Talk:The Original Cobra

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Revision as of 01:06, 25 July 2011 by VakarianGarus (talk | contribs)
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Fuck Yeah!

Love the additions. Now we just need the main Cobra page turned into a disambig, as per the arbie result and we can get this shit live. --  URGGGGGGGHTalk PSYCHOUTTalk STAN SATANTalk 09:57, 3 July 2011 (BST)

C to the obra

Can I join u guys? I mean.. Tha other Cobra iz gay nao. Moar liek GAY-bra amirite?one1?1 --Master0fD0ritos 19:48, 4 July 2011 (BST)

Nope. You had your chance to join. You can get griefed along with the rest of your retarded friends. Yes, even if you quit them. Actually strike that. Quitting that group is the only thing that'll save you. -- Goribus 22:18, 4 July 2011 (BST)
Awwwww. You're mean :( Template:Cutey sig 22:50, 4 July 2011 (BST)
Mean wouldn't be giving you a final chance to save yourselves. I'll copy this straight from the PKA since not all of you have access. Which is strange, I would have figured that some of you would have signed up in the last year. -- Goribus 23:07, 4 July 2011 (BST)
I hope this is a promise. I don't want you shooting me twice and then claiming you griefed me. --Kirsty Cotton 12:20, 5 July 2011 (BST)
Ok, I've been posting my kills as soon as I make them. I had assumed you would just check them and come kill me, but I'm getting bored now. So, is there a better method to relay my location to you? I mean let's face it, everything that you hate directly relates to me. Honestly, I'm starting to feel left out.  :( --Kirsty Cotton 23:18, 13 July 2011 (BST)

Pwny resignations go here

As per this (the above post) I've decided to show a tiny bit of mercy to you cretins. Any member of Spiderzed's faction that publically quits his group, removes their tags, and deletes their account on will be granted mercy. You will not be touched by me or any member of Cobra. You have 24 hours to comply and post your resignation on the PKA or on our wiki talk page. Failure to do so will result in us hounding you throughout this game until you decide to quit the game with your Pony accounts. Tick tock. Tick tock. -- Goribus 23:09, 4 July 2011 (BST)

Why don't you go where people actually see it? Looking forward to the responses... -- Spiderzed 00:17, 5 July 2011 (BST)
You're the one with the account there. And two of your members have posted on this page. Watch this page is defaulted. So they'll see each and every post that's made on it. However, if you want to make a post on your forum alerting your men and women to the fact that they have a way out, then be my guest. -- Goribus 00:28, 5 July 2011 (BST)
Why should I? I am not the one who cares about that offer. -- Spiderzed 00:32, 5 July 2011 (BST)
OMG A CHANCE TO REDEEM MAHSELF AND BECOME A SUPER NERDY FANBOY ATTEMPTING TO IMITATE A FRANCHISE LINE OF CHILDREN'S TOYS MADE IN THE 80S, OH...EM...GEE!!! Considering that you guys were killed far more than we were... I'll keep mah pwnies.
PS... You'll never take away our pwnies. --Krazymouse 04:22, 5 July 2011 (BST)
Has anyone been keeping score? I'd be interested to see the official tally. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 06:08, 5 July 2011 (BST)
We only have our general, publicly visible trophy lounge and have never bothered to create a separate tally. Neither have we kept score of headshots or kills by allies. -- Spiderzed 06:41, 5 July 2011 (BST)
Kills and headshots made by your allies are their accomplishments, not yours dipshit. -- Goribus 09:52, 5 July 2011 (BST)


This is horrible. Absolutely horrid, how DARE you kick APPLEBLOOM!!! SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE HER CUTEY MARK AND YOU DECIDE TO KICK HER. You people are heartless, crude. Pick on a pony your own size.

Come on everypony, lets stop the hatred. --Krazymouse 02:17, 5 July 2011 (BST)

Master0fD0ritos Official Resignation

I can't thank you enough for this opportunity and I assure you won't regret it. During my time with Spiderzed and freinds I was treated well enough but I'm really getting tired of the way they RP. I'm tired of this stupid fucking anime shit. I'm tired of not being the badass terrorist organization we were ment to be. All I want is for this prepubscent anime girl shit to stop. It's pretty clear to me that those ignorant fucktards over at Hello Cobra are'nt going to change any time soon.

I see now that I should have never sided with them and that if I could do it again I would have taken your original offer. It's obvious to me that under Annabell things will be the way they should be instead of how it is under Spider-fag. I know that under Annabell you guys will be actively killing the way Cobra should, the REAL Cobra. The ones that don't take shit from no one. I hope that I can be a part of this.

I will admit that the pwny thing was funny, and I still think it's funny, but the pwny thing is only a joke and I'll gladly set it aside for an actually fucking competent group. They're not the group they claim to be and don't deserve the Cobra tag. I just can't stand that group anymore. From Spiderzed to Kirsty and all the way down to people like Blah, Cexylikepie, and Zooey Dahmer. I fucking can't stand any of them and I hate the way they make Cobra look. I'd also like to note that theres been two defectors now, me and Pj's. Obvioiusly Spider-fag can't inspire much loyalty and there will be MANY more to follow.

Whew... That was a long post and I hope it expresses exactly how I feel about this issue now that I've come to realize that you guys are in the right. I plead that the REAL Cobra and I can just open the door, get on the floor, and everybody walk the dinosaur. --Master0fD0ritos 02:49, 5 July 2011 (BST)

TL;DR --  URGGGGGGGHTalk PSYCHOUTTalk STAN SATANTalk 11:24, 5 July 2011 (BST)
Does that mean I can't join? --Master0fD0ritos 22:08, 5 July 2011 (BST)
So that's a yes? Darn.. I was looking forward to working with you guys.. No, seriously.
We were going to string you along and have you kill your friends for laughs and then kill you. But we decided that as inept at PKing as you seem to be you'd manage to fuck that up. Sorry kid, we don't want you. Shoulda jumped ship about a month ago when that was still an option. -- Goribus 03:22, 12 July 2011 (BST)

I'm not really sure what "people like Cexylikepie" means, but i'll assume it just means that i'm pretty fuckin' awesome. Cexylikepie 04:59, 10 July 2011 (BST)

Yeah, you're pretty fucking awesome alright. Pretty fucking awesome at not being able to stay alive. -- Goribus 03:22, 12 July 2011 (BST)
Goribus... You're so smart.. Have I ever told you how smart you are? Well, you guys sure are swell and I would have loved to join but I guess I can't. I promise I'll practice PKing as much as I can and in time become the very best, like no one ever was of course. Maybe then I can join Cobra and be awesome like you guys. My resignation was obviously serious Cexylikepie.. No silly.. --Master0fD0ritos 20:46, 13 July 2011 (BST)

If you were resigning, you'd be doing it there, not here. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 22:54, 13 July 2011 (BST)

"post your resignation on the PKA or on our wiki talk page." Look up. --Master0fD0ritos 02:51, 14 July 2011 (BST)


The dancin' dinos have jive-busted back out of the stone age to break a move and ask our serpentine friends if they want to bust some collaborations out some time, and slap out a treaty of some variety? Fo' Shizzle. --The Big T 09:09, 5 July 2011 (BST)


So I'm a bit confused...The stats page says you have 98 people, but there are two Cobras...I'm just wondering which one has the most people in it because I want to join the one with the most people.
