Craske Building International Playboys

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Craske Building International Playboys
Abbreviation: C B I P
Group Numbers: 20
Leadership: Dwayne Pipe
Goals: To get loaded and have a good time
Recruitment Policy: Ask a member in game

The Past

Originally formed in the suburb of Lockettside at their spiritual home, the Craske Building, the Craske Building International Playboys are noted for their now legendary karaoke parties which were always popular with the The 'Sards and the Tompson Mall Irregulars, who they fought, danced, drank, smoked and sang badly alongside until the Pinot finally ran dry and the bottom of the weed bags contained little more than crumbs of comfort…..

The arrival of the Mall Tour marked a change in the fortunes of the Craske Building International Playboys, with some members vowing revenge on the marauding, pillaging and rapist zombies that had defiled the plant pots and yoghurt stands of Tompson Mall. For the entire length of the 2nd siege of Caiger Mall, representatives of the Craske Building International Playboys were locked in the eternal struggle for control of Caiger Mall. We're now happy to report that through an alliance with the Channel 4 News Team the Mall Tour were defeated and sent running home to their mothers.

Malton Pot Smoker of the Year Contest (20th of April 2009)

After challenging The Rambling Drunks in a Pot Smoking Contest the Playboys immediataly went into training to prepare for the ordeal ahead of them. When the smoke cleared out on the 21th of April it was inconclusive who had won, who had participated and what had really happened. It was fun anyway and we might try to do it again, maybe next time someone will stay off the pot long enough to judge the contest? Knowing the parties involved it's a slim chance.

Picnic Tactics (January '08)

Not content with the invention of Flash Bumming, the Craske Bomb and Sex, The CBIP has embarked on organized, long-term BBQs outside the Craske Building. Ever a beacon to others, splinter picnics are popping up throughout Lockettside. Indeed the Lockettside Valkyries are celebrating this new spirit of outdoor comradeship and have set camp outsise St Alexanders Hospital

The Roving Party Never Stops

In keeping with the CBIP's goals of having a good time and spreading the Playboy Lifestyle, the Playboys, along with undead party animal Gomorrah and the Shaved Cat, continue to roam the neighborhoods of Malton seeking drinks, laughs and pharmaceutical-grade stimulants. Much of '07 was spent largely in the Membery Arms with the Rambling Drunks, with a visit to our spiritual home in Lockettside after Barrville fell to the hordes.

The CBIP recently spent a relaxing few weeks at Stringfellows, but were again forced to leave owing to the neighborhood being overrun by zombies. October sees us paying our respects to the Mad Craskers in Heytown. And seeking that damned Trained Monkey.


Grazz Bamb Harmanz an Gamarrah AR Ganna B. RAMM!NG AZZ..!N Zah GHR!ZZMAZ BAZH. RAN HARMANZ, RAAAN!!!

A Journey of Discovery (tm) and We never went away... (October)

Eugene leads a band of drunken reprobates to see the four corners of Malton. Other's stay behind and smoke their absent comrades' stashes.

England fail to win the World Cup (July)

and its all Svenn's fault

The Grand Display (July)

The Craske Building International Playboys are currently rumored to be planning their most outrageous and subversive action to date.

Codenamed Shock and Awe this secret operation will be coming to fruition soon..........Achtung!

To celebrate the start of the World Cup we let off some fireworks.

Radio Playboy Funk (June)

Those funky Craske Building International Playboys, winners of numerous Sony Radio Awards and the coveted Montreux Rose for the funkiest Radio Guys Ever are proud to bring you the cream of funky broadcasting,

Radio Playboy Funk!!

Tune in for news of our hilarious funky pranks, inane funky chatter, funky impressions from our very own funky cross dressing transvestite Miss Chelsea 'Star' Dubois, funky cookery tips and funky travel reports from our very own funky zombie travel reporter, Gomorrah!

Now Broadcasting on 26.67 Mhz!!!

Get Funked with the Funkiest Funkers this side of Funksville!!

The Craske Bomb (April)

Whilst enjoying yet another lavish party one of our more surreal members invented a new cocktail that has now become the official drink of the Craske Building International Playboys.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we proudly present

The Craske Bomb.

Delia would be proud!

The Present, A New Hope (March)

The Craske Building International Playboys are on a break from the Red Light District Tour and are based at a secret location. Under the supervision of bio-weapons scientists they are involved in weapons testing and the direction of a full frontal campaign against the zombie horde. Few facts are known about the true nature of these secretive and horrific weapons, but their full apocalyptic magnitude will be unleashed upon the zombies in the coming weeks.

Additional.....details of these new SUPER WEAPONS can be found at Flash_Bumming

The Red Light District Tour '06 (February)

If your passing a building with a smutty name and you can hear a karaoke party in full swing, chances are you are in the most esteemed presence of the Craske Building International Playboys!!

So far the Red Light District Tour has partied on at :

Cocker Boulevard Fire Station , Club Cocker , The Dickin Building, Hooker Bank, Hole Drive School, Club Adam (gay bar), Club Single (not quite so gay bar), Diaper Library, Bending auto Repair, Chester alley, the Hiscock Arms, Fox Street, Bending Walk, Mounty Street, Wagstaff Lane, Tancock Walk, Willy Auto Repair, Organ Avenue and Gay Avenue

The Parting of the Ways (Jan '06)

The remaining members of the Craske Building International Playboys decided what they really needed now was a damn good holiday, and so it was that armed with travel bongs and dragging barrels of Pinot on sledges they struck out east to establish a new outpost at the Craske Museum of Heytown. It was here that, unlike many others that had passed before them, they earnt the respect of the Scavengers, to whom much love and a request for the return of our smash hits karaoke party cd goes out.

Having cleared Heytown of the zombie threat and grown tired of the collection of African art proudly displayed in the Craske Museum, the Craske Building International Playboys decided to have a Sunday afternoon Picnic in Craske Park in Rhodenbank where fried chicken was served.

Later that day, whilst enjoying a pint in the nearby Ablett Arms, the observation was made that a lot of the buildings and streets of Malton had somewhat suggestive and amusing names. This naughty naming has since been attributed to bored planning officials who had obviously not been paying attention at dignity and respect workshops.

It was therefore decided that it would indeed be a challenge worthy of the Craske Building International Playboys to visit all of these locations.

And thus was born the epic and gargantuan journey that has now become known as……