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This page is for suggestions that have 50% or more Keep votes vs Total Votes, but not more than 66% Keep votes, which would qualify them for Peer Reviewed page. These are good, but not quite good enough Suggestions that could (and probably should) be reworked, refined, and resubmitted by a willing, knowledgeable party. Before doing so, please perform the proper research; reading the votes and the associated Talk pages, and adjust your new submission. State on the submission that you are not duplicating, but have revised and are resubmitting for approval.

This is not the place to put new Suggestions. The Suggestions Page is the queue for new Suggestions to be voted on and suggested. Any Suggestions that have not been voted on will be removed from this page.

April 11th, 2007

Last 10 Actions

Timestamp: Preasure 13:16, 11 April 2007 (BST)
Type: New
Scope: Interface
Description: The 'since your last turn' messages vanish after the page is navigated away from – the only way to see them again is by using the Back button on your browser or coppying them into another program. This makes things harder for players who want to know lots of previous actions – zombies following Feeding Groans, survivors keeping track of battles, and everyone else who wants to know who has done what while they were inactive.

I propose a box, beneath the status box, that shows the last 10 actions that player witnessed, just as they are displayed normally. The box would have a link to a settings page, where players could pick which types of actions they would like to 'remember' using check boxes, for example only remembering Feeding Groans or ingnoring radio messages. There would also be an option to turn the box off if the player did not wish to use it.

This would allow players to look back on past actions without having to go back to a previous page and wasting IP hits, and provide an easy reference for players involved in real-time scenarios where lots of events happen quickly.

Notes: 8/15 Keep/Total (53%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 22:49, 29 May 2007 (BST)

April 12th, 2007


Timestamp: 14:40, 12 April 2007 (BST)
Type: skill.
Scope: survivors.
Description: This skill is available to Level 10+ survivors and costs 100XP to buy.

How it works:

  • A drop down box containing the names of all human (not zombie) characters who commited a GK, RK, murder or assault (within the last 24 hours) while you were present in that square at that time and a "Detect Trail" button would appear as a normal part of your interface.
  • You would be aware of the crimes commited and by who upon logging in as usual, as it would be displayed in the dialogue window, so the drop box need only display names, not crimes.
  • Selecting a name and clicking the button would cost 1AP and provide a compass direction to where the player moved to next (i.e "You detect PatheticBill moved North") and also remove the "Detect Trail" button and drop box so you can only follow one trail at a time.
  • Moving in that direction would cost 1AP as usual (meaning it ultimately costs 2AP per square to follow a trail).
  • At the next location, there would be a "Continue Trail" button which would also cost 1AP and have the same function as the original "Detect Trail" button. This would enable you to track the character for up to 15 blocks (not "as the crow flies" to their current location, but following their exact path).
  • Upon reaching block 15, you get the message "This trail has gone cold", and no button.
  • Upon reaching your target, or chancing upon them earlier if they doubled back, you get the message "You have found [TARGET'S NAME]", and no button.
  • You lose all trails if you move away from your location without clicking the detect trail button, or if you die, or if you move to a block not indicated by the direction given.

Note: This suggestion belongs to Dan Francisco, who asked that someone else post up the revision for him, after all his fingers were broken in a Las Vegas high stakes back-room poker game with Paul Newman, Robert Redford, James Gandolfini and Tony Sirico.

Notes: 16/32 Keep/Total (50%) See original votes.
Left Queue: --~~~~T''' 20:03, 21 August 2007 (BST)


Timestamp: Grigori 21:07, 12 April 2007 (BST)
Type: New Item
Scope: Users of blunt weapons.
Description: I propose a new weapon in line with the recent additions of the hockey stick, cricket bat, etc. The shovel simply a carbon copy of these, doing 3 damage with a base of 10% to hit, made 25% with Hand-to-Hand combat. It would have a 4% encumbrance, and would be found at Mall Hardware Stores and Cemetaries. In the Hardware Store, it would be found at about the same rate of Wirecutters, either cutting into their search odds, replacing them, or being seperate entirely. In Cemetaries, I'm thinking about 5%.

While there have been several shovel suggestions in the past, they have, for the most part, done a certain task like digging graves. This weapon is simply to add variety in blunt weapons as the other new blunt weapons have, and possibly to replace wirecutters in hardware stores with something that is at least remotely useful.

Notes: 9/15 Keep/Total (60%) See original votes.
Left Queue: --~~~~T''' 20:05, 21 August 2007 (BST)

April 14th, 2007


Timestamp: Jakey07 11:22, 14 April 2007 (BST)
Type: Item for survivors
Scope: {{{suggest_scope}}}
Description: This is a suggestion for the implementation of flasks. This is mostly for flavor but can be used in the game. They would act just like the already existing beverages (restore 1hp per drink) but they would last for more than one drink. also, they cannot be shared with other survivors and each 1hp drink must be taken seperatly. The number of drinks you can take from a flask will be listed with the flask type. Plus you can refill them. You can refill them at streets (it can be assumed the survivor breaks into a house on that street and fills it up from a tap in a kitchen etc) at the cost of 1 AP and fills the flask up to the maximum capacity. This will appear on the main screen when on a street. It would read something like 'fill up flask from house'. The same thing can be done with pubs (when inside using beer etc) and parks (using the local fountain) Also there should be several types of flask to increase the flavor so there could be:
  • A Canteen: a small, easily storable flask to take the odd sip out of. also used by the army. Can be found at junkyards (1%), armories (4%) and liquor store (3%). It can last for 2 drinks. it has encumberence 2%.
  • A Sports Bottle: a long lasting bottle, designed for athletes. Mall sports stores (4%), schools (1%) and parks (2%). Lasts for 2 drinks. it has encumberance 2%.
  • A Thermos Flask: a big flask for those long road trips or camping. Can be found at auto repair shops (2%), buildings (2%) and parks (1%). lasts for 3 drinks. it has encumberence 3%.
  • A Plastic Container: a large, crude, plastic lump. Best not to think about what it was supposed to store. Can be found at junkyards (2%), a drugstore (3%),auto repair shops (2%) necro-tech buildings (3%) and warehouses (2%). Last for 4 drinks. it has encumberence 4%.

Thanks for reading!

Notes: 15/24 Keep/Total (62.5%) See original votes.
Left Queue: --~~~~T''' 16:28, 23 August 2007 (BST)

April 15th, 2007

Radio Hope

Timestamp: Fuster 22:21, 15 April 2007 (BST)
Type: Game content
Scope: Radio traffic
Description: Game announcements as periodic radio broadcasts from outside the quarantined city to gradually inject backstory and tie black helicopter visits in to the game as a whole.
Notes: 5/8 Keep/Total (62.5%) See original votes.
Left Queue: --~~~~T''' 19:44, 23 August 2007 (BST)