User:Aichon/Characters/Emma Flynt
Announcement: And so it ends. Use the Email this user link in the sidebar to get in touch. Or ask around in the various Discord places (e.g. UDWiki or Reunion). Or check my extensions’ code for comments that say where you can email me. Folks know how to track me down even though I’m not on social media. May we meet on the other side. Cheers, all! —Aichon— 06:22, 4 March 2025 (UTC)
Doug Collins Philosophe Knights
Emma Flynt Big Bash 4
Jamie Flynt Militant Order of Barhah
Orison Flynt Soldiers of Crossman
Level: | 43 |
Group: | Big Bash 4 |
Role: | Going where the wind blows |
Status: | Inactive |
About Me | |||
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Strategies and Tactics | |||
Emma is my first secondary character. Basically, when I originally looked at the game, I saw that there were zombies, I saw that there were humans, and I knew I wanted to play as both in an organized way. I also knew that I wanted to be able to play the game as an actual person would, where if you were zombified you'd attack others and if you were a human you'd, well, do human things. Orison provided the organized survivor, and I had plans for Jamie already, so that meant I'd need a third to act as an outlet for when I wanted to just get away and have disorganized fun. Emma was that outlet.
Little did I know that there were several organized movements within the game's community, such as Dual Nature, designed to pursue just that sort of gameplay. I eventually settled on joining a different group than Dual Nature, since The Opportunists offered a little more leeway in terms of how they interpreted things. Emma is the type of character that I simply play with. I don't plan, plot, scheme, machinate, or otherwise try to strategize with her. I simply do whatever I feel like doing at the moment with her, with the only rule being that when she's human, she'll help the humans, and when she's a zombie, she'll help the zombies. Simple as that.
She's also my go-to character for when I want to goof off or test things, since she's not tied down to any groups. As such, I'll routinely have her join one-off temporary groups or events that my other characters are unable to attend, such as Big Bash 3 and now Big Bash 4.
Emma "woke up" as a zombie in Fryerbank on August 18th, 2009, making her my second character. Realizing that she was close to Jamie, I started moving her south and west, away from Jamie, and eventually stumbled on Fort Perryn. While there, she helped out with a siege that was in progress. I later found out that the siege was an event known as Naked Twister Party '09 and that there was quite a bit of craziness that flew right over my head.
Following that, Emma slowly migrated westward across the southern edge of the map. Somewhere along the way she was combat revived by a survivor, and, aside from a one-day fluke where she was zombified and combat revived back-to-back, she was a human for the next two months. Despite several close encounters, especially in gray and red suburbs that she was passing through, she wasn't killed once during this time, and became an effective survivor at both barricading around and healing local survivors in whatever suburb she was in.
For quite some time, Emma stocked up on large quantities of FAKs from hospitals and then roamed around the suburbs, dispersing them liberally to anyone who was wounded. This tactic worked rather well, and while on this crusade to help others through healing and barricading, Emma made the trek from the southwest corner of the map to the ruined northeast corner of the map, largely due to alt concerns. While she easily survived the most dangerous parts of the trip, she found herself dead shortly after arrival, having been slain in a random breach in Millen Hills, her first death in months, but also her first opportunity to pick up about a dozen new zombie skills, finally reaching max level.
Since then, she has been going back and forth between zombiedom and surviving, and makes a point of heading towards red suburbs, since that's where the most action is for her to take part in.
Back story
Emma Flynt (née Collins) was the wife of Orison Flynt, the mother of Jamie Flynt, and a sister to Doug Collins. Born into a family of some wealth, she lacked for nothing while growing up, and was treated to the best education that money could buy. While away at university, she met Orison, and the two found that they had an unexplainable connection to each other. Shortly after he graduated, the two married, with him staying in the area while she finished her degree.
Though she had a background in pre-med, Orison's job was barely capable of meeting their basic needs, and the two were loathe to ask her parents for assistance, so she abandoned her pre-med background after graduating and used some of their meager reserves to start a business out of their home. Using the Internet to find other people, she realized that there was a large market for used textbooks, and managed to position herself in the field, establishing herself and her service as the go-between for moving textbooks between individuals in the region where they lived. With a very modest middleman's fee, Emma was soon bringing in enough money to supplement their income. Shortly thereafter, she discovered that she was pregnant, and Jamie soon joined their lives.
Six months before the outbreak in Malton, Orison was offered a position at the controversial Necrotech company. Knowing that they would not have another opportunity such as this one for quite some time, and eager to move closer to family living in Malton, such as Emma's brother, Douglas, the family chose to ignore the details of the company and its work and gladly made the move to Malton. Finding a nice, family home, Emma decided to use the opportunity to open a Malton branch of her business, and soon wrapped herself up in her work, oftentimes to the detriment of her daughter. With the extra income, they decided to send Jamie to Shelley Grove School in Penny Heights. However, over the course of the six months leading up to the outbreak, Jamie began acting out in school, sometimes even getting into fights with her fellow students.
The day of the outbreak, Emma had been called once again by the staff at Shelley Grove. Making the long trek from their home in Darvall Heights to their daughter's school across the city, she was busy dealing with the situation when word reached them of the outbreak that had occurred near the center of the city. Knowing that the situation would soon turn worse, she tried futilely to call her husband, only to be met with unanswered rings and busy signals. Rather than risk her whole family, she made the decision to take Jamie and flee the city. Aware of construction and traffic issues that would block them to the east, Emma took her daughter from the school and began driving south, towards the outskirts of town. By the time they had reached Fryerbank, widespread panic had set in and rioting was beginning to break out.
As their small car crossed an intersection, Emma briefly caught a glimpse of a delivery truck approaching her side of the car too quickly. Cranking the wheel to the side and stomping on the pedal in an effort to avoid the truck, she knew she had failed when she realized that the grill of the truck was inside the car with her. In the fraction of a second between that moment and the next, she never saw the concrete power pole approaching rapidly from the front of the car as a result of her "evasive" action. In all of the commotion, no one tried to help the mother or daughter in the car that had wrapped itself around the power pole, and the truck's driver sped away as quickly as possible.
By the time "Emma" awoke, days later, she was no longer herself. The undead had found her shortly after the accident and made sure that she would not be joining those fleeing the city. With no concerns for the well-being of her daughter or husband, Emma began shambling about the area, quickly discovering that she had a taste for fresh human brains.