can now enter and get your much needed XP!

Why? Currently, it doesn't make sense, sure the zombie doesn't understand the stupid door can be opened, but if he sees (or smells) survivors inside he wants his dinner! Hell a zombie probably doesn't even remember what glass is or does he just smashes his way through it anyways. Superman had to face 3 enemies who were of a highly advanced technological kryptonian species, they didn't know how to use doors either, they still got through by punching a hole in the wall (which confused Lex Luthor somewhat.)

Zombies should not be stopped by the invincible "Last Barricade", a door, which stops ALL zombies without memories Of Life." Now, they can deal with the door, and pour in, if they can, before they door is closed and more barricades errected. At most, survivors in the building will now have to deal with newbie zombies making it in, and those ones will NOT be able to hit you as hard or as often, so let them have their prescious XP (you might not even be dead when you log in, and kill them, toss them out, shut the door, and build some barricades again.) Everybody is happy! You didn't even have to go outside to get XP from your zombie!



  1. Keep - Author vote: No impenetrable buildings! It isn't right that if you don't have "memories of life" there is a forcefield to all buildings whether they have barricades, or not, that you can never, ever, ever enter until someone opens a door. It "griefs" newbie zombies and makes them unable to get at XP (without beating on other Z's.. not the way it should be..) If a new player beats on a barricade all day, and the barricade is gone, he should keep right on beating until the door is ajar, or really bent, until he has a way in. "Memories of life" saves the zombie: AP to get in, now they can access more XP, and level faster, they will ALWAYS need and buy it for that purpouse, short and long term. MrAushvitz 11:39, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Kill That's why zombies have an incentive to get Memories of Life. --Jon Pyre 17:30, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Kill - As a note: you can never be trapped inside a building. Just click on another square, and your zombie is suddenly outside that other building. However, this suggestion doesn't make much sense; the zombie smashes the door, and then the survivors close it and it suddenly is whole again? Furthermore, there are buildings without doors, and oftentimes survivors do hide out in them. Just track down a church or a junkyard that's been barricaded, and go to town. Adding this removes any effective difference between a building with doors (which are currently protection against weaker zombies) and one without (only the barricades offer protection), and kills any real incentive to get memories of life. — g026r 17:32, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Kill - While Memories of Life does seem like a holdover from the Time Before Barricades, new zombies can simply follow groans to get to the open buffets. It's not that big a deal. --John Ember 18:17, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. Kill - I agree that low-lvl zeds could use a break, having the hardest time leveling up, IMO. In fact, I've got a version of this in progress on the talk page. That said, 5 AP (on average) is too small a cost for new zombies to be able to open doors. I don't know if you saw my in progress version on the talk page (it's been there for a week or so), but I've been thinking of 10/15 AP cost to do so maybe being fair. After all, it doesn't cost a skill. --McArrowni 18:42, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - Cool, nobody can say "Dupe" because that is on the Talk page and this is an in game Suggestion. Short version: I agree with your idea, buildings with doors should have door's strength based on building type. The Armoury should have a unique TOUGH assed door man, no newbies just walking in that place until some Z's help push it open from inside.. --MrAushvitz 18:17, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. Spam - I find it amusing that MrA doesn't know how the game works and assumes that Zombies can get trapped in buildings by barricades. Fixing a problem that doesn't even exist.Timid Dan 19:02, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - Let's do an experiment.. several of us can try this. Use your survivors who have "construction" for this.. make a brand spanking new zombie, don't buy "memories of life" at all.. okay. Get that zombie to your survivor, or vice versa (may take a while, whatever, get them there.) Choose some out of the way building noone gives a crap about. Now, take away all of the barricades (get the survivor, or zombie to do it, survivor has an easier time with a crowbar..). Okay here we go: No barricades, doors closed. See if your new zombie can get in, no? Okay.. he can't, but there's no barricade. Okay, okay.. open the door for him, let him in. close the door. Can the zombie leave now that the door is closed? I won't tell you, you tell me. Okay, okay, no matter what. Now build up maxed out barricades around your brand new zombie.. now.. try and get him out of the building, any way you an.. okay.. get him out.. um. Oh yeah, he's a zombie and there's no "free running" for him. Okay test, everything. Here's what I want to get across.... Barricades (ungh, can someone post the link to the barricade page, anways) not every information resource on Wiki is updated as soon as changes are made, it takes time. Just because it says as a zombie you can just leave, it, isn't quite 100%, don't beleieve me test it out, post what works and what doesn't and post what traps zombies! I ain't lying man. Note: the Z's you're playing might know how to open doors, how long as it been since you used a brand new Z to get in (or out) of a building.. take a peek. --MrAushvitz 13:35, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - Is it physically possible for you to not troll every single vote with a "Re" response? It's almost like you WANT to get banned from the page to support your persecution complex. Timid Dan 21:46, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - And for the fifty-billionth time, you can't be trapped in a building. Click on any square next to the building you're in and you hop right out. I've walked right out of EHB buildings with a level 1 survivor that got zed'ed... stood up, clicked, BANG, I'm outside. What part of "this problem doesn't exist" don't you get? Timid Dan 21:52, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
