User:Schloss Ritter

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Revision as of 21:36, 12 January 2011 by Schloss Ritter (talk | contribs)
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Survivor Characters

ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.

Schloss Ritter

Schloss Ritter
SR animated tiny.gif
Joined: 2006-03-19 05:12:21
Character class: Military (Medic+)
Favorite equipment: Toolbox,Generator,Fuel,Spraycan,FAK,Syringe,Axe,etc
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive and trying to keep it that way
Character group: Rhodenbank Civil Defense Corps
Character stats: Maxed level, except Brain Rot (shudder)
Journal: Old RCDC Forums Personal Log; DA Forum Profile for Schloss Ritter
RCDC logo.jpg RCDC
This user is a member of the Rhodenbank Civil Defense Corps
DulstonAllianceAlly.jpg Dulston Alliance (Allied)
Schloss Ritter is a staunch supporter of the Dulston Alliance.
Zombie.gif No More Zombies
Just say no to to being eaten alive
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
DontPanic.png The Hitchhiker's Guide To Malton
Reminding Malton survivors of the most reassuring words they're likely to hear all day: Don't Panic
DAA.png Champion Reviver

Schloss Ritter has shown their dedication to their comrades, and has trawled the streets and cemeteries, reviving anyone that has fallen. They have revived the most in the competition, and have tirelessly worked to earn their place as a vital part of the Alliance. The work that they have done will ensure that the alliance is always ready for war!

Bravo Seven

Bravo Seven
Pavor Noc BS.jpg
Joined: 2007-01-15 23:36:24
Character class: Military (Scout)
Favorite equipment: Guns,Ammo,FAK,etc
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive, on a personal mission to restore Fort Perryn
Character group: Pavor Nocturnus (retired)
Character stats: Maxed level, except Brain Rot;

PN Kills: Scientist: 21 Civilian: 4 Errors: 0; Bounties: Current:13 Collected:22 Reports:7 [1]

Journal: Pavor_Nocturnus#News (old) for Bravo Seven
Redskull.jpg Violence is quicker
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker.

Zombie Characters

ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
Brains with captions.jpg Brain Rot
One of this user's characters has brain rot and/or supports those select few who do have brain rot.


Joined: 2006-03-21 03:09:51
Character class: Zombie (Corpse)
Favorite equipment: Hands, Teeth, useless harman junk
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Dead and loving it! Touring Malton.
Character group: Dead Air
Character stats: Max zed levels
Journal: Dead Air/Sightings for JushhhuGKH


Deadair thumb.gif
Joined: 2006-03-21 02:46:27
Character class: Zombie (Corpse)
Favorite equipment: Hands, Teeth, , useless harman junk
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Dead and wandering aimlessly
Character group: Dead Air (retired)
Character stats: Max zed levels
Journal: Dead Air/Sightings for sluRKugGK

Other Stuff

Offrock.gif I'm NorMaL !?.
This user has taken a step off the deep end at this time.

Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Finger.jpg Take That Extinction!
This user puts their alts in different groups.
My Name is Inigo Montoya
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
CookiethiefBuncy.png Cookie Thief
This user is not safe around unguarded cookies.
Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.
NoLOL.png Grammar
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Smiley.png It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
Bill&ted05.jpg DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
Holidayimperialism.JPG Stop Holiday Imperialism!
This user refuses to acknowledge the start of Christmas season until the day after Thanksgiving.
Earth.jpg Where is Malton?
Schloss Ritter thinks that Malton is in Atlantis.
Heartmath.png Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
Noob.gif STFU N00B
This user recognizes the difference between a Newbie and a Noob.
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
This user is a Christian.
Cake.jpg Happy Birthday
This user was born on October 4
Male.jpeg Male
This user is male.
Firefox.png Firefox User
This user uses Firefox.
ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
Dontpanic.gif DON'T PANIC!
Hey, you sass that hoopy Schloss Ritter? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is!