The McCulloch Building

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The McCulloch Building
No report since 2020.
--VVV RPMBG 06:04, 29 July 2024 (UTC)
the McCulloch Building

Stanbury Village [50,53]

the Kellett Building
(Galbraith Hills)
wasteland Sheil Park
Club Colkes
(Galbraith Hills)
the McCulloch Building Stanbury Place
Firminger Walk
(Galbraith Hills)
Clear Street Wickenden Grove

Basic Info:


The McCulloch Building in its heyday: it was always a sleazy dump.

A dingy, rundown tenement block.


Leo 'the Binman' McCulloch: feared, ferocious, fat.

The McCulloch Building was owned by Irish-Italian gangland boss Leo McCulloch (1923-1978), leader of one of Malton's Five Families. Feared for his casual brutality, Leo had risen from obscurity as a barrow-boy to becoming a 'made man' after taking out his boss's rival, Gaetano the Greek, using a potato-peeler.

By the 1930s, McCulloch was a gang leader in his own right, having fallen out with the Spaniards led by George 'Laughing Boy' Lorenzo. From this building, McCulloch ran a range of clandestine operations: protection rackets, smuggling, pyramid schemes and a chain of baked-potato-and-pizza parlours. He acquired the sobriquet 'the Binman' for his catchphrase: he was fond of saying that by killing off rivals (or rather, getting his henchmen to do it), he was merely "taking out the trash".

During the war years, McCulloch capitalised on corrupt deals on war supplies, selling sub-standard clothing and foodstuffs under lucrative contracts with the Ministry of Defence. In the 1950s, McCulloch managed to achieve a certain level of respectability, preferring to smuggle cigarettes and liquor rather than hard drugs - although he secretly had a hand in bringing cocaine and heroin to Malton as well.

The mobsters' golden age came to an abrupt halt in the 1960s, when Mayor Geoghegan and Captain Irwin 'Untouchable' Daynes instituted a Stanbury-wide crackdown on gang activities, as well as rooting out corruption among 'Malton's Finest'. The Great April Fools' Massacre resulted in several gang leaders' deaths in the crossfire. McCulloch - a sizeable target - was shot as he ran down a fire escape, and plunged to a squelchy death on the pavement.

Since McCulloch's death, the building became a haunt for down-and-outs, addicts, prostitutes and pants-less vagrants.

Barricade Policy

Current Status