User talk:TripleU/New City

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Different set ups surely suggest plans can change? --Rosslessness 12:15, 8 June 2012 (BST)

Absolutely. I've been designing these characters based on the assumption that there would be no syringes or standing after headshot, and that the city would start unbarricaded but filled with the living. In different situations:
  • If the zombies start their bloody wrecking ball of death earlier than expected, my characters would still use the same methods to survive, but would die earlier.
  • If buildings start out with barricades, more of my characters would prefer free running to construction.
  • If Malton is converted into a perma-death city as a way of closing down UD with style, I think I'd keep my many Maltonians and make these nine, although I'd give IP hit priority to the Maltonians. Many of my Maltonians could be converted into survivalists without the role play being unrealistic; I can think of only one who couldn't be persuaded that personal longevity is more important than hastening the end of human life.
  • If nothing is implemented to prevent this, I'll have my characters take long dirt naps when they die. This is so they can be safe without using IP hits. If headshots are fatal, the fallen will stay on the ground for a very long time before standing to fight.
  • If headshot is not fatal, my zombies would stand and occupy ruins, but my living characters would always receive priority when it comes to IP hits.
  • My primary concern is easily-exploited inactivity. If idling a character for five days is all it would take to make them invincible, I'd grow them each to level five or six (having only three active at a time) then idle them all until this changes. I would not enjoy using this tactic at all, but to not use it would be inexcusably dangerous, IMO.
All of my characters would begin with the strategy of sleeping in EHB dark buildings (or if there are no dark buildings, EHB non-TRPs that aren't in free-running lanes), with the exception of Elizabeth, who has a more unique idea. Once the flesh hits the fan and the majority of buildings are ruined, I'm not sure what to do. They could work in groups to repair and EHB a buildings, sleep there until it's discovered, and then relocate and repeat. Or they could use their HIPS. You've had characters survive into these stages Ross, so you're an expert of sorts. Do you prefer barricades or HIPS? --VVV RPMBG 21:53, 8 June 2012 (BST)
  • First of all. Never hide in junkyards or churches, in early game. No doors means that you're vulnerable to even level one zombies. In later game, junkyards are a godsend; unruinable and easily barricaded.
  • Go slow. There's probably only going to be a dozen of us mapping the place this time, so find an area and set up infrastructure. With BHW, on day one, I found a factory and just clicked search as much as possible. Axes, toolboxes, gennies and fuel. Once you get this, find a trp (I suggest a hospital) and power the place. If Spawning acts the same way as previous, you'll soon have loads of characters appearing at the only powered hospital in your area. Look at borehamwood. Its no coincidence most groups were founded at PD's.
  • Be proactive. Set up a radio network. Worked a treat with only a handful of locations. But most importantly, try and sort out the pk'ers early. Game Over in BHW were a huge issue early on, and only with tracking, forum organisation, and, well running up to them and shooting them in the face was the threat contained.
  • Never bother with pipes. Pipes=Cades, Cades=XP for zombies. A survivor can level without seeing a zombie.
  • Be devious. For instance Rage. I know people who asked friends to create a survivor and send them to a location and stand there. Then whole hordes of zombies went there and got lurching gait for free.
  • Your end game plan is, well flawed. On the surface its great, but its an AP war. To break it down. "They could work in groups to repair and EHB a building, sleep there until it's discovered, and then relocate and repeat." Firstly, Not singular, plural. Buildings. I'm going to use Newtown for my examples, because as of my death I knew it to be free of survivor influence, and won't give away any of the BHW hiding places. The trick is number of buildings. It takes a zombie many more AP to ruin a VSB building then it does to repair it. The tipping point is Decay. So regular repairs of buildings is key. Establishing several clusters say, 20AP apart means that the zombies should always be one step behind. Of course in this setup, routine needs to be broken with HIPStering, junkyard camping and misdirection. A good example of a cluster would be a factory [306,64] (MV) Good TRP's, a dark, some useless buildings to sleep in.
  • Following on from these comments. "Sleep in them until discovered." Don't do this. Sleep in them until your AP is recovered, pick up some supplies, then go fix something else. Ideally you want to be gone before the zombies arrive. Whilst they are chewing the cades, you want to be setting up another cluster, say Tea Way Railway Station [304,75].
  • Stay away from the sights. To this day there are active zombies in the Big Brother House. It's not even useful. Likewise Malls, and army bases are a big magnet. My advice? Swing by every 3 or 4 weeks, and repair one corner. Keep resetting the cost and use your shopping ability, but never, ever hold them. Repair the whole thing as a distraction, but you will never win a siege.
  • Basically you want to be a ghost. You want the zombies to see nothing but cades, and empty buildings. They'll get bored, Frustrated, and give up. BHW had three celebrities. Me, the guy who ran the meta survivor group and the guy who ran the splinter survivor group. Everytime zombies broke into a building, they'd target the meta bloke. We never ever needed Diagnosis, we just healed him. I never got targeted because, I'm a charming motherfucker, who actually updated wiki pages, and occasionally gave away almost entirely inaccurate (there always has to be a grain of truth) location data. With hindsight, a totally passive survivor group would have been more successful.
  • Oh, and don't ask for Snow to be implemented. Especially when you're hipstering in a perma death city the same day.
  • Does that make sense? --Rosslessness 11:59, 9 June 2012 (BST)

