The Southall Family

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The Southall Family was one of the most influential families in Malton before the outbreak. They built their mansion in between East Boundwood and Lamport Hills.

Nicholas Southall

Nicholas was the oldest of Southall brothers so when their father, Warren I Southall, died it only made sense for him to run the family. He married Alexandra Southall and had one son, Warren III, which they named after Nicholas' father and brother.

When Grigory Rothwell healed his son, Warren III, of paralysis he made him his advisor. Later went to fight in WWII, on Grigory's advice, where he left Alexandra in charge.

Alexandra Southall

Wife of Nicholas Southall. Had an affair with Grigory Rothwell. Took over the family for a short time while Nicholas was away.

Warren II Southall

Brother of Nicholas and son of Warren I. Fought for the family in WWII until Nicholas took his spot. Held a grudge against Grigory for presuading Nicholas into doing this.

Felix Southall

Brother of Warren II and Nicholas. Hated Grigory Rothwell with a passion and led the assassination of him. One night in the middle of December he invited Rothwell to the mansion and fed him cakes and wine laced with enough poison to kill ten men. Grigory refused both but eventually drank the wine and was unaffected.

For two hours Felix "entertained" Grigory. Rothwell showed no signs of poisoning except for burping and excessive salivation. Felix, who could no longer take it, pulled out his revolver and shot Rothwell in the back. Rothwell screamed and fell to the floor.

The conspiring Southall's then went out to destroy Rothwell's belongings but Felix went back to have another look. He lifted Rothwell's body and dropped him. He then noticed something, Rothwell's left eye opened, then his right. He leapt up and charged at Felix. Felix broke free and Rothwell fell once again.

Felix Southall called for his revolver to end this for good. Rothwell crawled outside of the house and into the snow screaming, "Felix, Felix...I'll tell everything to Alexandra!" Phillip Southall pulled out his revolver, shot twice and missed, bit himself on the wrist to concentrate, shot Rothwell in the back, and then finally in the head.

In rage Felix beat Rothwell's body with a length of pipe. They then took Rothwell back into the Mansion where they found out that he was still alive. He was wheezing heavily and could see them with one good eye. The Southall's wrapped his body in cloth and drove him to an icy river where they dumped him.

Phillip Southall

Brother of Felix, Warren II, and Nicholas. Hated Grigory and helped in the assassination of him. Shot Grigory twice, once in the back and the other in the head.

Warren III

Son of Nicholas and Alexandra. Was paralysed until he was "healed" by Grigory Rothwell. During the quarantine he made it out alive by running, despite his old age. In an interview, via telephone from his hospital bed, he said,

"I've never had so much fun in my life. Running from a horde of undead really makes you feel alive. I owe a lot to those poor souls, more then I can ever repay. Therefore, I Warren Southall the third, of sound mind and body, hear by donate my family's estate, the Southall Mansion, to the zombies of Malton. God bless them all."