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Revision as of 19:11, 1 April 2010 by Rosslessness (talk | contribs)
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While the conflict between survivors and zombies rages on, several players have opted for inventing smaller games within the constraints of the Urban Dead mechanics. Minigames generally run for a limited time and do not significantly affect the gameplay of non-participants.


A battle involves two or more fighters. However, as actions performed on characters are only observed by who perform them and who they are performed on, it is difficult for spectators and judges to determine whether all the fight rules are being observed or not.


A search involves looking for a specific character - usually one is created specifically for the event. Ideally, the profile of the target is provided to all participants so that it can be identified if it is in a zombie stack. One player operates the target character and monitors any actions performed on it. The first participant to scan, attack, kill, or revive the target is considered the winner.


A race involves traveling to a specified location. The first participant to reach the finish line after touching certain checkpoints (if any) is declared the winner. Another type of race involves using other participants to actively prevent the racer from reaching the finish line.


Betting on various events that occur in game. Because there's not much for character's to wager with, this is more of a metagame activity for players.