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Abbreviation ENVY
Group Numbers Growing
Leadership Murderess
Goals World Peace
Recruitment Policy Must have a pulse
Contact Use the discussion page or find Murderess in game

History of ENVY

ENVY was founded by the Grizzled but well liked TreeBob in Feb 2009. Numbers quickly swelled and at one time we were the second largest active survivor group. Originally placed into four divisions, we have since consolidated in Richmond Hills. ENVY has always been quick to help out other survivor groups in need and for a time was a top PKer hunting group, which has put a big target on our back. In retaliation, PKers seek out ENVY members and we welcome the challenge of these cowards. Since TreeBob's retirement (if you call being dismembered by a group of PKers and griefers a retirement), the Hot and Sexy Murderess has been placed in charge. This has led to a rebirth and push for new memberships. Recent activities include The Great Siege of St Mark's Hospital in Richmond Hills Feb of 2010 where we have kept a great zombie hoard at bay for weeks and with the help of great allies that came to back us up, some with special skills, some just to help us with the basics needed, and with strategy planning, we made it happen. --Murderess (talk) 22:34, 24 November 2018 (UTC)

As it stands now, now being 2017, ENVY still has a pulse as Murderess is back in town after a few years hiatus and looking to revamp her crew. Unfortunately, most envyers followed in her footsteps and took a leave of absence as well. So... RECRUITING IS IN PROGRESS, come join the fun and lets create new adventures worth being noted in history ! --Murderess (talk) 22:34, 24 November 2018 (UTC)

The core of UD allies seems to be filled with bullies that entice idiots. I happen to know some are not that idiotic and moved out. There is a standard when it comes to wiki, but with all the apps avail who needs you guys ;) I will miss you Aichon... you were the best. Know your legacy sucks and this game will never be able to count on the site anymore. Its rigged... as of is Stelar. You keep the wrong crowd girl, live with it. --Murderess (talk) 22:34, 24 November 2018 (UTC)


ENVY is a pro survivor group with the primary long term goal of protecting the citizens of Malton. To accomplish this task, ENVY members will fight any zombie hordes that threaten the local suburbs under our watch, while our medical staff heal and revive where needed. In addition, we secure buildings, supply generators and radio transmitters - Whatever is needed, we can do it!! ENVY members are always ready to aid other survivor groups in the area - if you need our assistance, just speak up.

ENVY welcomes all classes and levels. Benefit from having close friends and teammates just around the corner: priority healing, fast revives, added firepower, and best of all, someone to watch your back while you sleep.


ENVY currently has now only 1 permanent HQ WARNING : At the moment, our HQ is being squatted by Zergers/Griefers/Trolls. Beware of clones of us as well.

Richmond Hills and Havercroft is home to ENVY. Their permanent HQ of operations is Carle Street PD (letting the poor zergs use the place as it seems they can't afford to go anywhere else).


ENVY is currently being griefed and the group being dragged down by zergs PKing and Griefing in our name. The group stats keep fluctuating and reached up to 23 members when there are only 14 total active.

Here is a list of our active and not so active but tagged MEMBERS :

Murderess Walt Bodine Tanis Half Elf Philip Oliver Holes Flash Dave Mendraj HBQ710 Marcus Cromwell Disco Panda Sendai Jones doctor necrotic Krushkrasher Cormac Tel Scarbrand B0is 4NAK8R Emmett O'Brian jimmy jango Maltonite Rotter NinjaChameleonX Nurse Houlihan Chea Raske August Marks Debrah Jones PrettyFlower456 Dexagon JonathanTyler Mesousa Sub Eng Aerylin Von Noobler heimer

Here is a list of known GRIEFERS PKing, lying and Gking with our TAG :

Tree Bob zmpathetic bill Murdere55 FRANK COSTANZA Grissled Children of the Corn The Bulmer Fhoul The Juice Is Loose j3novac0rps1 PengSpy TCCSpy MonkeyBoy90 BlockerID Barter Carter OAR1 Ratner Henry buck ENVY Spokesman ENVY is a joke ENVY are cowards Whore of Havercroft M is a fat bitch a big fat slut ENVY hates Aichon Murderless notmurderess mvrderess her Chocolate Lab her ENVY Spokeswoman rENVY irENVY Peng love ENVY ENVY hates Stelar Stelar for President Stelar made me do it ENVY 1 ENVY 2 ENVY 3 ENVY 4 Scarbrands Slut ENVY hates English Advice for Murderess Drunk Murderess

This is getting tiring. Keep going I'll watch and giggle. At this point you are looking quite silly. Truth is what will kick your behind. Mine ? its fine. ;) Its quite interesting that the alts coming about relate to Stelar quite a bit in timing. She's upset at me you see. Maybe she needs to be worried. I can drink all of you under the table and still makes sense. I dare you to try. Nice try btw lol I'm having a nice time, those alts are quite funny. Nice going !


MMAMX.png MMX Malton Murder Award Nominee
The contributions of this user or group to the PKing industry earned them a nomination at the Malton Murder Awards MMX.


2010 - The story of the battle we fought with great allies can be seen here : Battle of Krinks

What we stand for

The v.jpg Remember, Remember the 5th of November
This user or group supports the vendetta against the villainous undead in Ridleybank. On the 5th of November, we will march on the choked heart of Malton and liberate it anew. Victory will be ours, and with it, vengeance!

Radio Information

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
ENVY has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency:27.47 MHz

Know what you are talking about.
Malton Citizens Broadcast
This user or group follows the
Radio Transmission Conduct Protocol

Group Rating:

The Envy Forum


The Latest News From The Forefront.

Inter-Group relations

Supported Policies
Policies Supported By Envy