        • Re - The author is permitted a response, and like you to (point out) abuses if any (to prevent trolling), overuse of "re" is considered an abuse. Different problem. MrAushvitz 15:52, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Dupe Nerfs MoL. Oh, and out of principle. -Nubis 19:05, 23 March 2006 (GMT) Looks like Brizth found the link I couldn't -Nubis 19:30, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Dupe - Peer_Reviewed_Suggestions#Break_it_down! --Brizth W! 19:21, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - Not a dupe, but MAN.. I hope that accepted one gets added soon! Ohhh baby... who cares about my idea! Get that sucker in, now survivors have to watch the door while checking barricades (yes I know, build a barricade you shut the door for free, but it still is open for a while.) --MrAushvitz 13:35, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
      • Re - Effectually this is the same suggestion: 20% to hit barricades = average 5 APs to collapse one level = APs from reviewed suggestion. Different levels for different doors is optional in that suggestion. Oh and btw, you can't trap zombies inside. You can always move to neighbouring square. --Brizth W! 00:35, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  9. Kill - Not a dupe. This treats doors as another level of barricade, whereas that suggestion is a set amount of AP per door. Not spam either. I would like to say that this is a much more balanced suggestion MrA. That being said, I do like the other suggestion better. --Pinpoint 19:35, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  10. Kill Craps all over the necessity of MoL. And how do you close a door that's been broken, and zombies can't be trapped inside buildings, no matter how much you argue the point that they can. --Mookiemookie 20:29, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re MoL saves AP for zombies and it's the fastest way in after the barricade is "finally" down, even with this "newbie/freebie" option. But even if you take the corpse character class, you need to get 100 XP no matter what to buy MoL, and you might only ever get that by beating on other zombies, for a day or two, or three, or four. Smash the door already! Your zombie doesn't need a fricking buerocracy, committee, swimsuit judge and a signed warrant from every Judge in Malton. Just beat on the door till it pops open, falls apart, or has a big enough hole in it. Simple, elegant, even if I'm not. --MrAushvitz 13:29, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
      • Re A "brand new newbie zombie" has no business going solo on bashing barricades. This is by design. Zombies are at their best when they horde which is something newbie zombies need to learn if they're going to be successful, and this suggestion does not encourage that.--Mookiemookie 21:02, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
        • Re What the hell is with you guys trying to keep zombies from getting their hands on XP? The XP they want and need is on the other side of those barricades! Short version: I respect your opinion, but Mob vs zombie skills have been tried and they should have been accepted, but people keep stopping them. This one is "a zombie has already beaten a barrricade but.." it allows any zombie without MoL to get in if they have some AP to beat down the door. --MrAushvitz 13:29, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  11. Kill - Was gonna vote keep until the good comment on not leting zombies go solo. They souldn't. They have not played long enough. 343 00:03, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  12. Kill/Change -I do agree with the spirit of the idea, if not the letter. Despite prevailing sentiment, it doesn't nerf or replace MoL since any Zombie with half-a-brain (pun intended...sort of) would prefer an open door at one AP over a variable amount, much like Free Running vs. leaving a building then looking for another enterable building. Nor does it really take significant incentive away from joining a organized zombie group/mob, since a well-organized assault would seem likely to garner better results than this disorganized door-break attempts. It just, once again, provides an option to the casual, anti-social, or just plain stupid. I do strongly agree that it should be higher average amount, as Nubis suggests. For the love of Zombie Jesus, please, please do not make it an automatic multi-AP action, no matter how high the AP amount! Whether or not the difficulty of the door should vary from building to building or when survivors should notice the door-breaking action is beyond me. In closing, I offer my Suggestion Composition tip o'the day to Mr. A, as follows: No matter what bias (survivor or zombie) your suggestion addresses (which seems most of them), it would be wise to adopt a objective tone, nonetheless. No sense signalling your intent...--Xavier06 18:54, 5 April 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 1 Keep, 8 Kill, 1 Spam, 2 Dupe 18:30, 7 April 2006 (BST)

