The central west subdivision is one of the six building blocks of West Monroeville in the city of Monroeville
Besides Drummond Mall, this subdivision is notable as an entertainment district of Monroeville due to the considerable number of bars and clubs.
Resource Buildings
Fire Stations
- Grimes Drive Fire Station [347 ,16]
- Billman Boulevard Fire Station [350,21]
- Burke Place Fire Station [348,24]
- Lewis Boulevard Fire Station [351,24]
- Firsich Drive Fire Station [351,24]
- St Joachim's Hospital [344, 18]
- St Elizabeth's Hospital [349, 18]
- St William's Hospital [345, 22]
- St Jude's Hospital [348, 23]
- St Benedict's Hospital [349, 27]
NecroTech Facilities
Police Departments
- Parke Crescent Police Department [342, 21]
- Lacey Row Police Department [354, 21]
- Elliot Plaza Police Department [352, 23]
Bulletin Boards
Revive Points
Central West
The CW of the West of Monroeville
Oak Hill
NW of West Monroeville
NW of West Monroeville
Oak Hill
a warehouse (340,16)
Kiefer Boulevard (341,16)
Stockwell Towers (342,16)
Schilling Towers (343,16)
the Crouch Hotel (344,16)
Wegner Alley (345,16)
a factory (346,16)
Grimes Drive Fire Station (347,16)
Cronin Walk (348,16)
Piscator Boulevard
a junkyard
Modricker Library
the Beal Building
Hargis Way
Church Way(354,16)
wasteland (340,17)
a warehouse (341,17)
the Lawrence Building (342,17)
the Corfman Bar (343,17)
the Schliecker Building (344,17)
Jones Place (345,17)
Rucker Road (346,17)
the Eckelman Motel (347,17)
Libbert Grove (348,17)
Squier Boulevard
the McMichael Building
Sanderson Park
Club Holtzman
Bulson Bank (340,18)
a carpark (341,18)
Adye Drive (342,18)
the Ball Building (343,18)
St. Joachim's Hospital (344,18)
Drummond Mall (345,18)
Harp Grove (346,18)
Willian Street Railway Station (347,18)
Ranke Library (348,18
St Elisabeth's Hospital (349,18)
Molt Way (350,18)
a carpark
the Shuey Bar
Hawley Way
Stultz Cinema
wasteland (340,19)
Terrell Drive Railway Station (341,19)
St. Cuthbert's Church (342,19)
Hudelson Drive (343,19)
Root Square (344,19)
Drummond Mall (345,19)
Drummond Mall (346,19)
the Youngblood Building (347,19)
the Jenkins Motel (348,19)
a carpark (349,19)
a factory (350,19)
Club Cantrall (351,19)
Maguire Towers
Mayer Alley
Club McCulloch
Faubion Plaza
a junkyard
a cemetery
Gundelfinger Square
Drummond Mall
Holcome Alley
a warehouse
the Recker Motel
Shellheimer Grove
Beard Row
Frink Square
Bates Row
a factory
The Bloxome Bar
Neat Building
Gaddes Street
Parke Crescent Police Department
The McCasky Building
Ranger Crescent
Knott Road
The Graessle Hotel
Pocock Way
Mooney Street
a warehouse
Billman Boulevard Fire Station
Field Auto Repair
Bradshawe Lane
Lacey Row Police Department
Beer Crescent
Applegate Towers
Grant Avenue
Hamilton Street
St William's Hospital
Murray Street
The Harvey Bar
the Gibbs Museum
the Colliver Building
the Farquhar Building
Harrah Park
Rosenthal Lane
Haradin Boulevard Railway Station
a carpark
a factory
The Redman Building
The Hawes Motel
The Trutt Bar
Gasaway Way
The Hetherington Building
Pleak Street
St Jude's Hosptial
Lisman Row
Kerr Walk
Club Hodgin
Elliott Plaza police Department
a junkyard
Bakehorn Alley
Shultz Plaza
a factory
The Proegler Bar
Kessler Drive
Buxton Lane
The Setser Building
a carpark
Burke Place Fire Station
Club Dailey
Kelley Auto Repair
Lewis Boulevard Fire Station
Beatty Street
McFatridge Street School
Faulkner Way
The Torplett Building
The Cameron Motel
Brannon Square
Bertenshaw Walk
Eichling Street
Goldman Crescent
Abner Place School
Sessions Towers
the Junkin Museum
Club Botts
Schurtz Crescent
Resoner Row
McGaughey Building
Pettibone Alley School
Club Bert
Sutton Boulevard
The Dreese Moter
The Selman Monument
Forrest Place Railway Station
a factory
Abbet Place
the Pantzer Monument
a factory
Stanley Crescent
Melton Building
Holly Bank
Club Fermier
Dawson Drive
Neat Walk Railway Station
Hollinger Way
Allen Crescent
Club Goldman
Firsich Drive Fire Station
Snapp Boulevard
The Pink Building
the Denaut Bar
John Avenue School
St. Benedict's Hospital
Manker Square
Stoltz Row
Beatty Lane
Laubscher Towers
Scudder Auto Repair
Club Barclay
Stieler Crescent
Club Ralph
Morgan Library
Hazel Auto Repair
a factory
Caple Library
the Kemper Bar
Zaring Street
the Stork Building
the Close Bar
a junkyard
Logan Street
Layne Street
a wasteland
Combs Row Railway Station
a factory
Towles Road
Bronough Towers
a warehouse
The Mills Motel
a warehouse
Dunning Alley
Sherman Rowe
Spitzmesser Street Railway Station
Brendel Street
West Plaza School
The Miesse Hotel
The Pirtle Hotel
Knepper Avenue
a warehouse
Heffley Alley
Ehrman Alley
Cowan Avenue
The Spinning Bar
The Stine Bar
Crank Avenue
Dollins Building
Gerard Place Railway
Simon Place
Stallings Way
Crum Boulevard Railway Station
the Fritch Building
CE of West Monroeville
Oak Hill
SW of West Monroeville
SE of West Monroeville