User talk:Euphoriakill

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Revision as of 23:11, 30 November 2007 by McSkullcracken (talk | contribs)
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Talk EEMS was created for purposes of streamlining joint Edgecombe communications between allies, locals & interested parties. Please post all relevant posts or information there while leaving this for more personnel correspondences

Posts made here by mistake can now be found there

Is EEMS still active?

Hey, just wondering, is EEMS still active?--McSkullcracken 23:11, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

Roftwood Barricade Plan

All buildings claimed by groups or individuals may be freely altered to reflect their intended barricade level, all I seek is to help foster a universal policy for certain buildings so that entry points & running lanes are no longer as problematic as they have become. This also means that those willing to step forward for certain buildings will be expected to maintain them at those levels, I agree completely with the SSZ's way of broader thinking. With a spread out network we will be able to make blockades to harry the zed forces moving in, that can easily be done in a day. My concern is that only one set of policy is brought into consideration, I believe the levels set by the SSZ are for siege conditions. We are not experiencing those conditions, we need to open our doors and become more mobile rather then relying on running lanes and supposed entryways in a sea of EHBs. When the time comes to lock up, we have shown time and time again that we are more then capable to lockdown when needed. The solution does not lie in locking up SE Malton tighter then a prison all the time or in keeping all buildings VSB, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

The facts are simple, resource buildings need to be directly accessible unless under siege conditions. If such conditions exist EHB is fine but everyone spends all their time inside cading up rather then poking their heads outside to witness actual conditions, new players cannot access buildings, those moving into or through suburb are routinely frustrated by not being able to get inside anywhere.

The situation is complicated by the fact that everyone does not communicate with everyone else or cannot for various reasons, be that they don't follow the wiki, aren't on brainstock, etc etc. The solution is in a UBP for building type, it takes time but given time it can change the general positioning of the locals who then inform all new players to area. We've done it in Edgecombe and now we seek to do it in Roftwood as well, we advocate siege cade levels when siege conditions exist otherwise our mission is to attract more survivors to the area --Euphoriakill

^ yeah what he said, preview for the love of God! Anyway....this barricade plan makes LOTS of changes to the existing structure. Our map (Survivor Security Zone) shows the previous setup. If the DEM wants to make changes that's cool, the DEM supports the SSZ and we're allies. However I think there's a few buildings that need to be switched back, for various reasons.

  • 1. The Whale Building (60, 53), it was designated vsb+2, but every time I went there it was overbarricaded. So recently I un-designated it in the game and on the wiki myself, as an experiment in setting policy in the SSZ. However this caused a big shitstorm and the place is now very officially an entry point according to many people. While I still personally think it should be the way you have it when it comes to these buildings, because of overwhelming support I think Whale and Vere Cinema (60, 54) should be switched back to where they were.
  • 2. Grimshaw Road, Joyner Blvd, and Mayo Row Police Departments need to be EHB because they're SSZ core buildings. The entry points are The Amis Building (61, 55)(which you have now designated EHB) and A Factory (63, 55) (which is still VSB on your map). We had Dempsey Grove Police Dept (64, 53) EHB too for the same reason but it's not really as important as the other three I don't think. This is all because that particular area between Nichols and Hildebrand Malls is a primary fallback position that contains those 4 PDs, as well as an NT resource, 2 hospitals, and a factory as well.
EDIT - Upon further thought I think maybe just Joyner Blvd should be EHB, and the other three should be VSB+2. Definately helps out for people without free running.--Benigno 18:30, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
EDIT again - I just wanted it on here that we changed our minds about the PDs awhile back and agree with having all of them at VSB, for future reference of anyone that reads this discussion - --Benigno SSZ RCC 14:40, 25 March 2007 (BST)

Those are my only ones that I see need to be changed I believe. Others will probably need buildings changed. When discussion is complete, the SSZ map will be updated. --Benigno 05:08, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

Short version:

  • Truell Museum claimed by Pancakes! to remain at EHB.
  • Question about policy review as versus mainenance of a policy.

Long version: Truell Museum has been claimed by the group Pancakes! for few months now. We have provided a safe house and healing (when possible) for vary travelers, as well as a fallback location for when the PDs are ransacked. Since Truell is wedged between Grimshaw Road and Joyner Blvd. PDs, we continue to support EHB policy for the museum.

We may be branching out in the next month or two into Wadham Library as a sort of heal-request point (mostly because it's getting really old and tired for people with infection to pop in when they're down to 1 or 2AP, waste that last few AP requesting a heal, turn into a zed, and muck up the place for the heck of it), as well as a safehouse in between the two PDs and the area hospital. When that occurs, if it does, we will respectfully resubmit a policy addendum for that building that reflects both the location, the status of the building, and the current zed traffic through the area.