Assault Rifle

Timestamp: 19:43, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Item
Scope: New Weapon
Description: Naturally, an armory has more weapons than an average police station or gun store might have. One of these is the Assault Rifle.
  • Base hit = 10%
  • Basic Firearms Training = 25%
  • Rifle Training, under Basic Firearms Training = 40%
  • Advanced Rifle Training, under Rifle Training = 50%

An assault rifle can be fired in 3 ways. Clicking the rifle in your inventory changes the firing method.

  • Single shot: 5 damage
  • 3 shot burst, multiple zombies: 4 damage, seperate attack rolls, decreasing accuracy of 5% each shot
  • 3 shot burst, single zombie: 4 damage, attackes rolled in decreasing increments of 15%, if one attack misses, all consecutive attacks miss

What this means is that, single shot, the AR does the same damage as a pistol. 3 shot bursts, it does 1 less damage than a pistol to 3 zombies, each attack rolled seperately, with a maxxed-accuracy chance to hit going from 50% for the first zombie, 45% for the second, and 40% for the third.. With a 3 shot burst on a single zombie, at maxxed out accuracy, you would have a chance to hit of 50%, then 35%, then 20%. If the first shot misses, the other 2 can't hit, if the second misses, the last can't hit. ARs are only found in armories, and load 9-shot magazines, also only found in armories. Chance to find an AR is, say, 1%, AR ammo is 2%. Headshots only work in the single shot mode.

Note: Considering a limit to number of rifles in play at a time.


