Hamerton Road

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Hamerton Road

Dulston [98,1]

the Beale Building Leeson Alley Troubridge Cinema
Mogridge Drive Hamerton Road the Trood Building
the Much Arms St Barbara's Church a cemetery

Basic Info:

  • A Street is a city block containing no buildings or monuments. There are a variety of other names besides Street including Alley, Avenue, Boulevard, Drive, Grove, Lane, Row, Square, Walk, Place, etc.
  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.



Revive Point

Hamerton Road (98,1) should not be considered the best place to visit for zombies wishing to rejoin the human race. This is in no small part due to the fact that no single group has claimed ownership over this revive point. Another contributing factor is that the northeast corner of Dulston is known as a violent area where zombies are often killed awaiting revival by paranoid survivors. Even though there are two NecroTech facilities, the Trood and Beale Buildings, directly adjacent to this street both buildings operate on an inconsistent schedule. Of course if the current suburb situation does not make it feasible for an undead survivor to shamble all the way over to Duport Avenue, then a revive is still possible at Hamerton Road, just not anywhere near as fast.

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Medical Assistance

Hamerton Road does not provide any clinic facilities and is thus not considered to be a clinic. The revivification point does serve as a simple triage area where dead survivors can hope to rejoin the living and thus, the battle. Because of the open nature of the point, members are warned to use this facility at their own risk.

Revived patients are asked to visit Anne General Hospital (96,2) to the west for further, and more immediate, medical attention post-revivification.

Current Events

March 25th, 2007 - A survivor aptly named, Ucantseeme, has noticed a lot of rotters at this spot lately. He has been trying to get more and more non-rotters (undead survivors) to go to the cemetery for easier revives, but has discovered that all zombies are 1) deaf and 2) not the brightest. Which makes perfect sense though when you think about it.

March 3rd, 2007 - With Mall Tour '07 having recently departed the number of undead survivors visiting this revive point has increased, but even then revival service is slow. In some cases survivors have reported that visiting other suburb revive points (i.e. Mermagen Street in Pescodside) supplied faster response times.

February 19th, 2007 - Recent efforts from more survivors and groups in the area have indeed contributed to the speed and likelyhood of being revived at this street. The Trood Building and the Beale Building are staying in operation for longer intervals than they had been in previous months.
-- Cheeser, DvB|DA   18:31, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

December 20th, 2006 - With Ragnarok expanding its operations into the northeast corner of the city, it has led to the creation of Ragnarok - Dulston Chapter as a means to consolidate their presence within the suburb. One of their goals is to make Hamerton Road a reliable revive point once again. Keep an eye out for more news on this situation. --_Vic D'Amato__Dead vs Blue_ 05:52, 20 December 2006 (UTC)