UDWiki talk:Administration/Policy Discussion/Prohibit Sysop Misconduct Self-Punishment: Difference between revisions

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:I'm seriously not even reading this. From the very first sentence I can tell that you're not even paying attention to what's been said. Because everything I have said refutes your hyperbolic allegations.  
:I'm seriously not even reading this. From the very first sentence I can tell that you're not even paying attention to what's been said. Because everything I have said refutes your hyperbolic allegations.  
:It's come down to: you see my name, you oppose whatever it is I wrote. It's become that simple, thar knee  jerk with you, Nubis: Wan proposed a change, and it's obviously unnecessary crap meant to screw over the sysops. It's not even worth wasting the time to argue with you.  
:It's come down to: you see my name, you oppose whatever it is I wrote. It's become that simple, thar knee  jerk with you, Nubis: Wan proposed a change, and it's obviously unnecessary crap meant to strangle the sysops. It's not even worth wasting the time to argue with you, because you obviously don't even read my words nevermind understand them and respond to them appropriately.  
:And now you can use this reply as fodder for how uncooperative and bullheaded ''I'' allegedly am. Brilliant! And utterly predictable. Well... whatever. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 01:20, 7 September 2009 (BST)
:And guess what? Now you can use this reply as fodder for how uncooperative and bullheaded ''I'' allegedly am. Brilliant! And utterly predictable. Well... whatever. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 01:20, 7 September 2009 (BST)

Revision as of 00:42, 7 September 2009

Adminy stuff

With your permission I'd like to move this to "/Prohibit Sysop Misconduct Self-Punishment", both to fix that typo and to make it fit a bit more with the slightly more generic text. Cyberbob  Talk  10:40, 6 September 2009 (BST)

Let me at least comment on the bloody policy before edit conflicting me!! ;P Yes... Move it, please and thanks. --WanYao
tis done. Cyberbob  Talk  10:51, 6 September 2009 (BST)

Policy Discussion

I am proposing this policy so that, in the future, potentially controversial situations such as this can be avoided. To me it seems common sense that the person being "punished" shouldn't decide what their penalty should be. In effect, that's what the status quo in Misconduct allows -- or potentially allows -- to happen. I propose we close this loophole. --WanYao 10:43, 6 September 2009 (BST)

I think it's a good-ish idea, though this really could be solved simply by the other sysops dealing out whatever punishment they would have given anyway on top of the self-inflicted stuff. Failing that, though, this is fine. Cyberbob  Talk  10:47, 6 September 2009 (BST)
You're right, in theory. The problem in practice is that, as it stands, if a sysop "pulls a nubis" :) and bans themselves, discussion can be too easily closed just by a 'crat saying something like this...
boxy said:
"Nubis has banned himself for 24hrs, so this case is pretty much closed"
This is what made people upset: the immediate shutting down of the discussion. Even if there was nothing official about it, the "power of the suggestion" is too strong, as so it the possibility of abuse -- or perception of abuse. Better to close the loophole, imo. --WanYao 11:02, 6 September 2009 (BST)
Okies. Cyberbob  Talk  11:05, 6 September 2009 (BST)
I agree with this. It isn't really much of a punishment if you do it yourself. Also, cutting off a discussion is bad. I must say I like Bob's "on top off" method. This way we can just ignore the self-ban, and we don't need to make a separate misconduct case for it like Jed did.--Umbrella-White.pngThadeous OakleyUmbrella-White.png 11:38, 6 September 2009 (BST)
Imo it just makes more sense, and is easier and more straightforward, to disallow the sysop from banning themselves. Although the abuse argument is legit (I made it after all), I don't think it's a necessary argument for this policy to make sense. "Just ignoring" the self-bans, etc. makes things too complicated and has the potential to lead to more drama than just banning self-bans, period. Make sense? --WanYao 17:52, 6 September 2009 (BST)
Isn't much of a punishment if you do it yourself? What, when someone like Cheese pushes the button it hurts more or something? They push the button EXTRA HARD to make that much more of a point? If the accused isn't fighting the punishment then no matter who applies it it won't have any more meaning.
How can you say it shut down all conversation? I wasn't going to be in there defending myself so clearly they could have continued on had there been anything more to discuss. It wasn't like there was even a tie or a chance of any different outcome. Did you just want them to go on and maybe come up with a lesser punishment or slap on the wrist? That's what normally happens in cases that drag on on A/M and then you all bitch about how the sysops let each other off too easily. Out of the last few cases that have been voted Misconduct how many actually ended with a punishment (other than the ones I inflicted on myself)? Seriously, I would love to know if anyone else has looked into that.
Other than J3D's demotion what was the last punishment given out by the sysop team? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
How many cases have we had that just grind to a halt with a tie vote and no one can be arsed enough to actually do anything other than archive it undecided?
So, which is better? A case that actually ends with a punishment or one that drags out until it is a slap on the wrist and a wag of the old finger? You seem to want that to be the case since you are so adamant about dragging on discussion.
It's not like the community can't pipe in during a case. All comments are to be made on the main page and not the talk page on A/M. It's not like someone couldn't go to a Crat's talk page and say, hey, I don't think that is fair, can you re-open that case?
But, no, making a policy is a much better idea that completely makes sense.
Wan hates things that are difficult and would actually require some thought about how they should be applied and used. That's probably one of those lines in the guidelines that he would like to get rid of. Why don't we write tons of policies and then give everyone sysop powers? That would be fair. If there is no room for sysop discretion in anything then everyone can be a sysop. --– Nubis NWO 19:15, 6 September 2009 (BST)
Of course it all comes down to something that will permit you to call me a name. Good argument there, Nubis. --WanYao 01:11, 7 September 2009 (BST)
Two words: "troll baby". Cyberbob  Talk  01:19, 7 September 2009 (BST)
Other than J3D's demotion what was the last punishment given out by the sysop team? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? - Oookkaayy... i want this camera of yours removed from my house. I was watching this movie yesterday. --People's Commissar Hagnat [talk] [wcdz] 01:35, 7 September 2009 (BST)