  1. Keep, Author vote. And, I know I'm committing some unholy sin by submitting a rifle suggestion, but I don't think it's too horrible. --Cerebrus13 19:43, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Dupe - I bounced between Dupe and Kill on this one, but then I found Automatic Rifle already in peer-rejected. Timid Dan 20:03, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Dupe almost the exact same. --Deathnut RAF|W! 20:29, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Dupe - As above -Nubis 20:32, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. KeepKEEP - IMPOSSIBLE! An assault rifle that may work! Not a dupe because the combat stats are radically different, and this doesn't shoot in adjacent squares. It breaks up into this: 5.4 damage/AP when shooting multiple zombies. (this is weaker than the shotgun, but has more ammo). 2.84 damage/AP when bursting on a single zombie (less than a pistol shot). 2 damage/AP on a single shot. I may change my vote after checking how much damage/AP this does when combined with searches, but this is a very good start for a useable automatic weapon, IMO --McArrowni 20:37, 23 March 2006 (GMT) --Adding to my vote: I might have gone overboard. Damage/AP is balance with shotgun, even for "area of effect" attack, but it holds 3 shots and takes 1 AP to reload, thus the actual damage ouput can be higher in some cases. Also, my vote assumes that other search rates in forts are brought down to leave a niche for this weapon (which should be added as a note to the next version, if any). Keep vote stands, but this could be better --McArrowni 22:54, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. KEEP - I concur, if you have a millitary quarantine in malton, um, where are the big guns. I like zombies and I want to see some big guns. Dammit, where the hell are the silicone laden ladies with the swimsuit and the big "Round 10 Of Infection" sign walking down the street of Malton, and where are those soldiers with the assault rifles? I wanna see a zombie hunter with an assault rifle, making groups of zombies do the "funky chicken" before they hit the ground. And where the hell is my Snapple? And... (MrAushvitz has been silenced by a high caliber rifle bullet, vote Keep on this one please, I might shoot him again, additionally, change all your dupes and spams to keeps and I will personally prevent MrAushvitz from making ANY suggestions on Wiki for 7 DAYS! - Signed: Your Government) --MrAushvitz 14:37, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Keep - Im impressed this dosnt seem to be overpowered, nice one. - Alpha Whiskey 21:00, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Kill - I will always vote kill on multi-target weapons. Velkrin 21:03, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  9. Kill - I too am vehemently opposed to multi target weapons.--Mookiemookie 21:06, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  10. Dupe - Yet_Another_SMG in Peer Review -Pesatyel 21:09, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • RE That SMG fires only in 3 round bursts, doesn't scale down % to hit on multiple zombies, and can't hit single zombies. They are quite different.
      • Close enough. That one is already in Peer Review and I'd be surprise (no offense) if this one made it).--Pesatyel 00:26, 25 March 2006 (GMT)
  11. Kill - Area of effect. --John Ember 21:23, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  12. Kill - The order of the stack protects zombies. This nerfs that. --Grim s 02:37, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Tally 3 Keep, 4 Kill, 4 Dupe -Pesatyel 00:26, 25 March 2006 (GMT)

Pry & Jimmy

Timestamp: 14:43, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
Type: Zombie Use: Crowbar
Scope: Higher level zombies actually "remember" what their crowbar is for!
Description: Goes under new zombie skill tree named Man Hunter skills, these skills are the zombie equivilent of Zombie Hunter skills. Zombies who wish to purchase these skills must be level 10+ to purchase them.

Pry & Jimmy

  • This skill also requires as an additional prerequisite: "Memories Of Life" so your zombie is able to remember what a crowbar IS as well as how it is USED.
  • Your zombie may use a crowbar when attacking a barricade at double effectiveness.. exactly the same level of success possible for a human survivor.. no better no less.

Why? (And other crap I said after the basics, ignore if you will...)

If, your zombie was ever human, picked up a crowbar at some point and time, or has ever seen one used at some point and time in Malton. (Possibly been hit a few times by a survivor with a corwbar, just to be 'reminded', metal, hit hard, hurt.. ungh..) Your zombie has finally had a "useful" thought "I, can, use, THIS!!!" sure, this is a stellar leap for any zombie other than eat, attack, chew, get up, bite, groan, fall down, etc. but your zombie isn't the regular smelly horde, he/she has finally remembered that piece of metal slapping their leg is a TOOL, and they can use it.. to get in this building, and eat! (Maybe your zombie doesn't remember it's a crowbar, maybe they think it's a can opener, and this "building" is a can of tuna, as long as they hold it right, it doesn't matter.)

This gives "Lead Zombies" something to do, pry barricades, help lower levels get in, if they can. Multiply this by a billion, hmm, well if there were 20 million zombies doing this 50 times each that's a billion uses per day. Anyways.. if there were 20 million zombies in Malton, um, there are no survivors left in Malton. "Case Dismissed!" (There aren't enough buildings in Malton for it to matter, barricaded or no.. but on a smaller scale a thousand times a day.. well.. the level 10+ zombies are going to get rid of a lot of these damned barricades which are EVERYWHERE including, where they are not needed, and buildings that do need them, survivors will work hard to keep them up. Don't you worry.)