Oh, and they'll never do a perma headshot thing in the same format as before. --Rosslessness 19:37, 9 June 2012 (BST)

In approximately the order that you used:
  • I had forgotten all about doors, since they're so unimportant in Malton. It makes sense to avoid churches/junkyards, then, for quite a while, since there will be new zombies anytime there are dying survivors.
  • Spawning is another mechanic I had completely overlooked. By selfishly hogging all the newcomers to my characters' locations, I could move survival hot spots to me, rather than searching for them. This could mean 'cades built around me, buildings protected near me, and, probably most (?) important, people to cover in BBQ sauce while fleeing any break-ins. The downside would probably (?) be the extra zombies attracted, the survivors-turned-sandwiches-turned-undying-monsters, and the PKers who spawn there or move in for the safety and prey. I suppose it would still be worth it, so long as I flee when the area is first starting to collapse.
  • I'm not sure how convinced I am regarding the bounty hunting idea. I agree that there needs to be a very large amount of collective effort put into positively identifying PKers, and all of my characters would report any murders they see (unless my character is the victim) on all applicable mediums. Some of my characters would be willing to reveal the location of of the killings, while others would not. Few would be willing to give their names in the reports. However, shooting back is something I think I'd be reluctant to do. Fighting carries the risk of running out of AP while attacking, or angering someone with murderous friends. I imagine it would be easier safer to treat PKers much like zombies, and avoid them. Game Over, for example, seems to have openly targeted police departments in a slowly changing target area. So long as I don't sleep in PDs anywhere vaguely near them, I should be fine. The exception to this idea being when the fleeing the PKers' hunting ground would mean leaping from the metaphorical frying pan into the undead fire Why stay and fight when there are legions of braver (or less informed, more likely) meatbags to take the brunt of the danger?
  • Shouldn't I use pipes in the beginning, when barricades are common anyway?
  • I'm not sure I understand your cycle. Once I establish one cluster of buildings, such as those around a factory [306,64] in Newtown, what next? Sure, that's a great time to restock, but that can only take a day or two. Once I've cleared my first cluster and restocked, how much effort should be spent repairing potential future clusters versus clearing clusters for use? And should I move into new clusters as soon as they're finished, or stay in whichever safe-ish cluster is closet to what I'm working on? Is there ever a time when the risk of zombies is so great that I should completely abandon an operation and flee to a new suburb, or will high repair costs make it suicidal to start from scratch?
  • If snow does appear, what should I do? It seems like I'd never, ever want to go outside, but would I want to HIPS or wait it out in a cluster?
On a more carefree note, would you like to share a last name with one (or two) of my characters? --VVV RPMBG 04:05, 10 June 2012 (BST)

The First thing I'd say is something you allude to, but isn't really true. I've found that people pick sides in permadeath cities. They may start off with zombies and survivors, but at some point they all make a choice. I know I did. Undead in MV, Survivor In BHW. This builds into another thing, and also a huge flaw with perma death cities. Even Kevan got this wrong. In every genre piece, the dead kill the living. Those they kill get up and kill. This isn't true in urban dead. Not a lot of level ten survivors want to play on as a level 10 zombie with no ankle grab, or shambling gait. That is why MV failed. Headshot wiped out a lot of the Hardcore zombie players (although I survived through ridiculous means.) but no new zombies replaced them. A lot of survivors in BHW, stayed on as life cultists, zombie sentries, or even carried on their personal zombie war.

Also look at the meta organisation. Monroeville spawned one group of any note, Borehamwood, maybe 3. At its height, there were probably 400 characters in total who were meta organised in BHW on both sides.

Typically zombie MO in perma death is 1. Get together. 2.Wipe out everything. The first point is the most important. They normally meet up at a mall, or the big brother house, or any point of interest. Its also where a lot of newbs go, trying to enter a competition, or see the important stuff. Clumps of survivors in TRP's arent of interest yet. They are going to kill everything, order after the initial attack doesn't matter.

Bounty hunting is a personal thing. But I'd rather ten rubbish survivors were alive to meastshield than one pker. Permadeath makes pking, and indeed bounty hunting more credible.

MV had cades, BHW did not. If the former is true, then go for it. If anything begins cadeless, don't use them. Imagine a suburb with a level 1 zombie in and a level 1 survivor. In such circumstances, without cades, the zombie has no way of gaining xp at all. Without xp, it cannot open doors. A survivor on the other hand can gain xp, or even wander out, kill the zombie and run back inside again. Personally I think some players or even kevan, spawn survivors outside to help zombies gain their first few levels.

As for the cycles thing. Ill explain in a bit. What surnames are you using. Bear in mind, I may be trying to eat you...... --Rosslessness 13:39, 10 June 2012 (BST)


This page is an interesting find! --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 06:35, 15 December 2012 (UTC)