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Thank You!! --Jianta

  • currently attempting to determine why last line of map is not appearing...

The SE of the West of Monroeville
Central West Monroeville Central East Monroeville Central Monroeville
SW of West Monroeville
wasteland (355,32) Eash Way wasteland The Harding Building The Hardy Museum Lomax Stadium Lomax Stadium The Lang Bar Denny Towers Henderson Way Edwards Boulevard Milligen Street Boyd Bank Arburn Place Lafollette Bank (369,32)
Tallman Street a carpark Leslie Avenue The Rowland Building Thiebaud Park Lomax Stadium Lomax Stadium Manker Grove Davenport Towers wasteland Stevenson Crescent School Hollingsworth Avenue Railway Station Yenne Street Railway Station the Farquhar Monument Nichols Avenue
Wallace Square Leasure Grove McDowell Park Hanslmair Liabrary the Berry Museum Willis Drive Sherrow Road Borisawicz Walk a junkyard Hibbs Place Railway Station Westoer Row the Oliver Building a junkyard wasteland a carpark
a carpark Mullinix Cinema Harrie Auto Repair The Genung Building Trach Plaza The Hinchman Museum a junkyard The Dewees Building a factory the Field Building Siddons Lane the Givens Museum Carr Row a warehouse wasteland
the Beam Museum Lothrop Bank The Powers Building Reynolds Walk Railway Station Farrow Boulevard Club Prall The Sargent Hotel Dunaway Cinema Wilbern Road Fire Station a factory Domer Way a carparl Boyden Avenue a carpark wasteland
Woody Square Railway Station The Furniss Museum Turpin Road The Flanagan Motel St Elizabeth’s Church wasteland Eddinfield Towers Earl Way wasteland Lowry Walk Lukemeyer Crescent the Foust Building Habermel Street Fire Station Ashabranner Avenue Diverter Crescent Railway Station
Winstanley Library Regannas Crescent a junkyard Flaugher Lane The Francis Building Trotter Walk [360-38] The Schneider Building The Millikan Monument The Hutchason Museum a warehouse St. Agapitus's Church Kimes Boulevard Police Dept a factory Van Osdol Avenue Kessler Cinema
the Lynch Monument Shonkwiler Avenue Railway Station Stanley Lane Van Hummell Plaza Mottier Plaza Police Dept [359-39] Newell Auto Repair Schults Park Ossenback Alley Railway Station The Maghee Building a wasteland Nifer Grove Deffendall Crescent Tressider Square Police Dept wasteland Petet Park
Ranke Road Teresa General Hospital Tinkham Lane the Garrigus Monument St Vitalian's Hospital the Wade Bar Miltiades General Hospital a warehouse Pretlow Alley Sears Grove The Hood Museum the Trees Monument Schooley Park The Tilney Building Witham Boulevard
Pinson Square the Sullivan Bar the Pagel Bar Trees Place Coyner Walk Lutz Road Pendelton Grove Railway Station Thornburgh Auto Repair The Test Motel Bradfield Lane Fire Station Crosby Walk Welsh Road Surber Plaza The Richstein Building Gibbons Library
Herron Square Westfall Park the Ford Monument Kell Alley a warehouse the Straghan Building the Ader Museum Seidler Lane Hook Walk Pennington Auto Repair Hopenwrath Drive Runcie Street Fire Station The Weber Building Stafford Lane Doan Avenue
a carpark Welsh Square Railway Station the Leeson Bar Amiss Crescent Schofield Square Railway Station Copeland Plaza Railway Station Kelsay Way The Keller Building Winans Boulevard The Clouse Bar Spoor Grove the Shartless Motel wasteland Songer Auto Repair Forbis Avenue
Schurtz Walk Railway Station Cory Place the Fitzpatrick Building Charllton Park wasteland Crisler Alley Hettinger Way Faulkner Building Swabey Cinema The Abston Museum McCain Lane The Kirkpatrick Hotel wasteland Fodrea Avenue a junkyard
Kimball Bar Beatty Building Kendall Walk Railway Station wasteland Hanlon Square Denis General Hospital Biderbank Crescent Railway Station wasteland Holderman Building a carpark Magel Drive Shipley Walk Railway Station Boyer Row St Eligius Church Ketchum Grove School
Gatewood Museum Sammons Monument Outland Hotel wasteland Kidd Motel Annis Building Schofield Building Stork Motel Thixtun Museum a factory Crowell Bar a warehouse Henkle Bank a wasteland a cemetary
Central Monroeville
Sout Monroeville South Monroeville ??