User:Dray/Fa Whitecat

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Fa 'Whitecat' Edelen
Joined: October 2005
Character class: Civilian
Favorite equipment: Hatchet
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Life in Malton
Character stats: Age: 25

Gender: Female

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Journal: Survivor Diaries journal for Fa 'Whitecat' Edelen


Tall and skinny, Fa doesn't look necessarily healthy but she does enough hard work from day to day to give her a sinewy sort of strength. She has a mop of wavy blonde hair that she endeavors to keep brushed, and when she has access to water and soap, washed as well. Her facial features are sharp and refined, with high cheekbones and pointed brows, a narrow nose, blue eyes, and thin lips. Since her last revive she hasn't seen many tangles with the undead, nor other accidents, so she's all but free from scarring.

Fa wears whatever she can get her hands on, taking on more layers as the weather grows progressively colder. Currently she can be seen sporting her very beaten reinforced workboots, black long-underwear beneath ripped and torn denim jeans, a heavy belt that holds an extremely sharp hatchet, as well as a holster housing an empty pistol. She tends to wear several layers of shirts at a time, and has taken out her heavy grey sweater for colder weather--it's very well worn, and evidence of both zombie claws and buckshot have been carefully stitched back into line, so the sweater doesn't fit very well. Since Fa lost her heavy winter coat sometime over the course of the year, she's found another that, while the sleeves are ripped mostly off, has a heavy hood, fits well, and is an indiscriminant shade of brown-grey-red.Over top of this she can sometimes be seen wearing a military-issue, black winter jacket. She carries her hiking pack with her wherever she goes, and when she's going out for long treks across suburbs, she brings her walking stick, both to help with slippery terrain and in self defense.


Fa is a wary individual, mistrustful of strangers, especially strange men. She isn't often seen on her own, instead preferring the company of KTFE or Agate, or both. Beneath her sometimes thorny personality, Fa still fights with the values she held dear from before the outbreak. She still tries to be polite, friendly, helpful, and otherwise a good person, and she still either catches herself flirting or thinking that somebody else is trying to do so with her from time to time, and she still tends to be incredibly uncomfortable when she's stuck on her own, away from familiar faces. She can be flighty at times, especially in relationships of any kind, but generally she's come to accept that everybody is in Malton for the long haul. Thusly, she's pretty reliable when it comes to scouting the neighborhood (she does a morning round every day in a three block radius, and stops by gathering hotspots like the hospital and police station to the north whenever she can), and she keeps everybody else in mind when making plans or finding food or supplies.

Lately it seems as if more people have been looking towards her for the leadership of the people living within the Cosway Hotel, but Fa has issues with the thought of giving orders. She knows that she can be naggy when she feels responsible for another person, and she also tends to make decisions without a lot of forethought. She seems capbable of making hard decisions, however, though she’s more than happy to share responsibility with others.


Fa was born in north Malton and lived in the city for most of her life, the middle sibling of three to a middle-class family. A very ‘middle sibling’ kind of child, she looked up to and alternately fought incessantly with her older brother, and protected or teased her younger brother, depending on what action was called for. Her father was a very focused outdoorsman and despite her mother’s attempts to turn her into a girl with girly values, Fa was converted to tomboy behavior from a very young age.

She was an adventurous child and absolutely adored any camping or hunting she got dragged along on, though after a hunting accident she could never really handle a gun again without feeling extremely anxious about it.

Though she always struggled to be noticed and so squabbled often with her family, she loved them dearly; so, at fifteen when she brought her first girlfriend home and was practically disowned, Fa was devastated. She ended up moving in with a friend, and from that point forward she found herself creating and living off of a support net of friends, lovers, and anything in between, often scraping by and getting herself into one kind of trouble or another. She managed to support herself in college for a year or two, but dropped out after a series of fallouts with friends and money, and only got back into it a couple of years after that. Meeting Kay somewhere in that time, Fa became fast friends with the firewoman, and found her quickly on the top of her list of trusted lovers.

That was when the outbreak hit.

Fa had been trapped in the outbreak from the very beginning, caught unaware when the quarantine shut the city down. She’d heard about the riots, but her area was attacked early and she didn’t have a chance to make it to a shuttle past the city limits. She lost contact with most of her friends during this time, which was a severe blow to her psyche, and as she was pushed further south in an attempt to avoid riots, the undead, and survivors who were taking advantage of their chaotic new freedom, she withdrew into herself more and more.

The first time comes for everyone, unfortunately, and a few months into the quarantine an exhausted, disoriented and very hurting Fa was attacked and killed on the south side of Malton. She’d been backed into an alley on this unfamiliar turf, unable to fend off an endless surge of undead. She was revived only a few days later by a Necrotech employee, and Fa practically attached to this new woman, confessing that she was in debt to her for saving her life. She couldn’t admit that she needed somebody—anybody—to stick close to, using the debt as an excuse to trail the NT employee and to help her at any given turn. Fa and the scientist made a very rough living as they moved on in the face of attacks and accidents, generally making their way north again as Fa strived to see what was left of her home, and her friends, and if there was any place for her anymore.

By the time that they moved across the city, Fa found that there really wasn't anything for her on the North Side. She would have followed the scientist, 'Kinrrataiyath', wherever she needed to go, but the two were separated and Fa was left alone again.

She spent at least a month wandering, alternately shambling when she was felled by an ambush or otherwise left unprepared, and by luck or fate she had crossed the city again, and run into KTFE.

Since then, Fa has again latched herself on to the redhead and any other company that Kay may have generated, and now that she's found her nook she's not giving it up! Lately, she's been taking on more responsibilities, and she seems to be more her old self now that she has a fairly secure base and some good connections. She troubles herself about KTFE's pregnant state, and so she spends most of her time ensuring that the other woman is allowed to relax. Fa’s taken special pains to bring Kay the best that she can trade for or steal. She doesn't expect to ever escape Malton at this point, but since she has her core group of people and a relatively safe nook to hole up in, she isn't losing sleep over it anymore. More and more she is simply interested in ensuring that those around her are safe and provided for, and that they all have a place to come back to. She knows too well what it’s like to be lost and alone.