Malton College of Medicine/textbooks

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Malton College of Medicine Textbooks

Malton College of Medicine endorses several wiki-related resources for students, and in addition MCM augments these resources with recordings of on-campus lectures. We are in the process of developing our recording library; more will be added and the content refined as time goes by.

Tiny url for this page:

wiki resources

There are several wiki pages that can be helpful to new survivors.

Zombie Emergency Procedure!


iwitness recordings of lectures

Much more coming soon! We have to sort through all our recordings, and that takes time. The following is just a taste.

The following are iwitness shots or screenshots of lectures given at Malton College of Medicine.

MCM Faculty, Staff and Students

Violet Begonia on Acquisition of Skills Excellent article for new players.

Violet Begonia More Information on Acquisition of Skills

Barak Steele on Combat Medicine (past the dancing zombie.)

Skills for New Survivors (in brief, halfway down the page) - read this before you buy skills!

Lecture by Mere Bystander on early skills. (Very informative.)

Fuzzy Wuzzie on the advantages of having a group. (A must read).

Violet Begonia on gaining skills (part 1) (part 2).

Defense against Zombies

Siege Tactics

Taking Screenshots by Mere Bystander

Mighty Oak Futility of Killing Zeds in the Streets

Violet Begonia on How to Add Friends to your Contacts (given after one to many jello syringes)

Violet Begonia on How to Access the Settings Page

Violet Begonia on Your Limited Daily Energy

FuzzyWuzzie on Revive Point Etiquette

Alvy Fang on the Construction of Barricades

Mere Bystander on Zombie Skills

Mighty Oak on Being Polite in Malton

Mere Bystander on Getting Around Malton

Lor Delpus on Listening for Announcements

Violet Begonia on Fire Arm Safety (and dark buildings)

Mere Bystander on Revivification!

FuzzyWuzzie on Firearms for personal protection

Mere Bystander on the MCM Wiki

Doctor Daz on Malls part 1

Doctor Daz's Conclusion of Lecture on Malls part2

Sonja Red on Barricades and the Best Tools to Maintain Them

Greylyn on Smart & Dumb Revives

Doctor Daz on Emergency Supply Drops

Violet Begonia on How to Use Your Precious XP

Mere Bystander on Rot Revives

Violet Begonia on medic runs

Violet Begonia on starting out life in Malton

Violet Begonia speaks in and about Zamgrh An egg-nog fuelled classic.

Sherry Stringfield on fashion in Malton

Guest lectures

Raharu's eloquent lecture on the Ignore List Please read. This one is referred to often enough, it has a tiny url:

Falcon Talon on Zerging. Very informative lecture on why this is such a problem. This one is referred to often enough, it has a tiny url:

Feisty Old Granny on slang in Malton Humor.

Desmond Styles on military tactics in a hostile environment Read if interested in fighting.

Jorm, Prophet of the Militant Order of Barhah. MCM's first Zombie guest lecture!

Jorm on Barhah. Longer iwitness giving the context of the evening's lecture.

Le Penseur on avoiding being PK'd.

Strayla on Bounty Hunting. (Excellent lecture. Please read.)

Tom Deat on Teamwork part one Really worth reading.

Tom Deat on Teamwork part two Again please read.

Nellie Harmon on Science Skills

Marion Wells Lecture

Nellie Harmon on Hand to Hand Combat

Feisty Old Granny on Managing your Energy

Feisty Old Granny POP QUIZ (Humor)

OmnusOmega on PK'ers

SiR Pluton on Combat Reviving or CRing

Ottari on Necronet Access Skill

Krae on the Pirate dialect

an infection on zerging

Cloister the Stupid, Mall Tourist on historical zombie events

Longer Itwitness giving more context

DJ Deadbeat, The Importance of Lurching Gait and Ankle Grab

Totenmannskiste on the feral zombie's way of life, and what a zombie looks for when targeting a building or a group

Totenmannskiste takes questions on zombie etiquette and how he chooses individual targets

Totenmannskiste on how to climb the zombie skill tree (Note from the lecturer: Tangling Grasp should be replaced by Death Grip, as the latter is way more important early on the claw path. --Spiderzed 12:14, 20 December 2009 (UTC))

Datan0de pleads the case for "Necro Sapients" and the zombie way of life

Totenmannskiste on Death-culting and anti-survivor tactics (Lecture begins halfway down the screenshot.)

Guest lecture series: Tikhon Medical

Tidher's lecture on bathroom cleaning and maintenance in a zombie apocalypse. Humor.

Blk Gryphon on Mooning. (Yes. Mooning. You read right. (Humor))

Elbert Gray on Cleanup AFter a Zombie Incursion

Tidher on maintaining your bathroom (Humor.)

Guest lecture series: Malton Medical Staff

On malls by Doctor Daz. MCM staff, but during the MMS visit.

And a complete look at a day with the wild and wacky MMS: (includes the beginning of Morgueasm's lecture and the end of Imgonnadie and Zombie Fetish's lectures.)Humor.

Everything in one long iwitness Humor.

Earlier in the evening Humor.

Morgueasm lecturing Humor.

How to Handle a Zombie Attack, Alternatives to Anaesthesia, and Revivification Humor.

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