Talk:With Blackjack and Hookers

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You play the game I just lost? You cruel person, you. --RahrahCome join the #party! 21:59, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

Discussion of the RG and Griefing

For Rich Hills Regulars and friends. :) --Amber Waves of Pain 09:06, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Casual questioning from a random book.

Hmmm. I was just wondering for what reason I was killed in the Giffard Arms a few days ago. I mean I had a conversation with Gambi when it was a zombie, but I didn't know that marked me for death. --Nomad 21:43, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Hey there, Nomad. I nabbed you, not cuz of your conversation with Gambi - we love a good bitch session, we really do - but cause you'd shot down one of our compatriots in zombie form a couple days earlier, just after they ?rose. Seems I was under the mistaken impression it was something personal rather than a random zombie kill - our members are off and on bounty hunters, when not otherwise engaged, so your bounty at the time also played a part. Anyways, nothing personal, we're not of the 'all PKers are scum' persuasion, just part of the game, yannow? On the plus side, with Cisco's claim I think your bounty might be fully in the clear at this point. Cheers. -- M arcusF ilby T 00:42, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Bitch session? If I killed a member then I'm sorry but it would have only been because it was a zombie and not otherwise. I think I only have Gambi on my contacts list and that was only for the chat. Wow I suppose I owe you some sort of twisted thanks Marcus, you see I don't check the RG and I had no idea I had a bounty. You lot know Cisco Kitty? Well I guess this explains why I was gunned down during importent bussines. *Sigh.* Thank you for responding Marcus at least I know why now. --Nomad 05:10, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Hey there Mister Nomad! I enjoyed our chat in Giffard and I'd love to do it again some time. I was disappointed that you couldn't understand me as I was mostly just gabbin' with ya. We didn't have you marked per-say but as you do have a low bounty, you were a priority target when we rocked up the next day. As for bitch sessions, I believe Marcus is referring to a conversation inside the Splain Arms last night between myself, one of our all stars and BriAnna Blackmoor who was mostly pissed at us for trying to clear her bounty. Your thanks is not necessary but we'd love for you to have a good relationship with the friendly people over there on the Rogues Gallery. As for Cisco, I know her but I don't speak to her any longer. Cheers! --Amber Waves of Pain 06:15, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, sorry bout that... bitch session is a local colloquialism I guess. Just means to gossip, to shoot the bull, that sorta thing. :) Sorry we interrupted your srs bzness there, bud. -- M arcusF ilby T 06:24, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

So since your group are only part time bounty hunters am I to take it that when I am killed by you in zombie form (Like last night.) that it is only random chance. --Nomad 17:43, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

What? You don't like hagz? :) --Amber Waves of Pain 17:03, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Possible Mock Account?

I ran across this guy here with your tags and an almost familiar name(Saint Giambi). I'm not sure if this person is an actual accepted member of WBaH or not, but I figured it looked fishy enough to bring to your attention. Anyway, cheers to you folks! --YoHohoTalk 06:44, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Nah, s/he ain't ours. Misguided groupie or something, there are a few floating around. Thanks for the heads up, though! -- M arcusF ilby T 06:58, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
Anytime, Marc. --YoHohoTalk 07:08, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
Just dropping this one to you. Said link in his profile is the same cute little virus that some of the "prudence/amber" zergs have noted in their profiles. You may actually be able to take it up with Kevan about said accounts because of the links in them, being that they would infect random peoples computers with malware. -- Emot-argh.gif 07:35, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
Thanks, we're aware of it. The links were reported to tinyurl customer service but I may just take it up with Kevan in my next email to him. --Amber Waves of Pain 09:35, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, I nearly clicked on that one myself. I've come across the Mail Flood exploit before and it's not really considered a virus, I don't think. The website that hosts it has a lovely collection of tools to be a prick, this is one of the more harmless. --YoHohoTalk 19:07, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

I hereby nickname this group... "Wabbajack."

Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 04:33, 22 January 2010 (UTC)

I'm trying, I mean, really trying, to make a penis joke. But it's half four in the morning and I'm really not managing it. Someone please make one for me. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 04:38, 22 January 2010 (UTC)
Well, you certainly wouldn't use the one on the others… *shudders at the thought of an Ogrim hooker* ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 06:14, 27 January 2010 (UTC)
>.> -Saralan Talk 404 ZHU 14:12, 29 March 2010 (BST)

Unrepentant zergers afraid to speak to us.

Taken from Dawn Patrol's alt group's forum. (Link is via proxy because seriously, fuck giving them your IP.)

This goes out to all you bounty hunters who think so high-and-mighty of yourselves....

Yep, its me, John. You think griefing my non-cheating character is gonna convince me to stop playing UD? I got news for you guys. Its not. It does however prove to anyone reading this, what YOUR TRUE COLORS are....You are nothing more than GRIEFERS. You are lower than zergers. You are lower than us. You see, I might cheat in a game, but you are abusive in nature. You are truly sad individuals, behaving the way you do to other human beings. You are a disgusting lot, all of you. I wish I could say I laugh at what you say, but lets be honest here, you get on my nerves. I am not afraid to admit that you bother me. You really piss me off at times. But even so, even if, and even when, you do get to me...I will not quit because of it.

