Late Night TV Crue/Episode Guide/Season5/Episode4

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Pity the Foo

What can be said about Dhavid Grohl that hasn't already been said? Plenty! Riding on the shoulders of Kurt Cobain's fame, Dhave was the founding member of the mediocre mid-90s rock band Foo Fighters. Just what is the Foo? Why are you fighting it? Should we pity the Foo? Well whatever brought this fame, truth is your a total sham, Dhave. And you don't deserve such a hawt wife. LNTVC member V4por had this to say at Smallwood Cinema in South Blytheville.

Good riddance, to bad music.

Later, v4por grabbed the mic at St. George's for some karaoke, belting out one of Dhave's mysteriously popular songs from 1995.

Now that's what I call an improvement!

Saturday, February 16th, 2013 -- The End of the Malton College of Medicine Cliffhanger

Hi Maltonians! I had a great long weekend, and I hope you did too!

So, in my last update, we were complaining to the Malton College of Medicine about how Skittle Poops killed our new member Vapor in their headquarters. It was so nice of the very rational QBee to respond as follows:

Sarah, I understand your outrage and I must add that V4por has become a well liked figure at MCM. Our history with THZ has been bizarre to me at best. However, I will have to decline your request for me to kill Buck. THZ would crave nothing more than a MCM member, or better yet, me killing one of theirs. MCM's stated mission is to heal and teach. I know that it causes other groups some distress that we don't respond to killing, but being a neutral zone with so many differing players we often have squabbles in the hospital. If you need confirmation ask the PKnights as they are often targets there.
Hopefully next time you come through the hospital you can take a moment and share a necrotini with me and we can chat. I normally check our forum, but not so much the wiki. --QBee 16:07, 16 February 2013 (UTC)

Before we saw this, Triumph and I discussed it, and decided to take matters into our own hands, which is to say, BuckNaked is one dead fucker:

BuckNaked Triumph.JPG

Here of course is BuckNaked Jihad's death:

There was some confusion that our challenge to the MCM was a threat of violence to them. No Golam, we never intended to harm them. We were just worried that they'd get mad about the fact that we'd killed in their HQ. In the end, it was quite the love fest. Here's the end of that conversation, with Vapor chiming in:

For what it's worth, being killed at St George's by TZH is something I've become accustomed to, and dare I say something that I've even come to enjoy.: All that wasted effort only to spend a mere 2-3 AP being brought back to life. Maybe that's why I keep going back after making my rounds. It's a nice way to spend time waiting for one of the TZH mouth breathers to come at and get me. But in the end, it's an internal thing weather our totally amazing and super hawt leader Sarah Silverman wishes to pursue it any further. I doubt it will escalate into MCM deaths. After all, you're not the ones behind the shitty TV programming. ~ Vapor
There will be no MCM deaths. BuckNaked's death shall suffice. If the MCM wishes to sanction Triumph, or me (who asked him to kill BuckNaked), or all of LNTVC, or what have you - so be it. I consider the matter closed. We shall no longer consider St. George's any safer than any other locale. My point is that given TZH does not respect your rules, none who disrepect THEM should receive your ire regardless of location.--Sarah Silverman 18:52, 16 February 2013 (UTC)
No sanctions are needed. It's very wise not to consider St. George's as a safe place. It's a regular round for THZ to stop in and listen at the hospital. I believe v4por has been in the hospital for a couple of THZ rants. However, I too enjoy quality programming and look forward to seeing more of it in Malton. --QBee 20:26, 16 February 2013 (UTC)

Then I stopped by the Malton College of Medicine's hospital HQ to say hello myself. QBee made good on her offer of that drink with this:
Qbee gracious.JPG

Then Vapor decided to celebrate killing Dhave Grohl with a song:

Vapor Sings2.JPG

For which the MCM gave him accolades:

Vapor Sings1.JPG

So that pretty much wraps up that episode. Since then, we've all pretty much been running around killing TZH members. I'll do a roundup of that shortly.

SO. MUCH. FUN!! Love you all! Kiss kiss!--Sarah Silverman 15:13, 19 February 2013 (UTC)