This suggestion is about barricades, not doors, completely different from the prior one, so you'll need to find completely different prior suggestions (if any exsist) to slap up your "Dupe" vote, if you vote "spam" it can't be overbalenced to do the same damage to a barricade as Joe Shmoe survivor with a crowbar at level 1. You also have to get a crowbar as a living survivor at some point to use this skill.. so it's item intensive!


  1. Keep, Author vote. Simple: use, tool. A higher level zombie with memories of life MIGHT do it, if he spends a week looking at the crowbar. --MrAushvitz 15:43, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  2. Keep Heh. Zombie can opener. --Cerebrus13 21:59, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  3. Spam Leave barricades alone. Zombies can already use crowbars. This suggestion was submitted by you. Fails the multiply by x rule horribly. Broken. Also, it's your 4th bad suggestion (5th if we count the dupe) in < 24 hours. - Timid Dan 22:04, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Zombies don't want to leave barricades alone. Zombie with crowbar today: Same as zombie biting barricade. Yes, it was submitted by me, you got me there. Multiply by X, yes, all zombies over level 10 will buy this, they have to reach level 10+ to do it, and then they can, actually do some damage to the barricades (with a tool any human can use at level 1).. cleaning up a lot of "unneeded" barricades, helping zombie mobs figure out which ones have the survivors in them. Um, different "day" on the Wiki, don't force people to look at clock times to say "Hey that's over 3 man!" I didn't break any rules, this is my 2nd suggestion today, period. Took my time with the wording of both. The "dupe" you mentioned, one of my skill suggestions yesterday was spaminated before even a dozen people voted on it, so, that's a spam, not a dupe, but it was resubmitted with changes, and noone duped it because they never got to read the first (interesting how that happens..) I'm done. Z's need in for XP! Booyah. (*We have re-caught and are currently interrogating this MrAushvitz... if you will kindly vote "Keep" on Assault Rifle we will keep MrAushvitz away from ALL suggestions for a week.. he slipped this one past us because it is the same day as the other suggestion. Signed - Your Government) --MrAushvitz 15:43, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  4. Comment - I have never actually experienced the supposed crowbar barricade bonus, even as a survivor with max melee skills. I've come to see it as something of an Urban Dead urban myth. So I'm sort of indifferent to this suggestion. Even if zombies could wield crowbars like survivors, I'm not sure it would change much. --John Ember 22:42, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  5. Kill As balanced as giving a survivor an infectious bite that works on zombies. --Jon Pyre 23:03, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Re Revive syringe, combat revives. This more simple, less silly. More "possible" if there can be such a thing. Sorry guys. --MrAushvitz 17:03, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  6. Kill "As balanced as giving a survivor an infectious bite that works on zombies" to quote Jon Pyre --zwwright
    • Comment - For the sake of being pedantic, wouldn't a human infectious bite be largely useless, as all it does is protect zombies from headshot? --Snikers 05:23, 25 March 2006 (GMT)
  7. Kill Forgettit -Banana Bear4 00:01, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
  8. Kill As boring as they are, and no matter how much I hate saying so, barricades are probably balanced already. Caigar mall is the exception, not the rule --McArrowni 00:24, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Comment Actually I'd say Caiger proves the rule. Right now there are around 600 zombies outside and 2000 zombies inside. I wouldn't expect 6 zombies to be able to wipe out a safehouse of 20 survivors. I'm not sure why people expect zombies to become more effective just because a few zeroes are added onto population numbers. --Jon Pyre 00:56, 24 March 2006 (GMT)
    • Tally - 2 Keep, 4 Kill, 1 Spam 18:28, 7 April 2006 (BST)


Spaminated with nine spam votes, two kills, and an author vote. Leave Stuff Alone 343 00:39, 24 March 2006 (GMT)