Killswitch Option (Lexicon)

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This page is a part of the Outbreak Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

I followed a few leads from Marshall Bradwell's documents that I found. He had some interesting information on the procedures detailed in the First Strike procedures that were drawn up for Malton at the outbreak. He stated that there was an exception to the "three man rule" in this case. After burning quite a few favors, I was able to get aa few of my reporter contacts still stationed at Fort Creedy to do some probing for me.

My compatriots uncovered documents that implied that there are differences in the tactical strike procedures for Malton. It appears that the three man rule has been suspended. Though the rule was put in place in order to protect the civilians trapped in the city from an unconsidered annihilation. However, even though hundreds of thousands of people were not evacuated from Malton before the quarantine was fully in effect. It appears that the sole authority for a tactical nuclear strike upon the heart of Malton rests in the hands of General Aaron.

It is said that, although the General is no longer operating out of either of the Malton forts, that he keeps tabs on the situations at all times. The stories that I've heard say that there are 5 15 kiloton nuclear devices located at various points throughout the city. If the situation gets to bad, then rumor has it that Aaron will activate the Killswitch Option. With one command, Aaron can activate the nukes, destroying the entire city, and hopefully wiping the virus. I can't believe it's true, the military would never trust one man with nuclear annihilation, or leave H-bombs hidden throughout the city, would they?

Blake Arnold

Darth Sensitive talk | W! 23:23, 9 May 2006 (BST)
References: First Strike, Fort Creedy, General Aaron, Quarantine, Zombie Plague