YOU...on-the-other-hand, you have no where to go but down. Your actions are going to come back and bite you in the ass. I have already begun to see it happen in our area of operations. We are receiving ten-times the help we ever used to get. I get ten-times the revives vs attacked as it used to be. You see...
the majority of Malton Citezens (sic) no-longer believe that zergers get punished for cheating. They no longer fear nor believe that banning will come. Many are embracing it, much like yourselves, only they (not you) are willing to be up-front and honest rather than be like you guys/gals, who are very devious and dirty, and malicious. Your behavior is grotesque to put it mildly.

THIS IS A GAME! I am disappointed that anyone, ANYONE, would take it to the extremes that you people have done. But I guess that comes from a personality type like yours. People who are hurt and frustrated at their station in life. I too feel helpless some days, but I choose to rise above it and continue to treat my fellow man as equals to me, rather than take a darker approach and slander, abuse, and harass them into doing what I want. I don't believe it is your right to attack me in this game. You are going too far. You are misbehaving because there are no consequences to your actions in-game, much the same as there are none to zerging.

So I implore you to give up this nonsense and just let folks play this game. You really get nothing in the end. Its a game. You have nothing solid to keep. Nothing lasting to take with you. Is the memories you are making of how nasty you can be, really all that great? Are they really all that wonderful that you can look back someday and say, "I really showed those cheaters a thing or two!" ???
WILL THAT SUSTAIN YOU IN THE END? Will that fulfill you? If so, you are a deeply disturbed bunch!

I am doing my damdest to remain out of conversations with any of you since you do take such delight in them. But I am a human and I will make mistakes. But I want you to know, all of you, that I will continue to play as I have done until I either retire, or get banned. So I suggest you beg Kevan to ban people if you want me to go away. Or be nicer to me so that I may loose the anger that sustains my pride and eventually I will fade like so many others. But as long as you continue to harass myself or my friends, I am afraid I am going to remain, just as a FUGG OFF to you!
End of story!

Oh, and I do believe it is you who are the liars. You are the ones who share intel among your Alts, among your many groups, your avenues of intel, it is you who send or encourage spies like Saint Gambi to continue to enter forums she/he is not welcome or Inquisitor Zechs. It is you who continue to verbally abuse other players. It is you who are too scared to grow up and admit your criminal behavior. I am a zerger, have been since the beginning and have been very open. I am not the liar as you claim. You falsely accuse me and my friends all the time. It is you who are the danger to Urban Dead. It is you who have pushed out players. It is you who wear a sheepskin over your wolfish face. You are the reason so many have left, and quit, and you and your groups and your tactics have caused so many players actual pain in their hearts. YOU SHOULD ALL FEEL SHAME FOR YOUR ACTIONS! along and mock me, because as you say, I am butthurt and emo! There is truth to that. I am emotional when I get slandered, something deep inside me gets riled up when someone lies about me or attacks me when there is not a genuinely good reason. And I am afraid that CHEATING IN A GAME is not a good enough reason. You don't like me? Then don't play with me. Ignore me, leave me alone, avoid me. That is a better option than harassing someone or being cruel to them. You will learn that cruel behavior only rots your soul. You are all in danger of rotting your souls. That is a fact ladies and gentleman. Not an idle promise nor empty threat. Change your behavior before it becomes a permanent facet to your real lives. your souls. That is a fact ladies and gentleman. Not an idle promise nor empty threat. Change your behavior before it becomes a permanent facet to your real lives. -- Butthurt philanthropist and messiah complexed zerg, St Aden

tl;dr translation:

So this is our official response:
lol@you. Quit zerging. --Amber Waves of Pain 04:23, 23 April 2010 (BST)

"We are receiving ten-times the help we ever used to get. I get ten-times the revives vs attacked as it used to be. You see...
the majority of Malton Citezens (sic) no-longer believe that zergers get punished for cheating."
I'd have thought that a group that cheats and is proud of cheating would realise that ten times more support from characters doesn't really mean ten times more support from players, but rather more support from fewer zergers. That, and if you're getting revived more frequently, you're also getting killed more frequently.
" You are the ones who share intel among your Alts, among your many groups... "
Lies and slander.
" when someone... attacks me when there is not a genuinely good reason. And I am afraid that CHEATING IN A GAME is not a good enough reason. "
So... Cheating in a game, then being called out on it in that game, is not enough of a reason for you to change your behaviour at least, if not feel some remorse for it? Wow, I'd never so much as play cribbage with you. --Visible One 04:54, 23 April 2010 (BST)

"[...] I choose to rise above it and continue to treat my fellow man as equals to me, rather than take a darker approach and slander, abuse, and harass them into doing what I want."
You mean like your good friends in Dawn Patrol are doing? ;) --ZiPbeep boopMH+LUE 04:58, 23 April 2010 (BST)