Announcement: And so it ends. Use the Email this user link in the sidebar to get in touch. Or ask around in the various Discord places (e.g. UDWiki or Reunion). Or check my extensions’ code for comments that say where you can email me. Folks know how to track me down even though I’m not on social media. May we meet on the other side. Cheers, all! —Aichon— 06:22, 4 March 2025 (UTC)
Doug Collins Philosophe Knights
Emma Flynt Big Bash 4
Jamie Flynt Militant Order of Barhah
Orison Flynt Soldiers of Crossman
About the way I play
I'm trying to experience all aspects of the game, so I've made characters for most of the major, distinct approaches to playing the game. Orison is a career survivor character who has joined up with a group and will do everything he can to restore the suburbs and keep them safe. Jamie is a career zombie character who has joined up with a group and will do everything she can to ruin suburbs and kill everything. Doug is a career PKer who is busily racking up the kills, though he will never compare to some of the more prolific killers in the city. And Emma is my free-for-all character, who started out as an Opportunist, but these days mostly just gets used for odds and ends, like testing userscripts, joining a Bash, or else for some one-off PKing events.
In-game, my characters really have no relation to each other, aside from RP back stories that are tied together. I try to keep them all spread out and make an effort not to favor any one character or play style more than any other. Typically, I have them operate in distant regions so that any information one gathers is of no use to the others. Also, as I said, each of my characters is being played in a different style, so if I patch you up with my survivor and rebuild your suburb, only to show up a few days later with my zombie, I'm not there to play nice: I'm there to eat your brains and wreck your neighborhood.
While I established RP back stories for my characters, I don't RP much at all. On very rare occasion, I'll go in-character and waste a few AP speaking as they would, but in general, if you see my characters speaking in the game it can probably be considered out of character. AP is too precious for me to spend it talking in-character all the time.
A Quick Aside Regarding Impersonators
I was surprised when I stumbled on a doppelgänger named "Aichon" in early 2016, right around the time that a known zerger became active again. A few years later—March 2018—it was brought to my attention that "Aichon" had returned, and then a month later it was reported that Orison FIynt (note the uppercase i) was in the same vicinity. Maybe there are more.
Aichon is the screenname I go by when I'm representing me, myself, hence why I use it on the wiki and in the broader community. I do not have a character named Aichon in the game (the full list of my characters is above, as it has been for years), soAnyway, I haven't played the game since early 2017, and I'm not currently planning to reactivate any of my characters before the game shuts down in March 2025, so do what you will to anyone you see who bears my name.