Team Awesome

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Team Awesome
Team awesome.png
Abbreviation: youwillspelloutourwholename
Group Numbers: Miniscule
Leadership: Alec Moss
Goals: Being awesome.
Recruitment Policy: Selective
Contact: Alec Moss

Team Awesome

Are you prepared to do whatever your Team asks of you? Can you keep your head about you when you're confronted with mind-blowing weirdness at every turn? Are you ready for anything? Are you still ready for anything? Wrong! Lesson number one: trust no one. Minute God crapped out the third caveman, a conspiracy was hatched against one of them. Your training starts now. When I'm through with you, you'll be a member of the elite team that's been thanklessly defending this big-ass city since the Second Malton Revolution.... the invisible one. Welcome to Team Awesome!

Human or zombie, if a job is worth doing--it's worth doing well. Team Awesome strives to be as awesome as possible 27 hours a day, thirty-twelve days a week.

Team Awesome apologizes for occasionally forgetting to check their own wiki page. They will do their best to keep things up to date and remember there's actually a discussion page.

Team Awesome Wiki Page Last Updated 6/1/10


Alec Moss1036456- Commanding Officer of Team Awesome. He might be useful sometimes. Maybe.


Tubsley 1038912 -Often out scouting Malton abroad. Not often in Roftwood, unless called back for something specific.

Ephraim Ephraims 1077385 - Executive Officer of Team Awesome. He is the angriest man you've ever met, and has a beard of steel.

Alternates/Team Zombily Awesome

Tubsleyyy 1036741 -whereabouts unknown.

Monroeville Chapter

Zod the Bear 1155139 - Permanently KIA. Zod will live on forever as our glorious polar bear mascot, both in our hearts, and as a zombified bear.

Retired Members

whiteraven32 1073289 -MIA.

Observed Policies

Team Awesome observes the Sacred Ground Policy. No killing of non-rotted zombies at cemeteries.

No zerging. While players may have multiple characters within the group, alts may not be within two suburbs of the primary character and any ongoing Awesome Activities.

Stance on PKing: pretty simple...don't do it. If a PKer kills you, they're KOS.

The Yoyodyne Zombie Research Institute's findings report that we should not eat zombies' brains in retribution. Can't argue with science!

Current Operations

June 10: No coordinated group activities, no headquarters. Any active members will assist other survivor groups as needed.

December 08: No coordinated group activities. Roftwood has been temporarily abandoned, scouting for possible relocation underway.

May-Fall of 08: Sabbatical!

4/5/08: Defending Roftwood. As Ephraim has put it, we are "currently roving around, looking for things. Keeping it real wherever we go. You know how it goes."


We're normally based out of The Ker Building. We chose it as it was our regrouping point when we first came to Roftwood, and it seemed nice enough to stick around. Recently we haven't been there much, as frequent attacks on the suburb have kept us on the move. We're generally either stopping in here to sleep, restocking at the Hildebrand/Herbert, or on patrol.

People We Like

Yoyodyne Zombie Research Institute -while Team Awesome is no longer based in Pitneybank, it will do what it can to aid the Institute in its important research.

Malton Medical Staff - Team Awesome is a definite fan of the great folks at St. Ethelbert's Hospital, and will be attempting to stop by more often.

Team Zombie Hardcore - Team Awesome is a supporter of the Balls to the Whalls doctrine, and enjoys liberally appling it via axe to zombie faces.