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Revision as of 17:16, 7 October 2011 by Ruinator (talk | contribs)
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Joined: 2005-08-02
Character class: Civilian
Favorite equipment: Betsy™ The Crowbar, Whiskey flask
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: The_Fortress
Character stats: Unknown
Journal: Journal for Ruinator
"Stay Vigilant!"

A Brief History of Ruinator

Not much is known about Ruinator's background or his history. What we do know is that he arrived in Malton shortly before the outbreak occurred. Why he came and what he was doing remains a mystery.

In the days following the outbreak, Ruinator began traveling with a mysterious ninja. The pair fought together to stem the tide of the zombie hordes before events drove them apart and then against each other.

Ruinator fell in battle and lay dead for some time. An eager young Necrotech whose name has been lost, stumbled upon the still form. Ruinator breathed new life after receiving a heavy dose of the revivification serum. Unfortunately most of his memories were lost as a result of the time he spent dead and then during the extensive healing process - sometimes a memory comes back in pieces, but those are rare moments.

Having found an experimental suit of flexible armor, Ruinator travels the city in search of his past and trying to save as many people from the zombies as possible. His trusty crowbar Betsy™ and his bandolier of whiskey flasks accompany him everywhere. Perhaps the biggest mystery is how he drinks and smokes so much with that mask on.

Ruinator's Timeline

First appeared in Malton: AUG 2 2005

Joined the Fortress: OCT 7 2007

Qualified from Boot Camp and assigned to Cold Cell: OCT 31 2007

Promoted to Assault Officer: FEB 15 2008

Promoted to Chief Assault Officer: APR 26 2008

Scored the first pyro-assassination in Fortress history: MAY 2 2008

Selected for command of Excalibur: JUN 18 2008

Excalibur ceases combat operations: AUG 13 2008

Received Status of Combat Veteran: AUG 13 2008

Selected for command of Cold Cell: AUG 19 2008

Fell in the line of duty - OCT 1 2008

Revived after extended dirt nap - APR 2 2009

Began serving in the Defense of Fortress One - APR 6 2009

Left Fortress One and joined Dark Watch - MAY 19 2009

Retired from active duty - JUL 2009

Returned from the wastes, joined Battlehawk - SEP 2011


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.