User talk:Murray Jay Suskind/Campaign

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The Gore Corps endorses the candidacy of Murray Jay Suskind. Vote Murray Jay for mayor of Malton! --Goolina Gore Corps 03:54, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

Beneficial Actions

Good day, my kind Sir.

Whilst it may initially seem that we share somewhat different opinions regarding gun control, it is not ultimately so. In fact, we both support decreased gun violence versus the walking dead- I simply place more emphasis on gun use with regard to harmanz. Looking closer at my esteemed harman opponents, I cannot truly see even one of the major party leaders supporting a position anywhere even close to our stance- we are natural allies. As such, I would like to propose a vague alliance, if you will.

We could pursue a number of options. Those that immediately spring to mind split broadly down two categories:

  1. Mutual support. Any action undertaken by yourself (particularly that of an official endorsement) in support of my campaign will be immediately given in turn, and vice versa
  2. Defamation. Acting together, we can surely sully our opponent's campaigns and personalities far more efficiently.

Add to the factors that our voter base will not even be split by mutual campaign endorsement, given that we stand for seperate posts, and combining our power truly brings some very strong options to the fore.

I await your response eagerly. Yours, Karloth Vois RR 03:37, 4 April 2007 (BST)