No contest

Basically what is going on in these cases is that the sysop is pleading "no contest" to the case, and taking a punishment that is over and above what is going to be the likely outcome. This is a good thing. I've done it before, despite disagreeing with the ruling (when I re-banned grim preemptively).
Even if you don't agree that this is what happened in the recent case, it's still not a reason to ban all instances of a sysop agreeing to ban themselves to finish cases without going through days of pointless drama.
If a sysop tries to abuse this, by picking a penalty below what the rest of the team thought was appropriate, they wouldn't be able to get away with it anyway, because the discussion can still continue if anyone thinks they deserve more -- boxy talkteh rulz 12:09 6 September 2009 (BST)

This policy isn't intended to affect sysops pleading "no contest" in the manner you outlined. That could still be done. The intent of the policy is simply to disallow a sysop from taking the physical action of banning themselves: another sysop would have to physically implement the agreed upon ban. Would that slow the system down a bit, and allow the opportunity for more debate (or somethimes drama)? Yes, it would: that is part the point. But at least as important is the idea of closing the loophole which can rightly be seen a bit of a non sequitor at best -- a blatant conflict of interest at worst -- i.e. the punishee enacting the punishment themselves.
Also, to make it perfectly clear, this affects only Misconduct cases -- it is not intended to affect the times when a sysop might ask for a "voluntary ban" via A/VB, for example as I think hagnat and SA(?) have done in the past to force a "break" from the wiki on themselves. --WanYao 17:41, 6 September 2009 (BST)

Let me get this straight. So, you basically want A/M to become walls of text, J3D/Bob quip central, repetitive arguments, and pointless drama? You want to insult the other sysops (again) by saying that they are too weak willed to continue on a discussion when someone takes an action on a case? You want the whole process to be drawn out and pointlessly argued back and forth allowing many parties that are not involved to get their say in when they are saying either the exact same thing as the other sysops or aren't even following the whole debate?

You think this will somehow help the wiki by preventing a mea culpa action? Is the real problem the fact that I don't see a 24 hour ban as a scary thing? Is it the fact that Misconduct has no real authority since the "Popularity Vote" policy effectively nerfed it?

The problem is that there is no real ladder in Misconduct because every case has to be decided on its' own merits. (although many people do hold grudges and make it quite clear that they are voting on them) You think every case should be on the page for a certain amount of time? What about the ones that are voted Not Misconduct? Should those stay on there to be debated ad nauseam in case some rogue sysop pops in with a Misconduct vote at the last minute? Since it seems that many people think no matter when a vote is cast that it should be counted.

And how is the idea of double punishment fair at all? Are you really afraid that someone is going to come along in a case like those and say YES! THIS IS THE DEMOTION CASE! Hag had several Misconduct cases and Grim only had the one but clearly the gravity of the case determined the outcome. Even in J3D's case the abuse of checkuser information is much more serious than deleting an image that is a copyright violation and clearly didn't belong on the wiki. To be honest, a 24 hour ban was serious overkill for that action, but since I hate the pointless drama and really dislike giving that tribe any attention I ended it with the first punishment suggested. It seems Cheese really had a hard on for banning me because he thinks I am a problem child.

But, I like how everyone is rallying around to save their precious "porn" and can ignore all the evidence I had that the website it was taken from strictly prohibits the use of their property and somehow this wiki's policy of having to be "requested to be removed" trumps US Copyright Laws. That's rather egotistical of this place. It's almost like people didn't read the case and just saw my name and the word deletion and voted based on that. But that's just paranoia right? Not like people are going to go around making policies JUST based on me?

Oh, wait...

But, yes, Wan, let's make more policies to strangle this place. Maybe instead of writing a policy like this people should just stop uploading inappropriate or "illegal" images in the first place? We shouldn't have to have a debate on what porn is. This is supposed to be a game resource as everyone cries about, not some playground for trolls that have nothing better to do than to push limits. The argument that if violence is allowed that sex should be allowed is asinine as well since this is a wiki for a game about zombies and not some Second Life cybersex wiki. Offensive names are banned, obscene page titles are deleted, but should someone post an image of a chick with a coke bottle shoved up her cooch that is somehow art and must be protected and debated on? What the fuck is wrong with you people that you can't see how inappropriate that is for what this place is?

I'm not talking about "think of the children!". I am speaking about the basic core of what this place is. It's about the text based game. It should be neutral articles on weapons, skills, locations, and search/combat rates. But no, that would be a boring place that only first time players would visit. This has to be a hot bed of drama and in-fighting otherwise no one would come back. But, at the same time the self righteous on here cry that the drama is what scares away the new users!! Give me a break.

You want to debate and discuss the hell out of every case on A/M then so be it. I'm not even getting warmed up here yet.--– Nubis NWO 19:00, 6 September 2009 (BST)

I'm seriously not even reading this. From the very first sentence I can tell that you're not even paying attention to what's been said. Because everything I have said refutes your hyperbolic allegations.
It's come down to: you see my name, you oppose whatever it is I wrote. It's become that simple, thar knee jerk with you, Nubis: Wan proposed a change, and it's obviously unnecessary crap meant to strangle the sysops. It's not even worth wasting the time to argue with you, because you obviously don't even read my words nevermind understand them and respond to them appropriately.
And guess what? Now you can use this reply as fodder for how uncooperative and bullheaded I allegedly am. Brilliant! And utterly predictable. Well... whatever. --WanYao 01:20, 7 September 2009 (BST)