I must caution, though, much of what seems to be the issue area is NW Roftwood (at least, that's what most of the complaints seem to be about. There are two active entrypoints at ALL times in the very NW region. Blunden Row School and the hospital. However, the real issue is buildings that are SUPPOSED to be entrypoints, not the overall policy. There are only six or seven listed entrypoints under the previous plan, and they were all swiftly over-barricaded by newbs. That's the issue with the Uniform Barricading Policy that has been in effect. That WILL be the issue with the newly proposed barricade policy. Complain all you want, but there is always going to be some foolish newb with the recently acquired skill of Construction over-barricading all the buildings in the area, whether there's a policy or not. That is especially true of the area in dispute due to the occasional small bands of zeds passing through on their way to attempt to create havoc at the malls, stirring the newbs into a tizzy.

Perhaps a shift of look at the current implementation of the policies is in order to MAINTAIN a policy, instead of fully changing one. Such as increasing the amount of entrypoints in the area and regularly checking in on their status. For example: Blunden Row and a factory, are often being over-barricaded despite their status as an entrypoint. That is the issue at hand is that no one is stepping up to maintain status on buildings except for those that are EHB. Because, seriously, we can dance about the issue of 'cading policy all day long, but, if no one maintains the policy, especially in regards to keeping lower 'cade levels in entrypoints/resource centers, then what's the point behind even reviewing the policy at all?

Just my rather long-winded two cents on the subject of the policy shifts. --Poker Alice 15:21, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

Allow me to say a few things about that new plan...the entry points are listed on the Roftwood page above the map on that page. It even said that the previous entry points are outdated and the barricade plan needs updating so everybody does not get confused with things. By the way...when my dedicated survivor, DJSpinbad, was chilling in Roftwood, members of the RAF informed me that Wadham Library is the RAF's Field HQ and must be kept at EHB. That is all I have to say for now. If you do not believe me on this, allow me to hook you up with a member of the RAF that I know on this wiki. --Axe Hack Talk 15:57, 22 February 2007 (UTC) One more thing...if you can't seem to find the entry points listed on the Roftwood suburb page, allow me to direct you to it. --Axe Hack Talk 16:02, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

None of those entry points is a PD! Think about the new guys that DON"T HAVE FREE RUNING! Where will they get ammo to kill zeds, where will they get inside and out of the cold. --P4X639 18:05, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

On Wadham Library: a.) I didn't say it was a definite plan at the moment. I also said that the proposal would have been submitted to the barricade policy when and if such a thing were to occur, so that it would be open to discussion to the entire Roftwood community.

b.) I'm sorry is this interferes with RAF plans. Pancakes! supports the RAF and has followed their barricade policy since we moved into Truell (which, by RAF plans, should remain at EHB, along with both PDs, and basically everything in the area except for Blunden Row, the hospital, and the factory). We would not do anything to steal from the RAF, so please don't think that I was attempting to undercut the RAF. In fact, there's nothing on the Wadham Library page (in fact, I don't think there's current a Wadham Library page), nor did I note anything on the RAF wiki page about that location. The graffiti also leaves little explanation and claim to the building, saying merely : " Zerg Hunters Unlimited are PKers in disguise!! " All signs pointed to the building was open and in the path between the PDs and the hospital. Please relay my apologies and my curiosity as per what the current use of the building is, and if there is a possibility to renegotiate the status.

c.) Fact of the matter is, I've been breezing in and out of Wadham close to everyday for a month now, and I've only seen on average 2 to 3 people of an unaffiliated nature. If it's an RAF HQ.... where are all the RAF members? If I had at least seen a large population, I could understand it as an HQ and wouldn't have suggested it when fuzzy and I were kicking around the idea of setting up a second, sort of MASH unit away from the hospital and the constant shiny beacon saying:

BUFFET DINING! All you can eat of low HP humans! Eatin's cheap, fellow zeds!

(*I'm sorry, but we all know the PDs, FDs, and hospitals all scream tasty-cakes buffet of humans huddled in a corner in some semblance of safety. I was curious about the feasibility of a sort of MASH network to allow newbs to gain XP through healing, and to help our more outgoing citizens in their zed hunts)

Sorry- forgot to sign- --Poker Alice 03:31, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

Where are all the RAF members? I'll tell you where they are. They are standing at Allder Way and Male Way revive points in Shearbank. Yes, it seems some of them helped in the siege against Mall Tour 07. --Axe Hack Talk 13:12, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
Cut the RAF this and RAF that cookies (no effence),do you know who hard it is to find an entry point after reviving, or being revived, with their plan. Beside, they never asked any DEM about the plan, so the RAF should not be included. (Other groups are welcome add) --P4X639 03:36, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
Sorry about that. Just trying to argue the point that a currently unused or lightly used building by a group that is currently claiming it, could have a better usage than just sitting there, especially if the building doesn't yeild anything useful when searched. Meh. There's no sense in fussing and fighting about it on the wiki. =/ --Poker Alice 04:28, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Malton Hospitals Group

Are you still getting help from the MEMS in Edgecombe? It doesn't say that they're in Edgecombe on the wiki, and I'd like to know if I should take them off the revised list.--Labine50 MH|ME|TNT'07 18:19, 7 April 2007 (BST)